Hashofar from FJMC Hashofar from FJMC View in your browser [1] You are receiving this email because you are on the HaShofar list of the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs or you are on our USCJ clergy list. NEW: TO CUSTOMIZE YOUR EMAIL PREFERENCES, CLICK ON THE MANAGE PREFERENCES LINK AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS EMAIL. WHAT FJMC DOES FOR YOU FJMC OFFERS YOU AN OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS YOURSELF THROUGH PARTICIPATING IN AND LEADING ACTIVITIES THAT ARE MOST IMPORTANT TO YOU. [2] 2019 -2021: TWO YEARS THAT CHANGED THE FJMC:  THE FUTURE IS NOW! _by Tom Sudow_ From a worldwide pandemic to significant budgetary challenges to a major staff change - the FJMC faced significant challenges and came out on top. Change [2] [3] BEGINNING AGAIN by Rabbi Charles E. Simon and Dr. Amy L. Sales Big questions have been circling around our minds over the past few weeks: How do we begin again after the pandemic that has so upended our lives, our communities and institutions? Are we turning or returning? Where are we heading and how do we get there? Beginning Again [3] [4] Convention Highlights: Rabbi Sharon Brous and Lea Hochman _by Danny Mandeau_ DATES: JUNE 6 - JUNE 13, 2021 RABBI  SHARON BROUS - SUNDAY JUNE 6, 7:00 PM ET.  Rabbi Brous was named #1 on the Newsweek/The Daily Beast list of the most influential Rabbis in America, and has been recognized by The Forward and the Jerusalem Post as one of the fifty most influential Jews. She was featured on the cover of TIME magazine in 2018 based on Norman Rockwell’s Four Freedoms. Her Ted Talk [5], _It’s Time to Reclaim Religion_ has been viewed more than 1,400,000 times LEA HOCHMAN - MONDAY, JUNE 7, 9:00 ET. For many years, Lea Hochman [6] (née Zimmerman) kept her painful memories of the Shoah locked inside. Lea was born in a small village in Poland called Pohorce. In November 1942, her family was taken, along with the 9 other Jewish families in that village, to a ghetto in the city of Komarno.  Lea escaped the ghetto minutes before it was liquidated.  Her story of survival is unusual. She was able to survive by disguising herself as a Gentile. “I hid my identity, not my body”.   In January 2011, Lea spoke publicly for the first time at a private high school in Toronto. Since that time, she has spoken to many different groups to share her experiences and to spread her message of hope. So what are you waiting for, register now! Checkout the NEW CONVENTION WEBSITE. (www.fjmcconvention2021.org [4].) Register for the Virtual Convention [4] [7] CUSTOMIZE YOUR FJMC EMAIL We have upgraded our email system to provide you with the ability to customize the emails you will receive from FJMC based on the following categories. Our goal is to allow you to receive just the right number of emails from FJMC for you. * HaShofar (monthly) * Live Webinars/Affinity Groups - THIS WEEK (weekly) * Webinar/Affinity Group Event Emails * Convention Information * General Announcements (Yellow Candles, WWW, etc) * International Kiddush Club (weekly) * Affinity Group - XYZ (each Affinity group would be listed). At a minimum we are hoping everyone will subscribe to our monthly _HaShofar_ email and the weekly _Live Webinars/Affinity Group - THIS WEE_K emails. If you want more detailed information, including event announcements and reminders, subscribe to the _Webinar/Affinity Group_ Event Emails; for even more details about a particular _Affinity Group_, subscribe to that group. During the pandemic, we have increased the frequency of our email communications due to a dramatic rise in participation in our Webinar/Affinity Group events when we send out event-specific announcements and reminders. These extra emails may be too much for some of you, so now you have control to manage this to your liking. Manage Preferences [7] [8] HELP WANTED FJMC SKILLS AND TALENTS DATABASE One of the great things about the FJMC is that it is completely led and run by volunteer lay leaders. For those of us that have been involved in Jewish communal work, we know that this is a major accomplishment. We are always looking for members with specific talents and skills to replenish our cadre of volunteers as they move up in the organization and take on more responsibilities on the international and regional level. The link below is a survey to assess what talents and skills are available in our membership. The database is used by our International leadership and Committee Chairmen that are always in need of new volunteers. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey by clicking on the link below. We promise it will only take a few minutes and could lead to you having an impact on the FJMC. YOU DON’T NEED TO BE AN EXPERT IN SOMETHING, IN ORDER TO MAKE AN IMPACT WITH THE FJMC. For example, the FJMC Skills and Talents Database is looking for another ‘coordinator.’ That person might be YOU! And in such a position, you don’t have to know much about databases. All the heavy-lifting of ‘analysis’ of the data which people enter, is done magically by reformed (we are looking for such, which are part of the Conservative movement) ‘gremlins’ who have given up their mischievous ways and designed the filtering elements that anyone can use such tools. Click on the link to take our Skills and Talents survey. Skills and Talents Survey [8] RECENT DONATIONS Thank you for your generous donations! The following people placed online donations to FJMC in the month of April 2021: Leslie Agisim, Matthew Bonus z”l, David Kaplan, Norman Katz, Alan Nissenbaum, Howard Sloan, Harold Waisel, Bruce Waxman. If you would like to make a one-time donation in Memory or in Honor of someone, please click here [9]. This web page now allows you to send either an email or paper letter to the family of the deceased or to the honoree. ------------------------- The following people placed FRIENDS OF FJMC DONATIONS in the month of April 2021: Dr. Moshe Adler, Leslie Agisim, Jerome Agrest, Andrew Alper, Ira Bartfield, Stephen Baum, Dr. William Becker, Richard Berger, Robert Blitzer, Dr. Robert Braitman, Perry Bridger, Elliott Brown, Alan Budman, Daniel Cedarbaum, Mitchell Daks, Rabbi Josef Davidson, Paul Davidson, Dr. Mo Diamant, Stephen Dix, Mark Druy, David Duchin, Irwin Dumtschin, Dr. David Edwards, Jason Eidlitz, Jonathan Epstein, Bruce Fagan, Alan Feldman, Harold Freed, Harold Geller, Mark Givarz, David Glass, Jonathan Goldman, Victor Gomez, Marc Gorenstein, Dr. Peter Gotlieb, Allan Gottesman, Daniel Granek, Richard Gray, Steve Haberman, Jim Handler, Irwin Harris, Glenn Hauer, David Julis, Allan Kahan, Dr. Gary Katz, Norman Katz, Dr. Alexander Kiderman, Joel Kling, Dr. Joel Kurtz, Dr. Joel Kurtz, Norm Kurtz, Arthur Lashin, Blake Lenett, Bob Levine, Daniel Mandeau, Dr. Steven Mandel, Edward Margolis, Jack Marine, Ken Matlick, Jonathan Medwin, Martin Melnick, Arnold Miller, Dr. Donald Miller, Stuart Miller, Dr. Steven Moskowitz, Meir Niad, Jon Norton, Martin Paley, Shelly Pike, Gregg Pollack, Alex Pomerantz, Mark Popovsky, Harvey Redfern, Charles Richards, Dr. Mario Rodriguez, Alex Romano, Mark Rosenson, Karl Rubin, Marty Rudoff, Dr. Evan Rumack, David Scherr, Jeffrey Schulman, Douglas Segerman, Lester Shapiro, Jonathan Shoenholz, Bruce Sicherman, Steve Silverstone, Rabbi Charles Simon, Myles Simpson, David Singer, Ron Solomon, Benny Sommerfeld, Jay Steinberg, Jay Steinmetz, Daniel Stern, Stephen Sturman, Tom Sudow, Warren Sufrin, Bruce Tomar, Kenneth Turkewitz, Jason Waksman, Larry Waskow, Robert Watts, Ronald Wolf, Dr. Eric Yegelwel. If you would like to be a regular monthly contributor to the Friends of FJMC, click here [10]. ------------------------- Note: Donations to the FJMC Foundation [11] are acknowledged separately. If you made a donation online and your name is missing from these lists, we ask your forgiveness. Please email international@fjmc.org so we can fix this discrepancy. Does your Club or Region have something to share with your FJMC community. Contact us at communications@fjmc.org Past HaShofar issues can be found on our website under the Publications tab. [12] Without the FJMC, valuable Jewish programming might never occur. FJMC needs your financial support in order to continue to create the important programs which keeps your Men’s Club vibrant. You can help preserve the significant impact the FJMC and its members have made on behalf of the Conservative Movement and World Jewry by making a pledge. Our movement depends on you! Become a friend of the FJMC [12] Thank you for reading this publication from the FJMC, the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs. We value your privacy and we do not lend or sell our mailing list to outside organizations. The Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs Inc. C/o Officense, Inc., 300 East Lombard Street, Suite 840 Baltimore,, MD 21202 United States (212) 749-8100 | international@fjmc.org Unsubscribe [13] - Unsubscribe from the email list(s) which initiated this email Manage Preferences [7] - Subscribe/Unsubscribe to individual email lists Click here [14] if you want to opt out of all FJMC communications. Links: ------ [1] https://archive2.fjmc.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=43283&qid=[show_link] [2] https://archive2.fjmc.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=43277&qid= [3] https://archive2.fjmc.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=43278&qid= [4] https://archive2.fjmc.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=28319&qid= [5] https://archive2.fjmc.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=28420&qid= [6] https://archive2.fjmc.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=28421&qid= [7] https://fjmc.org/civicrm/profile/edit?gid=98&reset=1&id=&cs=invalidChecksum [8] https://archive2.fjmc.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=28321&qid= [9] https://archive2.fjmc.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=43280&qid= [10] https://archive2.fjmc.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=43281&qid= [11] https://archive2.fjmc.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=28324&qid= [12] https://archive2.fjmc.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=43282&qid= [13] https://archive2.fjmc.org/civicrm/mailing/unsubscribe?reset=1&jid=&qid=&h= [14] https://archive2.fjmc.org/civicrm/mailing/optout?reset=1&jid=&qid=&h=