Knowing Your Why? Past International President Bob Braitman speaks about 'Knowing Your Why" [video length 7:50] |
Men's Club & the FJMC goes beyond the Synagogue Parking Lot. Past Regional President Richard Freiberg speaks about combatting the belief that many men have, that Men's Club ends at the synagogue parking lot, and not understanding the important role which the FJMC plays. [video length 7:19] |
Building a Quality Club by Using the Quality Club Criteria of the FJMC. Past Regional President Peter Gotlieb, and a former member of the Executive Committee Leadership Development Training team of Fischman, Kahan & Gotlieb, speaks about using the Quality Club criteria to help you develop your club into a truly Quality Club. [video length 17:26] |
Attracting Younger Men to Your Club and Region - How to Do It and How to make it successful. International Vice President Alan Budman speaks about attracting younger men to club and regional events, and how to get them to step up to leadership roles. [video length 6:17] |
Responding to an Aging Men's Club Membership. Vice President Bruce Tomar speaks about how your club can effectively respond to an aging men's club membership. [video length 4:51] |
Using Hearing Men's Voices (HMV) Programming to Gain New Members. Vice President Gary Katz, and former chairman of Hearing Mens Voices, speaks about how your club can use the Hearing Mens Voices programs as a recruitment tool to attract members. [video length 7:01] |
Planning Your Club's Year. Regional President Marc Cohen speaks about planning your club's year, revolving around both the Jewish and secular calendars. [video length 11:58] |
How to get Men to Step Up to Leadership Roles. Past Regional President Jason Eidlitz speaks about how to get more men to step up to leadership roles within your club. [video length 7:46] |
Using On-Line Video Tools to run an Effective Meeting. Past Regional President and FJMC Secretary Mark Givarz speaks about how to use on-line video tools to run an effective meeting, when your participants are not all able to be in one place. [video length 9:09] |
Creating Group Chemistry When Your Clubs are Widely Geographically Disbursed. FJMC Vice President and Past Regional President Benny Sommerfeld speaks about how to create group chemistry when your clubs are spread out and the physical distance doesn't permit them to interact with each other on a regular basis. [video length 13:45] |
Running an Effective Meeting and How To Avoid Common Pitfalls. Past FJMC International President Mike Mills speaks about running an effective meeting, and how to avoid the pitfalls which often are part of such meetings. [video length 26:48] |
Improving Your Speaking Style - One Way to Become a Better Leader. Regional President and former chairman of He aring Mens Voices, Gary Katz, speaks about how to improve your speaking style to be a more effective leaders. [video length 8:57] |