Submission #10752 by Temple Emunah Brotherhood - Lexington, MA (714)

Submission information
Submitted by madiamant
Mon, 2017-01-30 23:42
Club Name
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Temple Emunah Brotherhood - Lexington, MA (714)
World Wide Wrap 2017
Club President
$ 0
The Temple Emunah Brotherhood invites everyone to participate in our annual  World Wide Wrap event on Sunday, February 5, 2017, starting at 8:30 AM
The World Wide Wrap is an opportunity for the entire community to participate with Jews all over the world to fulfill the mitzvah of tefillin. This is one of the first mitzvot a Bar- or Bat- Mitzvah fulfills. Join this opportunity to learn about tefillin, how to bind them, and discuss how tefillin are integrated into the daily service. 
The "Wrap" is open to all, with a special invitation to 5th through 7th grade families to attend. A light Community breakfast follows Shaharit Services.

It's also the Supper Bowl Party!

Come back that night at 6:30 PM and join the Brotherhood for an evening of relaxation and fun! Ping pong, a play area with videos will be set up making the event family friendly. Game food and drinks will be served. 

Rumor has it; there will be a football game on TV that we will broadcast in the social hall on our large screen. 

Enjoy schmoozing with friends and family! Admission to the Supper Bowl party is free; for food and drinks - the program is free for attendees of the World Wide Wrap and $5 / person for all others.