Submission #23434 by West Suburban Temple Har Zion - River Forest, IL (612)

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Submitted by edsachs25
Sun, 2022-01-09 16:01
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West Suburban Temple Har Zion - River Forest, IL (612)
World Wide Wrap 2022
Club President

Our program for the 2022 World Wide Wrap will have two parts. 

Part 1 will be a session the prior week, on February 6, with our 6th and 7th grade Hebrew School Classes, talking about Teffillin and having them use the Build-a-Pair kits to create their own. We are unsure at this time whether we will be able to do this in person or remotely (via Zoom). If we will be doing it remotely, we will put together individual Build-a-Pair kits with necessary materials and instructions for the students to use at home.

Part 2, on February 13, will be part of our daily morning Minyan. Our daily Minyan has been remote (Zoom) only for the past two years, so will this program be as well. While our Minyan members normally put their Teffilin before the service begins, we will ask them to hold off and do it all together at the beginning of the service. We will invite all members of our congregation, along with the pre- and post- B’nai Mitzvah students from our Hebrew school, to join. Rabbi Glick will give a short D’var on Teffillin.