Submission #37 by Highland Park Conservative Temple Men's Club - Highland Park, NJ (910)

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Submitted by letraca
Mon, 2012-12-17 15:17
Club Name
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Highland Park Conservative Temple Men's Club - Highland Park, NJ (910)
World Wide Wrap 2013
Club President
$ 50

- Personal instruction of laying tefillin prior to shacharit;

- Breakfast and guest speaker following services;

- Showing of videos;

- Possible Skype webcast or video interaction with other clubs;

- Group sharing and discussing personal experiences of tefillin.

In prior years, the program was led by several rabbis in our congregation who gave personal instruction and provided historical background of laying tefillin. In 2011, our chazzan delivered an entertaining and inspirational reading, "How I Learned to Love Wearing Tefillin"; and in 2012, a dedicated rabbinical student in our congregation conducted a textual and historical discussion of the mitzvah of tefillin.  As the Super Bowl was being played later in the day, he drew a lighthearted connection with a sports metaphor by imploring us that if we are to be in the game of being Jewish, "we need to put on the uniform".  This year we hope to bring in a new speaker to provide further diversity in our presenters.