Submission #91 by Temple Israel of Natick Men's Club - Natick, MA (733)

Submission information
Submitted by jsudenfield
Mon, 2013-01-14 18:59
Club Name
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Temple Israel of Natick Men's Club - Natick, MA (733)
World Wide Wrap 2013
Club President

Every year, the Men's Club of Temple Israel of Natick holds the World Wide Wrap in conjunction with the Religious school students who will be next year's B'nai Mitzvot, along with their parents. The program consists of the following:

1) The Men's Club kicks off the program, talking about the WWW and how Men's Clubs/Temples across the globe are all holding this program on the same day.

2) The Rabbi discusses with the students a reading he hands out about traditions being passed down from one generation to the next

3) The class then watches the 'Ties that Bind' film.

4) The Rabbi and Cantor then demonstrate how to put on Tefillin while the students and parents follow along. During this time, Men's Club members walk around the room helping those that are doing it for the first time.

We have found that a few parents every year become Men's Club helpers in following years!