Greenfaith Energy Certification New

Men’s Club Saves Congregation Several Thousand Dollars

The Men’s Club can provide the leadership and manpower to make the synagogue an “Energy Star” building.  FJMC is a partner with Greenfaith, a multifaith organization that  promotes the religious foundations of protecting the environment.  They have a step-by-step program to establish an energy efficient congregation.  These 13 steps will help you reduce your institution’s energy usage, save money, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  They also provide Webinars.

These steps are:

• Inexpensive - with many no-cost activities

• Fast-acting – generating savings within a month, in many cases

• Easy to implement – with most steps requiring no professional support

For Greenfaith Energy Presentation, CLICK HERE.


Greenfaith contact; Stacey Keneally