Submission #22021 by South Jersey Men'S Club - Cherry Hill, NJ (503)

I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
South Jersey Men'S Club - Cherry Hill, NJ (503)
COVID-19-related activities
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now

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Through both new and adapted programs, the South Jersey Men’s Club, based in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, remained very active and productive in helping its membership and the local Jewish community deal with the COVID-19 crisis. The club continued to meet regularly, online via Zoom, to maintain important continuity and a sense of community for its membership, and initiated various special efforts to address the COVID-19 pandemic and member needs.
The South Jersey Men’s Club, through a multi-pronged effort, successfully adapted to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. We continued to maintain regular programs, and came up with new and innovative programs as needed. Details follow.
• As soon as things started shutting down as a result of COVID-19, the South Jersey Men’s Club made a commitment to continue to hold its monthly Sunday morning meetings every month, by Zoom rather than in person, and successfully did so. One of the earliest programs – held April 12, 2020 – was a Zoom meeting titled “COVID-19 and You,” in which a physician who is the director of the Infectious Diseases department at the Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia gave a very informative presentation and answered numerous questions regarding COVID-19. Another meeting – held February 28, 2021 – featured a physical therapist discussing “Staying Active during a Pandemic.” Other meetings covered such timely topics as the Jewish African-American experience, thoughts from a New Jersey Jewish Medal of Honor recipient, and the personal experiences of a local U.S. congressman at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Attendance for these Zoom events ranged from 40 to 50 people, similar to our prior in person events.
• Several days before a number of the monthly meetings, particularly at the start of the pandemic, South Jersey Men’s Club board members contacted by phone every club member to not only tell them about the upcoming meetings but to reach out during this difficult time to see how people were doing and offer assistance and comfort as needed (many of our members are more than 65 years of age). There were several instances when these outreach efforts resulted in members being assisted, such by helping a member enroll for Meals on Wheels.
• When the COVID vaccines started becoming available in early 2021, South Jersey Men’s Club sent out detailed and user-friendly e-mails to all its members on how to navigate the New Jersey vaccine enrollment systems. Many of the members used this information, and some of our more technically savvy members helped others get signed up for their vaccines in a timely manner. For example, after one of our members noted that he could not get his first vaccine appointment until May 2021, he was contacted by another member, who helped him reschedule to a February 2021 appointment.
• We increased our efforts to assist the local food bank, with which we have long been affiliated, including providing kosher foods. We continued to volunteer to stock shelves on a regular basis. Also, to meet special needs that arose as part of the pandemic, some of our members volunteered to deliver food to homes.
• We initiated fund-raising efforts to help the community. As of March 1, 2021, the South Jersey Men’s Club raised $16,217 for the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund administered by the local Jewish Family and Children’s Service. This included donations of $11,217 by 32 different members in addition to a $5,000 match by the club.
Self Assessment
The South Jersey Men’s Club takes great pride in how it was able to continue to successfully function as a vibrant and vital organization throughout the COVID-19 pandemic by taking proactive steps to continue to meet regularly (on-line) and adapt as needed to meet the needs of both its membership and the Jewish community in the area. The way we continued to stay together as a club, providing many valuable services to its members when many were often feeling isolated, was a true mitzvah. Regarding our monetary donation to the community, while we pride ourselves on being a service-oriented organization, not a “fund-raising” one, given the emergency situation, we were very happy to have been able to contribute as a club, and very proud of how our members stepped up to meet the challenge.
Our COVID-19 efforts strongly supported the FJMC mission of involving Jewish men in Jew life by our continuing to function as a Jewish organization throughout the more than year-long pandemic. Despite everyone primarily being homebound, we helped our members maintain a certain degree of normalcy. When holding in-person monthly meetings became impossible, through innovation we continued to meet monthly via Zoom. We provided leadership by helping our members navigate the state's complicated system for scheduling appointments for their vaccine shots, and by continuing to hold our monthly meetings and touch base with all members via phone we continued to maintain a sense of community.
Following is the link to our “Video” page, which will provide the links to all of our monthly meetings held during the COVID-19 pandemic:

Following are the links to videos of two programs that specifically dealt with COVID-19.
The April 12, 2020, program, “COVID-19 and You”:
The February 28, 2021, program, “Staying Active During a Pandemic”

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