Submission #11228 by Midway Jewish Center Men's Club - Syosset, NY (890)

Submission information
Submitted by Friedberg (not verified)
Thu, 2017-03-30 17:24
Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Midway Jewish Center Men's Club - Syosset, NY (890)
Form completed by
Jason Saltsberg
Heaing Men's Voices Monthly Discucssion Group
3 members attended FJMC leadership training in March; 3 members registered for convention
Programs may be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. Please briefly describe program.
Taste of Israel - wine tasting and fundraiser for JNF
Scotch, steak and seder
High holiday ushering
Men's Club Shabbat held on Friday, March 10
Introduced Haver program to offer assistance to members to help them feel more comfortable attending synagague events
Father-child Escape the Room event
Annual golf outing with Plainview Jewish Center and Woodbury Jewish Center
The Ties That Bind - FJMC Film - (DVD)
David Sieradski
E-mail distribution list and artcile in synagogue bulletin
Jason Saltsberg - incoming regional 3rd VP
Annual Regional Man of the Year and Youth of the Year Dinner - 4 honorees and approximately 40 attendees