Submission #11294 by Temple Ramat Zion Men's Club - Northridge, CA (1020)

Submission information
Submitted by ismsolutions
Thu, 2017-04-13 14:30
Club Name
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Temple Ramat Zion Men's Club - Northridge, CA (1020)
Form completed by
Rick Mark
Hearing Men's Voices programs dealing with spirituality, job loss, retirement, parenting, and more.
Trainings are attended regularly each year, retreats, and we had one of our HMV programs led for us.
Programs may be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. Please briefly describe program.
We have helped our Temple with out Shabbat Experience program that enlightens our Shabbat Services with music, guest cantors
We have a yearly breakfast and BBQ that we host with our sisterhood.
We do offer the Build a Pair Program with our Rabbi, challah baking, and Shabbat Dinner building
We put do 10 dinners a year for our congregation and deliver food to our Police and Fire Departments after each one
We handle ushering at all events and holidays, provide Shabbat Dinners, assist our USY and Hebrew school for their events.
We do a Men's Club weekend - Friday night and Saturday, with lunch and learn on Saturday and speaker theme the whole weekend.
We had an HMV program this year specifically working with members who were not Men's Club Members to to bring them into the fold
Our Club has adopted our Rabbi's garden and keeps it beautiful year round. This garden is visible and used by all.
We have brought our Men's kids into our kitchen to learn about cooking and our various meals we make...our Junior Chef's
We worked together with the Men of Temple Ahavat Shalom for our Purim Carnival festivities this year. It was great!
We have purchased yellow candles this year and are about to purchase the HMV series as well.
Our next Club President is going to be Alberto Hananel.
We have a communications VP, JP Wolk, and we send weekly notifications, info etc. via email, phone, and our Temple website
Steve Berger, Rick Mark, Alberto Hananel and others attended MOY