Submission #11397 by Kol Rinah Men'S Club - St. Louis, MO (633)

Submission information
Submitted by darthzaydah@gma...
Fri, 2017-04-21 16:16
Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Kol Rinah Men'S Club - St. Louis, MO (633)
Form completed by
Max Brown
Topics have included among others, Creating an Ethical Will, Examining Your Faith and My Father Myself. The sessions are conduct
Members have attended Midwest Region retreats and FJMC Keruv training.
Programs may be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. Please briefly describe program.
We have an annual joint trivia night fundraiser with our Sisterhood.
We have a Build-A-Pair program and are beginning a Yad Shel Chai program. We participate in the WWW.
The Men's Club is the official usher corp for High Holidays.
Men's Club Shabbat is a Saturday morning worship service run entirely by Men's Club members.
We have a very active Keruv program and we have been meeting with the Rabbi to review and revise the shul's by-laws for inclusio
We are planning a father-child bowling party for this summer. We also provide scholarships for Jewish learning opportunities.
We are holding our 2nd annual bike ride with Congregation B'nai Amoona, June 25. We also jointly celebrate Man of the Year event
We purchased the Hearing Men's Voices series of books when we implemented our HMV program.
James Singman
We have group emails using Constant Contact.
Bob Olshan, Midwest Region Treasurer & Don Singer MW Region Secretary
We average 20 of our members attending the annual Man of the Year event in St. Louis and 4 or 5 attend regional retreats.