Submission #11472 by Beth Torah Men's Club - Richardson, TX (1713)

Submission information
brian_j_rubenstein's picture
Submitted by brian_j_rubenstein
Mon, 2017-04-24 10:13
Club Name
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Beth Torah Men's Club - Richardson, TX (1713)
Form completed by
Brian Rubenstein
Hearing Men's Voices program will be our wrap-up breakfast topic for this year and will be held on Sunday, May 21, 2017
Rusty Dworkin has an active role with our board and serves as our liason to FJMC. Dave Mandell, and Dave Gerstein as well
Programs may be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. Please briefly describe program.
we hold 2 joint breakfasts with CBT Sisterhood, in November and in February
We do have Torah study with our Rabbi ocassionaly & we teach how to lay tefillin with our learning center kids at morning minyan
done outreach at emergency youth shelter, collected food / donated it & meals to the hungry through family services
our club provides ushers for high holidays and other larger services (bar/bat mitzah, etc). also do synagogue handyman work
held this past year on march 24/25. had the FJMC Sefer Haftarah that weekend, too!
collect cardboard to recycling from events / deposit in on-site container for pick up, also an annual document shredding event
have random bowling mornings for members and their kids (bowling and bagels)
participate in the WORLD WIDE WRAP, which in Dallas is a joint program of the 3 local clubs/ conservative shuls
participate in the youth medalion award
David Duchin will be our next president for the 2017-2018 term
we send 2-3 emails a month with updates on what's going on with our club and upcoming events
Rusty Dworkin
Rusty Dworkin, Dave Mandell
we encouraged our membership to support the mezuzot program for Cuba