Submission #11615 by Har Shalom Men's Club - Potomac, MD (1151)

Submission information
Submitted by hfreed
Thu, 2017-04-27 16:16
Club Name
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Har Shalom Men's Club - Potomac, MD (1151)
Form completed by
Hal Freed, Past President
We have reguar golf in the fall, spring and summer.
Hal Freed attended the November 2016 LDI and the Seaboard Retreat in July '16
Programs may be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. Please briefly describe program.
Men's Club and Sisterhood support each other's Shabbt by working in the kitchen while other Sabbat service goes on
We annually sell Sukkah kits to members of our congregation and other clubs
We distributed food to Russian Families on High Holidays and conduct monthly Shabbat Services at a Senior's home
We regularly help in the kitchen with the Shabbat Kiddush & jointly hold Purim Carnival and Yom Ha'Atzmaut with shul
We held our Men's Club Shabbat on March 25.
A scholarship was give to a worthy student to attend a Jewish program
Members of B'nai Tzedek of Potomac Md and Share Torah of Gaithersburg were included in a Brunch with politicians
Pres K. Hartman will do the 2nd yr of his 2 year term in 2017-2018. A President Elect, to be elected in May, will succeed him
Club communicates through the synagogue monthly newsletter and a club list serve to our members
Hal Freed as Immediate Past President of the Seaboard Region, is an officer of the region
Mark Berlin is on the FJMC Nominations Committee
J. Markowitz will be honored at the Seaboard BYMOY Gala on May 21.
Sold kippahs made by Uganda Jews to rais money for them as part of Seaboard Projecdt that has raised over $3000 for Ungandan Jew