Submission #11980 by East Brunswick Jewish Center Men's Club - E. Brunswick, NJ (953)

Submission information
Submitted by Friedberg (not verified)
Tue, 2017-05-30 14:48
Club Name
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East Brunswick Jewish Center Men's Club - E. Brunswick, NJ (953)
Form completed by
Howard Jacobs
Wellness: we have an extensive softball program (4 teams partcipate in our Federation league), and extensive basketball program.
David Julis and Dave Mandell both went to LDI.
Programs may be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. Please briefly describe program.
Shiva minyanim in EBJC are led by Mitzvah Corps and supported by Men's Club.
We held several events with our Sisterhood (a concert and a book discussion).
We held a dinner in the sukkah, including the traditional prayers.
We hosted a community blood drive (40 pints of blood collected by NJ Blood services).
ushered for high holidays; switched prayer books for high holidays; with sisterhood, cleaned Torah silver.
Held a Saturday morning Men's Club Shabbat.
Worked with Rabbi Finkelstein to put together a Keruv committee.
Last summer we sponsored a vegetable garden, and donated the produce we raised to local food pantries.
Supported multiple youth initiatives, including a visit to the Holocaust museum in NY, and coffee gift cards to college students
participated in Federation sponsored softball league.
Have selected co-presidents: Arthur Fliegelman and Sheldon Horowitz
we publicize our activities in the shul newsletter, the shul website, and in weekly emails.
David Julis is a VP of our NJJR region.
Dave Mandell is a treasurer of FJMC.
David Julis - regional Man of the Year