Submission #12033 by B'nai Israel Men's Club - Rockville, MD (1103)

Submission information
Submitted by wayne4bnai
Mon, 2017-06-05 21:00
Club Name
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B'nai Israel Men's Club - Rockville, MD (1103)
Form completed by
Wayne Berman
Our Men's Club has a very active and winning spring and fall Softball team with over 25 members and we play basketball with USY
Our President and other members attened the Seaboard Regional retreat in 2016 at the Pearlstone Center near Baltimore.
Programs may be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. Please briefly describe program.
We regularly have Men's Club Shabbat led by our members and we have a Tu b'shvat seder as part of the Kiddish experience.
We have held Sunday morning speaker-brunches with our Sisterhood as well as movie nights, Hanukah events and cooking.
We sell sukkahs annually. our members work in talmud torah classses to "Build-A-Pair"
For 12 years, we have held an Health and Fitness Expo for the Rockville community and we cook and deliver food to shelters
We usher and do seat numbering for High Holiday services for our 1100 family congregation. We serve food at other hoildays.
WE held Men's Club Shabbat on Februrary 26, 2016
Have not done this
Have not done this
OUr very successful "Afternoon with Abba" program brings Dads and kids together for a baseball games, bowling, & laser tag
Have not done this
Purchase "Build-a-Pair" kits for our Talmud Torah
Wayne Berman and Richard Saltzman, co-Presidents
We have weekly e-mail blasts, monthly flyers, articles, and weekly listings in Shabbat program
No one at this time
No one at this time
Bram Hass was BNAI Israel's Blue Yarmulke Man-of-the-Year for 2016 - honored at the Seaboard Region Dinner on May 21, 2017
Not at this time