Submission #12125 by Beth Sholom Men'S Club - Elkins Park, PA (532)

Submission information
Submitted by desesquire
Thu, 2017-06-08 10:39
Club Name
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Beth Sholom Men'S Club - Elkins Park, PA (532)
Form completed by
David Sternberg
Hearing Men's Voices - Our Fathers Ourselves
David Sternberg and Art Lashin attended the Quad Regional retreat
Programs may be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. Please briefly describe program.
We held a Men's Club Shabbat and have Shabbat Experiences throughout the year
Held a joint Friday Night Service with Sisterhood in November
Held Sunday morning brunch with Jewish speaker
Particpated in Project Hope to deliver Passover Food
Men's club members participate in cleaning and helping throughout the synogogue
Men's CLub Shabbat was held on February 18
Men's Clun members tend the Mitzva Garden
We working with Adath Jeshurun and Melrose B'ani Israel on the World Wide
Purchased Hearing Men's Voices books
We send out emails of all upcomming events every week
President of MAR - Art Lashin
Many of our members attended the Man of the Year dinner and seminars held througout the year
We work with a sister congregation in Israel on events and fundraising