Submission #27369 by Ohev Shalom Men's Club - Maitland, FL (1316)

Submission information
Submitted by Canadiensa04
Fri, 2023-01-13 10:48
I have read the 2023 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
Ohev Shalom Men's Club - Maitland, FL (1316)
Help Ukraine
Club Representative
Person completing form
Dr. Jeff Shore
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now

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COS Men's Club raises money from fundraisers to support the synagogue and offer scholarships to the youth of the COS Hebrew School. The attack by Russia on Ukraine and the thousands of Ukrainian families forced to leave their homes and flee to Poland gave the Men's Club a immediate reason to raise funds. A "Help for Ukraine" event was planned for Sunday, May 22, 2022 and over $11,500 was raised and sent to the JCC of Krakow.
The Men’s Club of Congregation Ohev Shalom hosted an afternoon event on Sunday, May 22, 2022 to raise much needed funds for Ukrainian refugees who have been forced to leave their homes and flee their country amid the ongoing war with Russia. 120 people filled the social hall for this important event, paying $36-$72 per ticket to attend.
Mark Stone, a long-standing member of the congregation and a mentalist extraordinaire, donated his time to present his comedy and ESP show “MENTALMANIA”. Mark astounded the audience with his uncanny ability to read minds, make predictions and “see” with his fingertips while blindfolded. He engaged with the audience and performed his classic 53 card trick, telephone book listing determination and combining multiple numbers in columns and rows to add up to a predetermined number.
The committee presented 3 videos highlighting interviews with JCC of Krakow Executive Director Jonathan Ornstein on CNN, Congregation of Reform Judaism Rabbi Steven Engel on WESH-2, a local TV station, and a young girl named Claire singing Adele’s “Make You Feel My Love”, which brought tears to many in attendance. Rabbi Murray Ezring, COS Interim Rabbi, spoke about the injustice going on in the Ukraine in his opening remarks.
One hundred percent of the proceeds from ticket sales and donations were sent to the JCC of Krakow. The Men’s Club agreed to cover all the expenses.
The generosity of those who made donations was heartwarming. But I believe that one donation made stood out above the rest. The COS afternoon school donated $302 from their Tzedakah Fund, mostly in one-dollar bills. In all, the event raised over $11,500. Everyone left the event with feelings of sadness for the Ukrainian families and were pleased that the Men's Club organized the event to raise both awareness and much needed funds.
Self Assessment
COS Men's Club traditionally holds 2 major fundraisers each year, raising thousands of dollars for the synagogue and for scholarships for youth to go to Camp Ramah and Israel. This fundraiser brought the synagogue congregants and the community together to show support for the Ukrainian refugees fleeing their homes. The entire Men's
Club membership made telephone calls to inform the public of the event. The event was a total success, with over $11,500 sent to the JCC of Krakow, where over 400 refugees were being taken care of. During the video presentation before Mark Stone's mentalist show, there were many tears shed and approximately $3,000 of additional donations were received. Our club has 125 members and the synagogue has 550 family units. The Men's Club totally supported this important event.
After considering several options of where to send the funds raised at the Help for Ukraine event, the Men's Club decided to reach out to the JCC of Krakow. We spoke to Jonathan Orenstein, CEO of the JCC of Krakow, and he shared with us that his team was doing their best to provide Jewish services and traditions to the refugees. This was a key to having our Jewish men helping a Jewish organization thousands of miles away to make it a little easier for the Ukrainian families..The men took leadership roles in planning the event with short notice and reached out to the community for support, both financially and with compassion.
Planning an event that will benefit an outside organization is often not scheduled in the yearly programming of the Men's Club. When a urgent need to act required 100% participation and support of the club membership, the Men's Club leaders made telephone calls, sent emails and texts and personally reached out to the clubmembership and the synagogue membership to get support. That is the mission of our club. "Total commitment and dedication in what we do".

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