Submission #28081 by B'nai Israel Men's Club - Rockville, MD (1103)

Submission information
Submitted by jsalant
Wed, 2023-03-15 19:56
I have read the 2023 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
B'nai Israel Men's Club - Rockville, MD (1103)
Political Forum
Club Representative
Person completing form
Dr. Jeff Shore
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Community Outreach

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Every two years, before voters in Maryland begin early voting, the Men's Club holds a political forum featuring candidates for state and local office.
Evcry October in even-numbered years, the Men's Club holds a political forum that regularly features candidates for governor, U.S. Senate, U.S. House and Montgomery County executive. Some 100-200 congregants and members of the public fill a large meeting room to hear from the candidates. We serve bagels and cream cheese, donuts and coffee, and question the candidates on issues of concern to the attendees. Our moderator is an award-winning political reporter and a former National Press Club president and we use the same format as the nationally televised Press Club luncheons, where attendees submit questions on cards and the moderator sifts through them and picks the most newsworthy and appropriate questions. There are no speeches from the floor by attendees or gotcha questions to make them look bad, only questions seeking detailed answers on the issues and followups. The event is routinely covered by Washington Jewish Week and other media, especially when the gubernatorial candidates come, as they have for the greater part of two decades. During 2020, we did Zoom interviews with the congressional candidates in the two districts where our congregants live, but returned to live events in 2022.
Self Assessment
The political forum is a major event on our calendar every other fall, with the rabbis attending to meet the candidates,.with the synagogue gaining favorable publicity, and with the congregants and area residents packing the place to hear from the candidates. We had one local daily newspaper and two weeklies close in our county so there is little coverage of the candidates and what they stand for. We fill in the gap.
In addition, the reporter who was asked to moderate the forums 20 years ago got involved in the Men's Club because of that and is now co-president.
We give the congregants and community residents a unique chance to question the candidates, and our format encourages the candidates to come because they know they are going to be asked substantive questions.
From 2006 to 2018, we had at least one of the major party nominees for Maryland governor.

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