Submission #28105 by West End Synagogue Men's Club - Nashville, TN (1706)

Submission information
Submitted by jimhandler0711@...
Mon, 2023-03-20 12:14
I have read the 2023 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
West End Synagogue Men's Club - Nashville, TN (1706)
Yom Hashoah Yellow Candle Distribution
Club Representative
Person completing form
Dr. Jeff Shore
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle

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We distribute our Yellow Candles in our Sisterhoods mishloach manot bags, each bag is hand delivered to each congregant by another member.
By doing this we save about $1,000 in postage and boxes. We hesitated to do this because our members would receive these 6 weeks early, also afraid to ask for donations at the same time we are giving out treats. We put the candle in a yellow bag, with a letter on Men's Club letterhead (see attached), and a return envelope to Men's Club for a check. he yellow bag goes into the mishloach manot bag. Our Rabbi wrote a perfect letter, it should be attached. About 2 weeks prior to Yom Hashoah we send a follow up reminder letter with a meditation to recite while lighting the candle and another return envelope for a contribution. Our members help Sisterhood deliver the bags. If our receipts are larger than our expenses, we donate a portion to Sisterhood. We also put a blurb in the Synagogues weekly Email the 3 weeks prior to Yom Hashoah, telling them if they did not receive the candle in their masloach manot bag, to let us know and we send them one, also a reminder when to light the candle.
Self Assessment
The program is a success. We have no complaints, can't tell you how many people actually light their candles. Everyone gets a candle.
This program is a reminder to all our congregants that Men's club is a valued part of our community. It supports a program that is extremely important to the entire Jewish World

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Original Program
Previous Submission
Honorable Mention