
Virtual Shiva

A virtual shiva cannot replicate the meaningful experience of a potentially week-long shiva. However, it can provide comfort and help preserve some wonderful memories that will help sustain you during your mourning process. As we say, “memories are a blessing.”


Retreats and Advances – How We Ran a Successful Virtual Regional Retreat

For many years, the Western Region Retreat was held in non-convention years at the beautiful Camp JCA Shalom in the hills of Malibu with beautiful hiking trails affording a view of the Pacific Ocean.  Our original plans for Retreat 2020 was to return there in the Spring of 2020; however, the Woolsey Fire in November of 2018 destroyed the campgrounds.  Undeterred, and while still financially supporting JCA Camp Shalom, Regional Leadership persevered and we found another location for our Spring 2020 retreat – at the AJU Camp and Conference Center in the hills of Simi Valley – one of the large
