Torch Award Listing (filter is under construction)

2020-21 Quality Club Award Criteria and Reporting (Application)

You should be logged on to complete this form. Please click on the Login link.


Note:  If you see a blank field, it means that you should type in the information (with enough details) which confirms you've accomplished that requirement.

Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Form completed by
(If name is shown as "Anonymous", you have not logged in.)

Mandatory Requirements (6):

Clubs must meet each of these requirements. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify.

  1. Register online for the 2021 World Wide Wrap at and conduct the 2021 Wrap.*
  2. Distribute FJMC Shoah Yellow Candles. If COVID prevented your club from distributing your 2019-20 candle order, the purchase requirement will be waived for this year.
  3. Pay FJMC dues in full by April 30, 2021.
  4. Submit (or update) your club’s membership list on FJMC’s Chaverot system, located on, between June 1, 2020 and May 1, 2021.
  5. Conduct either of the following:
    1. A Wellness program intended to provide physical health for members. Examples: Sports league; walking, running, biking, hiking group activities; weight loss program.
    2. A Hearing Men’s Voices program. Examples: Discussion of father-son relationships; men’s spirituality; men and their work.*
Describe Wellness or Hearing Men's Voices program (for item 5.)
  1. Having a member attending either:
    1. A regional retreat, OR
    2. An FJMC consultant-led regional or individual club training program in the vicinity.  ( LDI and FJMC Keruv training will count for this criterion.)
    3. If none of these options are available, a visitation by an FJMC International or Regional representative may be substituted.

Optional Requirements (25):

Clubs must complete at least 10 of these requirements with 1 requirement per category. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify. T here will be special recognition for clubs that complete all 19 optional requirements and all 6 mandatory requirements, for a total number of 25 requirements.

(Programs can be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. More information about many of these programs may be found on under “Programs”). Please briefly describe program.
1. Minyan of Comfort - Develop and implement a Minyan of Comfort program for your congregation, working with your congregation’s clergy, or collaborate with synagogue clergy to develop an alternative Shabbat Experience as outlined in “Building Shabbat Community”.*
2. Joint Program with Sisterhood/Women’s League– Hold a joint program with a Women’s League (Sisterhood) group. *
3. Jewish Observance – Conduct a Jewish Observance Program that includes active participation, i.e., not just a Sunday morning speaker on the topic. Examples: Hebrew Literacy; Art of Jewish Living course; Torah study with the Rabbi; selling sukkah kits; Build-A-Pair Program, Yad Shel Chai Program.*
4. Community Service – Lead or participate in a Community Service Project to benefit your local community outside your congregation. Examples: Deliver food to the needy; hold religious services at an assisted living home; collect books and toys and deliver to a group home; etc.
5. Synagogue Service – Lead or participate in a synagogue service project that enhances or benefits your synagogue or congregation. Examples: Provides ushers for services; publish a synagogue directory; do a clean-up or organizing project; sort tallisim and/or siddurim to find those that are worn and need to be retired; etc.*
6. Men’s Club Shabbat – Organize and host a Men’s Club Shabbat (Friday night, Saturday morning, or both).*
7. Keruv – Lead or participate in a Keruv program. Examples: Programs to welcome interfaith families in your synagogue/congregation; discussion groups for congregants about interfaith experiences or issues.*
8. Shomrei Haaretz – Lead or participate in a Shomrei Haaretz (“Shepherds of the Land”) project. Examples: JNF carbon offset program; “greening” the synagogue project; composting initiative.
9. Father-Child or Youth Support – Conduct or participate in a father-child program or youth support activity. Examples: Father-child group sports event or group attendance at a professional sports game; youth art contest; Camp Ramah scholarships; safe driving program.*
10. Joint Men’s Club Program – Collaborate on a program with another Men's Club (outside of a regional activity). This can be with a Men's Club outside of the Conservative/Masorti movement. .Include name(s) of other Men’s Club(s) in submission to satisfy this criterion.*
11. Purchase FJMC Books/Supplies - Purchase FJMC books or materials (other than Yellow Candles) in support of FJMC programming.

12. President Elect - Submit the name of your successor club president by May 1, 2021. This individual does not need to have the title of First Vice President but must have agreed to serve as your next president.

Name of next president (for item 12.)

13. Email List - Submit valid email addresses for 90% of the members on your club membership list to “Chaverot”, the FJMC Membership system, located on

14. Communications - Conduct regular communications to inform club members of activities and/or meetings. Examples: Club Facebook page; newsletter (electronic or print); regular group e-mails; website; postcards; club’s programs advertised and promoted in synagogue newsletter.

Describe communication methods (for item 14.)

15. Budget – Produce and adopt a budget for the 2020-21 program year.

16. Calendar – Publish (online or print) a calendar of club activities for the 2020-21 program year.


17. Leadership – One club member (or more) is one of the following:

  1. an elected International FJMC officer (i.e., Executive Committee member)
  2. an elected Regional FJMC officer
  3. an active member of an International FJMC committee (past International FJMC presidents must serve on a committee to qualify for this criterion)
Name and position (for item 17.)
Name and committee (for item17.)

18. Regional - A member attends a regional honoree program, such as a Man-of-the-Year event, or another regional event that is not a training or a board meeting.

Provide name and event attended (for item 18.)

19. International – Participate directly in an activity internationally to promote or enhance Masorti Judaism. Examples: Contribute mezuzot, FJMC books, siddurim, tallisim, tefillin, etc., to foreign congregations; correspond with foreign clubs or congregations to encourage their participation in the World Wide Wrap; contribute funds to Masorti synagogues or other institutions affiliated with the international Masorti/Conservative Movement.

Description of activity (for item 19.)
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2020-21 Quality Club Award Criteria and Reporting (Application)

You should be logged on to complete this form. Please click on the Login link.


Note:  If you see a blank field, it means that you should type in the information (with enough details) which confirms you've accomplished that requirement.

Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Form completed by
(If name is shown as "Anonymous", you have not logged in.)

Mandatory Requirements (6):

Clubs must meet each of these requirements. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify.

  1. Register online for the 2021 World Wide Wrap at and conduct the 2021 Wrap.*
  2. Distribute FJMC Shoah Yellow Candles. If COVID prevented your club from distributing your 2019-20 candle order, the purchase requirement will be waived for this year.
  3. Pay FJMC dues in full by April 30, 2021.
  4. Submit (or update) your club’s membership list on FJMC’s Chaverot system, located on, between June 1, 2020 and May 1, 2021.
  5. Conduct either of the following:
    1. A Wellness program intended to provide physical health for members. Examples: Sports league; walking, running, biking, hiking group activities; weight loss program.
    2. A Hearing Men’s Voices program. Examples: Discussion of father-son relationships; men’s spirituality; men and their work.*
Describe Wellness or Hearing Men's Voices program (for item 5.)
  1. Having a member attending either:
    1. A regional retreat, OR
    2. An FJMC consultant-led regional or individual club training program in the vicinity.  ( LDI and FJMC Keruv training will count for this criterion.)
    3. If none of these options are available, a visitation by an FJMC International or Regional representative may be substituted.

Optional Requirements (25):

Clubs must complete at least 10 of these requirements with 1 requirement per category. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify. T here will be special recognition for clubs that complete all 19 optional requirements and all 6 mandatory requirements, for a total number of 25 requirements.

(Programs can be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. More information about many of these programs may be found on under “Programs”). Please briefly describe program.
1. Minyan of Comfort - Develop and implement a Minyan of Comfort program for your congregation, working with your congregation’s clergy, or collaborate with synagogue clergy to develop an alternative Shabbat Experience as outlined in “Building Shabbat Community”.*
2. Joint Program with Sisterhood/Women’s League– Hold a joint program with a Women’s League (Sisterhood) group. *
3. Jewish Observance – Conduct a Jewish Observance Program that includes active participation, i.e., not just a Sunday morning speaker on the topic. Examples: Hebrew Literacy; Art of Jewish Living course; Torah study with the Rabbi; selling sukkah kits; Build-A-Pair Program, Yad Shel Chai Program.*
4. Community Service – Lead or participate in a Community Service Project to benefit your local community outside your congregation. Examples: Deliver food to the needy; hold religious services at an assisted living home; collect books and toys and deliver to a group home; etc.
5. Synagogue Service – Lead or participate in a synagogue service project that enhances or benefits your synagogue or congregation. Examples: Provides ushers for services; publish a synagogue directory; do a clean-up or organizing project; sort tallisim and/or siddurim to find those that are worn and need to be retired; etc.*
6. Men’s Club Shabbat – Organize and host a Men’s Club Shabbat (Friday night, Saturday morning, or both).*
7. Keruv – Lead or participate in a Keruv program. Examples: Programs to welcome interfaith families in your synagogue/congregation; discussion groups for congregants about interfaith experiences or issues.*
8. Shomrei Haaretz – Lead or participate in a Shomrei Haaretz (“Shepherds of the Land”) project. Examples: JNF carbon offset program; “greening” the synagogue project; composting initiative.
9. Father-Child or Youth Support – Conduct or participate in a father-child program or youth support activity. Examples: Father-child group sports event or group attendance at a professional sports game; youth art contest; Camp Ramah scholarships; safe driving program.*
10. Joint Men’s Club Program – Collaborate on a program with another Men's Club (outside of a regional activity). This can be with a Men's Club outside of the Conservative/Masorti movement. .Include name(s) of other Men’s Club(s) in submission to satisfy this criterion.*
11. Purchase FJMC Books/Supplies - Purchase FJMC books or materials (other than Yellow Candles) in support of FJMC programming.

12. President Elect - Submit the name of your successor club president by May 1, 2021. This individual does not need to have the title of First Vice President but must have agreed to serve as your next president.

Name of next president (for item 12.)

13. Email List - Submit valid email addresses for 90% of the members on your club membership list to “Chaverot”, the FJMC Membership system, located on

14. Communications - Conduct regular communications to inform club members of activities and/or meetings. Examples: Club Facebook page; newsletter (electronic or print); regular group e-mails; website; postcards; club’s programs advertised and promoted in synagogue newsletter.

Describe communication methods (for item 14.)

15. Budget – Produce and adopt a budget for the 2020-21 program year.

16. Calendar – Publish (online or print) a calendar of club activities for the 2020-21 program year.


17. Leadership – One club member (or more) is one of the following:

  1. an elected International FJMC officer (i.e., Executive Committee member)
  2. an elected Regional FJMC officer
  3. an active member of an International FJMC committee (past International FJMC presidents must serve on a committee to qualify for this criterion)
Name and position (for item 17.)
Name and committee (for item17.)

18. Regional - A member attends a regional honoree program, such as a Man-of-the-Year event, or another regional event that is not a training or a board meeting.

Provide name and event attended (for item 18.)

19. International – Participate directly in an activity internationally to promote or enhance Masorti Judaism. Examples: Contribute mezuzot, FJMC books, siddurim, tallisim, tefillin, etc., to foreign congregations; correspond with foreign clubs or congregations to encourage their participation in the World Wide Wrap; contribute funds to Masorti synagogues or other institutions affiliated with the international Masorti/Conservative Movement.

Description of activity (for item 19.)
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2020-21 Quality Club Award Criteria and Reporting (Application)

You should be logged on to complete this form. Please click on the Login link.


Note:  If you see a blank field, it means that you should type in the information (with enough details) which confirms you've accomplished that requirement.

Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Form completed by
(If name is shown as "Anonymous", you have not logged in.)

Mandatory Requirements (6):

Clubs must meet each of these requirements. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify.

  1. Register online for the 2021 World Wide Wrap at and conduct the 2021 Wrap.*
  2. Distribute FJMC Shoah Yellow Candles. If COVID prevented your club from distributing your 2019-20 candle order, the purchase requirement will be waived for this year.
  3. Pay FJMC dues in full by April 30, 2021.
  4. Submit (or update) your club’s membership list on FJMC’s Chaverot system, located on, between June 1, 2020 and May 1, 2021.
  5. Conduct either of the following:
    1. A Wellness program intended to provide physical health for members. Examples: Sports league; walking, running, biking, hiking group activities; weight loss program.
    2. A Hearing Men’s Voices program. Examples: Discussion of father-son relationships; men’s spirituality; men and their work.*
Describe Wellness or Hearing Men's Voices program (for item 5.)
  1. Having a member attending either:
    1. A regional retreat, OR
    2. An FJMC consultant-led regional or individual club training program in the vicinity.  ( LDI and FJMC Keruv training will count for this criterion.)
    3. If none of these options are available, a visitation by an FJMC International or Regional representative may be substituted.

Optional Requirements (25):

Clubs must complete at least 10 of these requirements with 1 requirement per category. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify. T here will be special recognition for clubs that complete all 19 optional requirements and all 6 mandatory requirements, for a total number of 25 requirements.

(Programs can be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. More information about many of these programs may be found on under “Programs”). Please briefly describe program.
1. Minyan of Comfort - Develop and implement a Minyan of Comfort program for your congregation, working with your congregation’s clergy, or collaborate with synagogue clergy to develop an alternative Shabbat Experience as outlined in “Building Shabbat Community”.*
2. Joint Program with Sisterhood/Women’s League– Hold a joint program with a Women’s League (Sisterhood) group. *
3. Jewish Observance – Conduct a Jewish Observance Program that includes active participation, i.e., not just a Sunday morning speaker on the topic. Examples: Hebrew Literacy; Art of Jewish Living course; Torah study with the Rabbi; selling sukkah kits; Build-A-Pair Program, Yad Shel Chai Program.*
4. Community Service – Lead or participate in a Community Service Project to benefit your local community outside your congregation. Examples: Deliver food to the needy; hold religious services at an assisted living home; collect books and toys and deliver to a group home; etc.
5. Synagogue Service – Lead or participate in a synagogue service project that enhances or benefits your synagogue or congregation. Examples: Provides ushers for services; publish a synagogue directory; do a clean-up or organizing project; sort tallisim and/or siddurim to find those that are worn and need to be retired; etc.*
6. Men’s Club Shabbat – Organize and host a Men’s Club Shabbat (Friday night, Saturday morning, or both).*
7. Keruv – Lead or participate in a Keruv program. Examples: Programs to welcome interfaith families in your synagogue/congregation; discussion groups for congregants about interfaith experiences or issues.*
8. Shomrei Haaretz – Lead or participate in a Shomrei Haaretz (“Shepherds of the Land”) project. Examples: JNF carbon offset program; “greening” the synagogue project; composting initiative.
9. Father-Child or Youth Support – Conduct or participate in a father-child program or youth support activity. Examples: Father-child group sports event or group attendance at a professional sports game; youth art contest; Camp Ramah scholarships; safe driving program.*
10. Joint Men’s Club Program – Collaborate on a program with another Men's Club (outside of a regional activity). This can be with a Men's Club outside of the Conservative/Masorti movement. .Include name(s) of other Men’s Club(s) in submission to satisfy this criterion.*
11. Purchase FJMC Books/Supplies - Purchase FJMC books or materials (other than Yellow Candles) in support of FJMC programming.

12. President Elect - Submit the name of your successor club president by May 1, 2021. This individual does not need to have the title of First Vice President but must have agreed to serve as your next president.

Name of next president (for item 12.)

13. Email List - Submit valid email addresses for 90% of the members on your club membership list to “Chaverot”, the FJMC Membership system, located on

14. Communications - Conduct regular communications to inform club members of activities and/or meetings. Examples: Club Facebook page; newsletter (electronic or print); regular group e-mails; website; postcards; club’s programs advertised and promoted in synagogue newsletter.

Describe communication methods (for item 14.)

15. Budget – Produce and adopt a budget for the 2020-21 program year.

16. Calendar – Publish (online or print) a calendar of club activities for the 2020-21 program year.


17. Leadership – One club member (or more) is one of the following:

  1. an elected International FJMC officer (i.e., Executive Committee member)
  2. an elected Regional FJMC officer
  3. an active member of an International FJMC committee (past International FJMC presidents must serve on a committee to qualify for this criterion)
Name and position (for item 17.)
Name and committee (for item17.)

18. Regional - A member attends a regional honoree program, such as a Man-of-the-Year event, or another regional event that is not a training or a board meeting.

Provide name and event attended (for item 18.)

19. International – Participate directly in an activity internationally to promote or enhance Masorti Judaism. Examples: Contribute mezuzot, FJMC books, siddurim, tallisim, tefillin, etc., to foreign congregations; correspond with foreign clubs or congregations to encourage their participation in the World Wide Wrap; contribute funds to Masorti synagogues or other institutions affiliated with the international Masorti/Conservative Movement.

Description of activity (for item 19.)
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2020-21 Quality Club Award Criteria and Reporting (Application)

You should be logged on to complete this form. Please click on the Login link.


Note:  If you see a blank field, it means that you should type in the information (with enough details) which confirms you've accomplished that requirement.

Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Form completed by
(If name is shown as "Anonymous", you have not logged in.)

Mandatory Requirements (6):

Clubs must meet each of these requirements. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify.

  1. Register online for the 2021 World Wide Wrap at and conduct the 2021 Wrap.*
  2. Distribute FJMC Shoah Yellow Candles. If COVID prevented your club from distributing your 2019-20 candle order, the purchase requirement will be waived for this year.
  3. Pay FJMC dues in full by April 30, 2021.
  4. Submit (or update) your club’s membership list on FJMC’s Chaverot system, located on, between June 1, 2020 and May 1, 2021.
  5. Conduct either of the following:
    1. A Wellness program intended to provide physical health for members. Examples: Sports league; walking, running, biking, hiking group activities; weight loss program.
    2. A Hearing Men’s Voices program. Examples: Discussion of father-son relationships; men’s spirituality; men and their work.*
Describe Wellness or Hearing Men's Voices program (for item 5.)
  1. Having a member attending either:
    1. A regional retreat, OR
    2. An FJMC consultant-led regional or individual club training program in the vicinity.  ( LDI and FJMC Keruv training will count for this criterion.)
    3. If none of these options are available, a visitation by an FJMC International or Regional representative may be substituted.

Optional Requirements (25):

Clubs must complete at least 10 of these requirements with 1 requirement per category. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify. T here will be special recognition for clubs that complete all 19 optional requirements and all 6 mandatory requirements, for a total number of 25 requirements.

(Programs can be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. More information about many of these programs may be found on under “Programs”). Please briefly describe program.
1. Minyan of Comfort - Develop and implement a Minyan of Comfort program for your congregation, working with your congregation’s clergy, or collaborate with synagogue clergy to develop an alternative Shabbat Experience as outlined in “Building Shabbat Community”.*
2. Joint Program with Sisterhood/Women’s League– Hold a joint program with a Women’s League (Sisterhood) group. *
3. Jewish Observance – Conduct a Jewish Observance Program that includes active participation, i.e., not just a Sunday morning speaker on the topic. Examples: Hebrew Literacy; Art of Jewish Living course; Torah study with the Rabbi; selling sukkah kits; Build-A-Pair Program, Yad Shel Chai Program.*
4. Community Service – Lead or participate in a Community Service Project to benefit your local community outside your congregation. Examples: Deliver food to the needy; hold religious services at an assisted living home; collect books and toys and deliver to a group home; etc.
5. Synagogue Service – Lead or participate in a synagogue service project that enhances or benefits your synagogue or congregation. Examples: Provides ushers for services; publish a synagogue directory; do a clean-up or organizing project; sort tallisim and/or siddurim to find those that are worn and need to be retired; etc.*
6. Men’s Club Shabbat – Organize and host a Men’s Club Shabbat (Friday night, Saturday morning, or both).*
7. Keruv – Lead or participate in a Keruv program. Examples: Programs to welcome interfaith families in your synagogue/congregation; discussion groups for congregants about interfaith experiences or issues.*
8. Shomrei Haaretz – Lead or participate in a Shomrei Haaretz (“Shepherds of the Land”) project. Examples: JNF carbon offset program; “greening” the synagogue project; composting initiative.
9. Father-Child or Youth Support – Conduct or participate in a father-child program or youth support activity. Examples: Father-child group sports event or group attendance at a professional sports game; youth art contest; Camp Ramah scholarships; safe driving program.*
10. Joint Men’s Club Program – Collaborate on a program with another Men's Club (outside of a regional activity). This can be with a Men's Club outside of the Conservative/Masorti movement. .Include name(s) of other Men’s Club(s) in submission to satisfy this criterion.*
11. Purchase FJMC Books/Supplies - Purchase FJMC books or materials (other than Yellow Candles) in support of FJMC programming.

12. President Elect - Submit the name of your successor club president by May 1, 2021. This individual does not need to have the title of First Vice President but must have agreed to serve as your next president.

Name of next president (for item 12.)

13. Email List - Submit valid email addresses for 90% of the members on your club membership list to “Chaverot”, the FJMC Membership system, located on

14. Communications - Conduct regular communications to inform club members of activities and/or meetings. Examples: Club Facebook page; newsletter (electronic or print); regular group e-mails; website; postcards; club’s programs advertised and promoted in synagogue newsletter.

Describe communication methods (for item 14.)

15. Budget – Produce and adopt a budget for the 2020-21 program year.

16. Calendar – Publish (online or print) a calendar of club activities for the 2020-21 program year.


17. Leadership – One club member (or more) is one of the following:

  1. an elected International FJMC officer (i.e., Executive Committee member)
  2. an elected Regional FJMC officer
  3. an active member of an International FJMC committee (past International FJMC presidents must serve on a committee to qualify for this criterion)
Name and position (for item 17.)
Name and committee (for item17.)

18. Regional - A member attends a regional honoree program, such as a Man-of-the-Year event, or another regional event that is not a training or a board meeting.

Provide name and event attended (for item 18.)

19. International – Participate directly in an activity internationally to promote or enhance Masorti Judaism. Examples: Contribute mezuzot, FJMC books, siddurim, tallisim, tefillin, etc., to foreign congregations; correspond with foreign clubs or congregations to encourage their participation in the World Wide Wrap; contribute funds to Masorti synagogues or other institutions affiliated with the international Masorti/Conservative Movement.

Description of activity (for item 19.)
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2020-21 Quality Club Award Criteria and Reporting (Application)

You should be logged on to complete this form. Please click on the Login link.


Note:  If you see a blank field, it means that you should type in the information (with enough details) which confirms you've accomplished that requirement.

Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Form completed by
(If name is shown as "Anonymous", you have not logged in.)

Mandatory Requirements (6):

Clubs must meet each of these requirements. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify.

  1. Register online for the 2021 World Wide Wrap at and conduct the 2021 Wrap.*
  2. Distribute FJMC Shoah Yellow Candles. If COVID prevented your club from distributing your 2019-20 candle order, the purchase requirement will be waived for this year.
  3. Pay FJMC dues in full by April 30, 2021.
  4. Submit (or update) your club’s membership list on FJMC’s Chaverot system, located on, between June 1, 2020 and May 1, 2021.
  5. Conduct either of the following:
    1. A Wellness program intended to provide physical health for members. Examples: Sports league; walking, running, biking, hiking group activities; weight loss program.
    2. A Hearing Men’s Voices program. Examples: Discussion of father-son relationships; men’s spirituality; men and their work.*
Describe Wellness or Hearing Men's Voices program (for item 5.)
  1. Having a member attending either:
    1. A regional retreat, OR
    2. An FJMC consultant-led regional or individual club training program in the vicinity.  ( LDI and FJMC Keruv training will count for this criterion.)
    3. If none of these options are available, a visitation by an FJMC International or Regional representative may be substituted.

Optional Requirements (25):

Clubs must complete at least 10 of these requirements with 1 requirement per category. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify. T here will be special recognition for clubs that complete all 19 optional requirements and all 6 mandatory requirements, for a total number of 25 requirements.

(Programs can be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. More information about many of these programs may be found on under “Programs”). Please briefly describe program.
1. Minyan of Comfort - Develop and implement a Minyan of Comfort program for your congregation, working with your congregation’s clergy, or collaborate with synagogue clergy to develop an alternative Shabbat Experience as outlined in “Building Shabbat Community”.*
2. Joint Program with Sisterhood/Women’s League– Hold a joint program with a Women’s League (Sisterhood) group. *
3. Jewish Observance – Conduct a Jewish Observance Program that includes active participation, i.e., not just a Sunday morning speaker on the topic. Examples: Hebrew Literacy; Art of Jewish Living course; Torah study with the Rabbi; selling sukkah kits; Build-A-Pair Program, Yad Shel Chai Program.*
4. Community Service – Lead or participate in a Community Service Project to benefit your local community outside your congregation. Examples: Deliver food to the needy; hold religious services at an assisted living home; collect books and toys and deliver to a group home; etc.
5. Synagogue Service – Lead or participate in a synagogue service project that enhances or benefits your synagogue or congregation. Examples: Provides ushers for services; publish a synagogue directory; do a clean-up or organizing project; sort tallisim and/or siddurim to find those that are worn and need to be retired; etc.*
6. Men’s Club Shabbat – Organize and host a Men’s Club Shabbat (Friday night, Saturday morning, or both).*
7. Keruv – Lead or participate in a Keruv program. Examples: Programs to welcome interfaith families in your synagogue/congregation; discussion groups for congregants about interfaith experiences or issues.*
8. Shomrei Haaretz – Lead or participate in a Shomrei Haaretz (“Shepherds of the Land”) project. Examples: JNF carbon offset program; “greening” the synagogue project; composting initiative.
9. Father-Child or Youth Support – Conduct or participate in a father-child program or youth support activity. Examples: Father-child group sports event or group attendance at a professional sports game; youth art contest; Camp Ramah scholarships; safe driving program.*
10. Joint Men’s Club Program – Collaborate on a program with another Men's Club (outside of a regional activity). This can be with a Men's Club outside of the Conservative/Masorti movement. .Include name(s) of other Men’s Club(s) in submission to satisfy this criterion.*
11. Purchase FJMC Books/Supplies - Purchase FJMC books or materials (other than Yellow Candles) in support of FJMC programming.

12. President Elect - Submit the name of your successor club president by May 1, 2021. This individual does not need to have the title of First Vice President but must have agreed to serve as your next president.

Name of next president (for item 12.)

13. Email List - Submit valid email addresses for 90% of the members on your club membership list to “Chaverot”, the FJMC Membership system, located on

14. Communications - Conduct regular communications to inform club members of activities and/or meetings. Examples: Club Facebook page; newsletter (electronic or print); regular group e-mails; website; postcards; club’s programs advertised and promoted in synagogue newsletter.

Describe communication methods (for item 14.)

15. Budget – Produce and adopt a budget for the 2020-21 program year.

16. Calendar – Publish (online or print) a calendar of club activities for the 2020-21 program year.


17. Leadership – One club member (or more) is one of the following:

  1. an elected International FJMC officer (i.e., Executive Committee member)
  2. an elected Regional FJMC officer
  3. an active member of an International FJMC committee (past International FJMC presidents must serve on a committee to qualify for this criterion)
Name and position (for item 17.)
Name and committee (for item17.)

18. Regional - A member attends a regional honoree program, such as a Man-of-the-Year event, or another regional event that is not a training or a board meeting.

Provide name and event attended (for item 18.)

19. International – Participate directly in an activity internationally to promote or enhance Masorti Judaism. Examples: Contribute mezuzot, FJMC books, siddurim, tallisim, tefillin, etc., to foreign congregations; correspond with foreign clubs or congregations to encourage their participation in the World Wide Wrap; contribute funds to Masorti synagogues or other institutions affiliated with the international Masorti/Conservative Movement.

Description of activity (for item 19.)
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2020-21 Quality Club Award Criteria and Reporting (Application)

You should be logged on to complete this form. Please click on the Login link.


Note:  If you see a blank field, it means that you should type in the information (with enough details) which confirms you've accomplished that requirement.

Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Form completed by
(If name is shown as "Anonymous", you have not logged in.)

Mandatory Requirements (6):

Clubs must meet each of these requirements. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify.

  1. Register online for the 2021 World Wide Wrap at and conduct the 2021 Wrap.*
  2. Distribute FJMC Shoah Yellow Candles. If COVID prevented your club from distributing your 2019-20 candle order, the purchase requirement will be waived for this year.
  3. Pay FJMC dues in full by April 30, 2021.
  4. Submit (or update) your club’s membership list on FJMC’s Chaverot system, located on, between June 1, 2020 and May 1, 2021.
  5. Conduct either of the following:
    1. A Wellness program intended to provide physical health for members. Examples: Sports league; walking, running, biking, hiking group activities; weight loss program.
    2. A Hearing Men’s Voices program. Examples: Discussion of father-son relationships; men’s spirituality; men and their work.*
Describe Wellness or Hearing Men's Voices program (for item 5.)
  1. Having a member attending either:
    1. A regional retreat, OR
    2. An FJMC consultant-led regional or individual club training program in the vicinity.  ( LDI and FJMC Keruv training will count for this criterion.)
    3. If none of these options are available, a visitation by an FJMC International or Regional representative may be substituted.

Optional Requirements (25):

Clubs must complete at least 10 of these requirements with 1 requirement per category. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify. T here will be special recognition for clubs that complete all 19 optional requirements and all 6 mandatory requirements, for a total number of 25 requirements.

(Programs can be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. More information about many of these programs may be found on under “Programs”). Please briefly describe program.
1. Minyan of Comfort - Develop and implement a Minyan of Comfort program for your congregation, working with your congregation’s clergy, or collaborate with synagogue clergy to develop an alternative Shabbat Experience as outlined in “Building Shabbat Community”.*
2. Joint Program with Sisterhood/Women’s League– Hold a joint program with a Women’s League (Sisterhood) group. *
3. Jewish Observance – Conduct a Jewish Observance Program that includes active participation, i.e., not just a Sunday morning speaker on the topic. Examples: Hebrew Literacy; Art of Jewish Living course; Torah study with the Rabbi; selling sukkah kits; Build-A-Pair Program, Yad Shel Chai Program.*
4. Community Service – Lead or participate in a Community Service Project to benefit your local community outside your congregation. Examples: Deliver food to the needy; hold religious services at an assisted living home; collect books and toys and deliver to a group home; etc.
5. Synagogue Service – Lead or participate in a synagogue service project that enhances or benefits your synagogue or congregation. Examples: Provides ushers for services; publish a synagogue directory; do a clean-up or organizing project; sort tallisim and/or siddurim to find those that are worn and need to be retired; etc.*
6. Men’s Club Shabbat – Organize and host a Men’s Club Shabbat (Friday night, Saturday morning, or both).*
7. Keruv – Lead or participate in a Keruv program. Examples: Programs to welcome interfaith families in your synagogue/congregation; discussion groups for congregants about interfaith experiences or issues.*
8. Shomrei Haaretz – Lead or participate in a Shomrei Haaretz (“Shepherds of the Land”) project. Examples: JNF carbon offset program; “greening” the synagogue project; composting initiative.
9. Father-Child or Youth Support – Conduct or participate in a father-child program or youth support activity. Examples: Father-child group sports event or group attendance at a professional sports game; youth art contest; Camp Ramah scholarships; safe driving program.*
10. Joint Men’s Club Program – Collaborate on a program with another Men's Club (outside of a regional activity). This can be with a Men's Club outside of the Conservative/Masorti movement. .Include name(s) of other Men’s Club(s) in submission to satisfy this criterion.*
11. Purchase FJMC Books/Supplies - Purchase FJMC books or materials (other than Yellow Candles) in support of FJMC programming.

12. President Elect - Submit the name of your successor club president by May 1, 2021. This individual does not need to have the title of First Vice President but must have agreed to serve as your next president.

Name of next president (for item 12.)

13. Email List - Submit valid email addresses for 90% of the members on your club membership list to “Chaverot”, the FJMC Membership system, located on

14. Communications - Conduct regular communications to inform club members of activities and/or meetings. Examples: Club Facebook page; newsletter (electronic or print); regular group e-mails; website; postcards; club’s programs advertised and promoted in synagogue newsletter.

Describe communication methods (for item 14.)

15. Budget – Produce and adopt a budget for the 2020-21 program year.

16. Calendar – Publish (online or print) a calendar of club activities for the 2020-21 program year.


17. Leadership – One club member (or more) is one of the following:

  1. an elected International FJMC officer (i.e., Executive Committee member)
  2. an elected Regional FJMC officer
  3. an active member of an International FJMC committee (past International FJMC presidents must serve on a committee to qualify for this criterion)
Name and position (for item 17.)
Name and committee (for item17.)

18. Regional - A member attends a regional honoree program, such as a Man-of-the-Year event, or another regional event that is not a training or a board meeting.

Provide name and event attended (for item 18.)

19. International – Participate directly in an activity internationally to promote or enhance Masorti Judaism. Examples: Contribute mezuzot, FJMC books, siddurim, tallisim, tefillin, etc., to foreign congregations; correspond with foreign clubs or congregations to encourage their participation in the World Wide Wrap; contribute funds to Masorti synagogues or other institutions affiliated with the international Masorti/Conservative Movement.

Description of activity (for item 19.)
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2020-21 Quality Club Award Criteria and Reporting (Application)

You should be logged on to complete this form. Please click on the Login link.


Note:  If you see a blank field, it means that you should type in the information (with enough details) which confirms you've accomplished that requirement.

Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Form completed by
(If name is shown as "Anonymous", you have not logged in.)

Mandatory Requirements (6):

Clubs must meet each of these requirements. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify.

  1. Register online for the 2021 World Wide Wrap at and conduct the 2021 Wrap.*
  2. Distribute FJMC Shoah Yellow Candles. If COVID prevented your club from distributing your 2019-20 candle order, the purchase requirement will be waived for this year.
  3. Pay FJMC dues in full by April 30, 2021.
  4. Submit (or update) your club’s membership list on FJMC’s Chaverot system, located on, between June 1, 2020 and May 1, 2021.
  5. Conduct either of the following:
    1. A Wellness program intended to provide physical health for members. Examples: Sports league; walking, running, biking, hiking group activities; weight loss program.
    2. A Hearing Men’s Voices program. Examples: Discussion of father-son relationships; men’s spirituality; men and their work.*
Describe Wellness or Hearing Men's Voices program (for item 5.)
  1. Having a member attending either:
    1. A regional retreat, OR
    2. An FJMC consultant-led regional or individual club training program in the vicinity.  ( LDI and FJMC Keruv training will count for this criterion.)
    3. If none of these options are available, a visitation by an FJMC International or Regional representative may be substituted.

Optional Requirements (25):

Clubs must complete at least 10 of these requirements with 1 requirement per category. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify. T here will be special recognition for clubs that complete all 19 optional requirements and all 6 mandatory requirements, for a total number of 25 requirements.

(Programs can be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. More information about many of these programs may be found on under “Programs”). Please briefly describe program.
1. Minyan of Comfort - Develop and implement a Minyan of Comfort program for your congregation, working with your congregation’s clergy, or collaborate with synagogue clergy to develop an alternative Shabbat Experience as outlined in “Building Shabbat Community”.*
2. Joint Program with Sisterhood/Women’s League– Hold a joint program with a Women’s League (Sisterhood) group. *
3. Jewish Observance – Conduct a Jewish Observance Program that includes active participation, i.e., not just a Sunday morning speaker on the topic. Examples: Hebrew Literacy; Art of Jewish Living course; Torah study with the Rabbi; selling sukkah kits; Build-A-Pair Program, Yad Shel Chai Program.*
4. Community Service – Lead or participate in a Community Service Project to benefit your local community outside your congregation. Examples: Deliver food to the needy; hold religious services at an assisted living home; collect books and toys and deliver to a group home; etc.
5. Synagogue Service – Lead or participate in a synagogue service project that enhances or benefits your synagogue or congregation. Examples: Provides ushers for services; publish a synagogue directory; do a clean-up or organizing project; sort tallisim and/or siddurim to find those that are worn and need to be retired; etc.*
6. Men’s Club Shabbat – Organize and host a Men’s Club Shabbat (Friday night, Saturday morning, or both).*
7. Keruv – Lead or participate in a Keruv program. Examples: Programs to welcome interfaith families in your synagogue/congregation; discussion groups for congregants about interfaith experiences or issues.*
8. Shomrei Haaretz – Lead or participate in a Shomrei Haaretz (“Shepherds of the Land”) project. Examples: JNF carbon offset program; “greening” the synagogue project; composting initiative.
9. Father-Child or Youth Support – Conduct or participate in a father-child program or youth support activity. Examples: Father-child group sports event or group attendance at a professional sports game; youth art contest; Camp Ramah scholarships; safe driving program.*
10. Joint Men’s Club Program – Collaborate on a program with another Men's Club (outside of a regional activity). This can be with a Men's Club outside of the Conservative/Masorti movement. .Include name(s) of other Men’s Club(s) in submission to satisfy this criterion.*
11. Purchase FJMC Books/Supplies - Purchase FJMC books or materials (other than Yellow Candles) in support of FJMC programming.

12. President Elect - Submit the name of your successor club president by May 1, 2021. This individual does not need to have the title of First Vice President but must have agreed to serve as your next president.

Name of next president (for item 12.)

13. Email List - Submit valid email addresses for 90% of the members on your club membership list to “Chaverot”, the FJMC Membership system, located on

14. Communications - Conduct regular communications to inform club members of activities and/or meetings. Examples: Club Facebook page; newsletter (electronic or print); regular group e-mails; website; postcards; club’s programs advertised and promoted in synagogue newsletter.

Describe communication methods (for item 14.)

15. Budget – Produce and adopt a budget for the 2020-21 program year.

16. Calendar – Publish (online or print) a calendar of club activities for the 2020-21 program year.


17. Leadership – One club member (or more) is one of the following:

  1. an elected International FJMC officer (i.e., Executive Committee member)
  2. an elected Regional FJMC officer
  3. an active member of an International FJMC committee (past International FJMC presidents must serve on a committee to qualify for this criterion)
Name and position (for item 17.)
Name and committee (for item17.)

18. Regional - A member attends a regional honoree program, such as a Man-of-the-Year event, or another regional event that is not a training or a board meeting.

Provide name and event attended (for item 18.)

19. International – Participate directly in an activity internationally to promote or enhance Masorti Judaism. Examples: Contribute mezuzot, FJMC books, siddurim, tallisim, tefillin, etc., to foreign congregations; correspond with foreign clubs or congregations to encourage their participation in the World Wide Wrap; contribute funds to Masorti synagogues or other institutions affiliated with the international Masorti/Conservative Movement.

Description of activity (for item 19.)
Save Draft - or - Preview and then Submit

2020-21 Quality Club Award Criteria and Reporting (Application)

You should be logged on to complete this form. Please click on the Login link.


Note:  If you see a blank field, it means that you should type in the information (with enough details) which confirms you've accomplished that requirement.

Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Form completed by
(If name is shown as "Anonymous", you have not logged in.)

Mandatory Requirements (6):

Clubs must meet each of these requirements. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify.

  1. Register online for the 2021 World Wide Wrap at and conduct the 2021 Wrap.*
  2. Distribute FJMC Shoah Yellow Candles. If COVID prevented your club from distributing your 2019-20 candle order, the purchase requirement will be waived for this year.
  3. Pay FJMC dues in full by April 30, 2021.
  4. Submit (or update) your club’s membership list on FJMC’s Chaverot system, located on, between June 1, 2020 and May 1, 2021.
  5. Conduct either of the following:
    1. A Wellness program intended to provide physical health for members. Examples: Sports league; walking, running, biking, hiking group activities; weight loss program.
    2. A Hearing Men’s Voices program. Examples: Discussion of father-son relationships; men’s spirituality; men and their work.*
Describe Wellness or Hearing Men's Voices program (for item 5.)
  1. Having a member attending either:
    1. A regional retreat, OR
    2. An FJMC consultant-led regional or individual club training program in the vicinity.  ( LDI and FJMC Keruv training will count for this criterion.)
    3. If none of these options are available, a visitation by an FJMC International or Regional representative may be substituted.

Optional Requirements (25):

Clubs must complete at least 10 of these requirements with 1 requirement per category. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify. T here will be special recognition for clubs that complete all 19 optional requirements and all 6 mandatory requirements, for a total number of 25 requirements.

(Programs can be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. More information about many of these programs may be found on under “Programs”). Please briefly describe program.
1. Minyan of Comfort - Develop and implement a Minyan of Comfort program for your congregation, working with your congregation’s clergy, or collaborate with synagogue clergy to develop an alternative Shabbat Experience as outlined in “Building Shabbat Community”.*
2. Joint Program with Sisterhood/Women’s League– Hold a joint program with a Women’s League (Sisterhood) group. *
3. Jewish Observance – Conduct a Jewish Observance Program that includes active participation, i.e., not just a Sunday morning speaker on the topic. Examples: Hebrew Literacy; Art of Jewish Living course; Torah study with the Rabbi; selling sukkah kits; Build-A-Pair Program, Yad Shel Chai Program.*
4. Community Service – Lead or participate in a Community Service Project to benefit your local community outside your congregation. Examples: Deliver food to the needy; hold religious services at an assisted living home; collect books and toys and deliver to a group home; etc.
5. Synagogue Service – Lead or participate in a synagogue service project that enhances or benefits your synagogue or congregation. Examples: Provides ushers for services; publish a synagogue directory; do a clean-up or organizing project; sort tallisim and/or siddurim to find those that are worn and need to be retired; etc.*
6. Men’s Club Shabbat – Organize and host a Men’s Club Shabbat (Friday night, Saturday morning, or both).*
7. Keruv – Lead or participate in a Keruv program. Examples: Programs to welcome interfaith families in your synagogue/congregation; discussion groups for congregants about interfaith experiences or issues.*
8. Shomrei Haaretz – Lead or participate in a Shomrei Haaretz (“Shepherds of the Land”) project. Examples: JNF carbon offset program; “greening” the synagogue project; composting initiative.
9. Father-Child or Youth Support – Conduct or participate in a father-child program or youth support activity. Examples: Father-child group sports event or group attendance at a professional sports game; youth art contest; Camp Ramah scholarships; safe driving program.*
10. Joint Men’s Club Program – Collaborate on a program with another Men's Club (outside of a regional activity). This can be with a Men's Club outside of the Conservative/Masorti movement. .Include name(s) of other Men’s Club(s) in submission to satisfy this criterion.*
11. Purchase FJMC Books/Supplies - Purchase FJMC books or materials (other than Yellow Candles) in support of FJMC programming.

12. President Elect - Submit the name of your successor club president by May 1, 2021. This individual does not need to have the title of First Vice President but must have agreed to serve as your next president.

Name of next president (for item 12.)

13. Email List - Submit valid email addresses for 90% of the members on your club membership list to “Chaverot”, the FJMC Membership system, located on

14. Communications - Conduct regular communications to inform club members of activities and/or meetings. Examples: Club Facebook page; newsletter (electronic or print); regular group e-mails; website; postcards; club’s programs advertised and promoted in synagogue newsletter.

Describe communication methods (for item 14.)

15. Budget – Produce and adopt a budget for the 2020-21 program year.

16. Calendar – Publish (online or print) a calendar of club activities for the 2020-21 program year.


17. Leadership – One club member (or more) is one of the following:

  1. an elected International FJMC officer (i.e., Executive Committee member)
  2. an elected Regional FJMC officer
  3. an active member of an International FJMC committee (past International FJMC presidents must serve on a committee to qualify for this criterion)
Name and position (for item 17.)
Name and committee (for item17.)

18. Regional - A member attends a regional honoree program, such as a Man-of-the-Year event, or another regional event that is not a training or a board meeting.

Provide name and event attended (for item 18.)

19. International – Participate directly in an activity internationally to promote or enhance Masorti Judaism. Examples: Contribute mezuzot, FJMC books, siddurim, tallisim, tefillin, etc., to foreign congregations; correspond with foreign clubs or congregations to encourage their participation in the World Wide Wrap; contribute funds to Masorti synagogues or other institutions affiliated with the international Masorti/Conservative Movement.

Description of activity (for item 19.)
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2020-21 Quality Club Award Criteria and Reporting (Application)

You should be logged on to complete this form. Please click on the Login link.


Note:  If you see a blank field, it means that you should type in the information (with enough details) which confirms you've accomplished that requirement.

Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Form completed by
(If name is shown as "Anonymous", you have not logged in.)

Mandatory Requirements (6):

Clubs must meet each of these requirements. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify.

  1. Register online for the 2021 World Wide Wrap at and conduct the 2021 Wrap.*
  2. Distribute FJMC Shoah Yellow Candles. If COVID prevented your club from distributing your 2019-20 candle order, the purchase requirement will be waived for this year.
  3. Pay FJMC dues in full by April 30, 2021.
  4. Submit (or update) your club’s membership list on FJMC’s Chaverot system, located on, between June 1, 2020 and May 1, 2021.
  5. Conduct either of the following:
    1. A Wellness program intended to provide physical health for members. Examples: Sports league; walking, running, biking, hiking group activities; weight loss program.
    2. A Hearing Men’s Voices program. Examples: Discussion of father-son relationships; men’s spirituality; men and their work.*
Describe Wellness or Hearing Men's Voices program (for item 5.)
  1. Having a member attending either:
    1. A regional retreat, OR
    2. An FJMC consultant-led regional or individual club training program in the vicinity.  ( LDI and FJMC Keruv training will count for this criterion.)
    3. If none of these options are available, a visitation by an FJMC International or Regional representative may be substituted.

Optional Requirements (25):

Clubs must complete at least 10 of these requirements with 1 requirement per category. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify. T here will be special recognition for clubs that complete all 19 optional requirements and all 6 mandatory requirements, for a total number of 25 requirements.

(Programs can be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. More information about many of these programs may be found on under “Programs”). Please briefly describe program.
1. Minyan of Comfort - Develop and implement a Minyan of Comfort program for your congregation, working with your congregation’s clergy, or collaborate with synagogue clergy to develop an alternative Shabbat Experience as outlined in “Building Shabbat Community”.*
2. Joint Program with Sisterhood/Women’s League– Hold a joint program with a Women’s League (Sisterhood) group. *
3. Jewish Observance – Conduct a Jewish Observance Program that includes active participation, i.e., not just a Sunday morning speaker on the topic. Examples: Hebrew Literacy; Art of Jewish Living course; Torah study with the Rabbi; selling sukkah kits; Build-A-Pair Program, Yad Shel Chai Program.*
4. Community Service – Lead or participate in a Community Service Project to benefit your local community outside your congregation. Examples: Deliver food to the needy; hold religious services at an assisted living home; collect books and toys and deliver to a group home; etc.
5. Synagogue Service – Lead or participate in a synagogue service project that enhances or benefits your synagogue or congregation. Examples: Provides ushers for services; publish a synagogue directory; do a clean-up or organizing project; sort tallisim and/or siddurim to find those that are worn and need to be retired; etc.*
6. Men’s Club Shabbat – Organize and host a Men’s Club Shabbat (Friday night, Saturday morning, or both).*
7. Keruv – Lead or participate in a Keruv program. Examples: Programs to welcome interfaith families in your synagogue/congregation; discussion groups for congregants about interfaith experiences or issues.*
8. Shomrei Haaretz – Lead or participate in a Shomrei Haaretz (“Shepherds of the Land”) project. Examples: JNF carbon offset program; “greening” the synagogue project; composting initiative.
9. Father-Child or Youth Support – Conduct or participate in a father-child program or youth support activity. Examples: Father-child group sports event or group attendance at a professional sports game; youth art contest; Camp Ramah scholarships; safe driving program.*
10. Joint Men’s Club Program – Collaborate on a program with another Men's Club (outside of a regional activity). This can be with a Men's Club outside of the Conservative/Masorti movement. .Include name(s) of other Men’s Club(s) in submission to satisfy this criterion.*
11. Purchase FJMC Books/Supplies - Purchase FJMC books or materials (other than Yellow Candles) in support of FJMC programming.

12. President Elect - Submit the name of your successor club president by May 1, 2021. This individual does not need to have the title of First Vice President but must have agreed to serve as your next president.

Name of next president (for item 12.)

13. Email List - Submit valid email addresses for 90% of the members on your club membership list to “Chaverot”, the FJMC Membership system, located on

14. Communications - Conduct regular communications to inform club members of activities and/or meetings. Examples: Club Facebook page; newsletter (electronic or print); regular group e-mails; website; postcards; club’s programs advertised and promoted in synagogue newsletter.

Describe communication methods (for item 14.)

15. Budget – Produce and adopt a budget for the 2020-21 program year.

16. Calendar – Publish (online or print) a calendar of club activities for the 2020-21 program year.


17. Leadership – One club member (or more) is one of the following:

  1. an elected International FJMC officer (i.e., Executive Committee member)
  2. an elected Regional FJMC officer
  3. an active member of an International FJMC committee (past International FJMC presidents must serve on a committee to qualify for this criterion)
Name and position (for item 17.)
Name and committee (for item17.)

18. Regional - A member attends a regional honoree program, such as a Man-of-the-Year event, or another regional event that is not a training or a board meeting.

Provide name and event attended (for item 18.)

19. International – Participate directly in an activity internationally to promote or enhance Masorti Judaism. Examples: Contribute mezuzot, FJMC books, siddurim, tallisim, tefillin, etc., to foreign congregations; correspond with foreign clubs or congregations to encourage their participation in the World Wide Wrap; contribute funds to Masorti synagogues or other institutions affiliated with the international Masorti/Conservative Movement.

Description of activity (for item 19.)
Save Draft - or - Preview and then Submit

2020-21 Quality Club Award Criteria and Reporting (Application)

You should be logged on to complete this form. Please click on the Login link.


Note:  If you see a blank field, it means that you should type in the information (with enough details) which confirms you've accomplished that requirement.

Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Form completed by
(If name is shown as "Anonymous", you have not logged in.)

Mandatory Requirements (6):

Clubs must meet each of these requirements. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify.

  1. Register online for the 2021 World Wide Wrap at and conduct the 2021 Wrap.*
  2. Distribute FJMC Shoah Yellow Candles. If COVID prevented your club from distributing your 2019-20 candle order, the purchase requirement will be waived for this year.
  3. Pay FJMC dues in full by April 30, 2021.
  4. Submit (or update) your club’s membership list on FJMC’s Chaverot system, located on, between June 1, 2020 and May 1, 2021.
  5. Conduct either of the following:
    1. A Wellness program intended to provide physical health for members. Examples: Sports league; walking, running, biking, hiking group activities; weight loss program.
    2. A Hearing Men’s Voices program. Examples: Discussion of father-son relationships; men’s spirituality; men and their work.*
Describe Wellness or Hearing Men's Voices program (for item 5.)
  1. Having a member attending either:
    1. A regional retreat, OR
    2. An FJMC consultant-led regional or individual club training program in the vicinity.  ( LDI and FJMC Keruv training will count for this criterion.)
    3. If none of these options are available, a visitation by an FJMC International or Regional representative may be substituted.

Optional Requirements (25):

Clubs must complete at least 10 of these requirements with 1 requirement per category. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify. T here will be special recognition for clubs that complete all 19 optional requirements and all 6 mandatory requirements, for a total number of 25 requirements.

(Programs can be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. More information about many of these programs may be found on under “Programs”). Please briefly describe program.
1. Minyan of Comfort - Develop and implement a Minyan of Comfort program for your congregation, working with your congregation’s clergy, or collaborate with synagogue clergy to develop an alternative Shabbat Experience as outlined in “Building Shabbat Community”.*
2. Joint Program with Sisterhood/Women’s League– Hold a joint program with a Women’s League (Sisterhood) group. *
3. Jewish Observance – Conduct a Jewish Observance Program that includes active participation, i.e., not just a Sunday morning speaker on the topic. Examples: Hebrew Literacy; Art of Jewish Living course; Torah study with the Rabbi; selling sukkah kits; Build-A-Pair Program, Yad Shel Chai Program.*
4. Community Service – Lead or participate in a Community Service Project to benefit your local community outside your congregation. Examples: Deliver food to the needy; hold religious services at an assisted living home; collect books and toys and deliver to a group home; etc.
5. Synagogue Service – Lead or participate in a synagogue service project that enhances or benefits your synagogue or congregation. Examples: Provides ushers for services; publish a synagogue directory; do a clean-up or organizing project; sort tallisim and/or siddurim to find those that are worn and need to be retired; etc.*
6. Men’s Club Shabbat – Organize and host a Men’s Club Shabbat (Friday night, Saturday morning, or both).*
7. Keruv – Lead or participate in a Keruv program. Examples: Programs to welcome interfaith families in your synagogue/congregation; discussion groups for congregants about interfaith experiences or issues.*
8. Shomrei Haaretz – Lead or participate in a Shomrei Haaretz (“Shepherds of the Land”) project. Examples: JNF carbon offset program; “greening” the synagogue project; composting initiative.
9. Father-Child or Youth Support – Conduct or participate in a father-child program or youth support activity. Examples: Father-child group sports event or group attendance at a professional sports game; youth art contest; Camp Ramah scholarships; safe driving program.*
10. Joint Men’s Club Program – Collaborate on a program with another Men's Club (outside of a regional activity). This can be with a Men's Club outside of the Conservative/Masorti movement. .Include name(s) of other Men’s Club(s) in submission to satisfy this criterion.*
11. Purchase FJMC Books/Supplies - Purchase FJMC books or materials (other than Yellow Candles) in support of FJMC programming.

12. President Elect - Submit the name of your successor club president by May 1, 2021. This individual does not need to have the title of First Vice President but must have agreed to serve as your next president.

Name of next president (for item 12.)

13. Email List - Submit valid email addresses for 90% of the members on your club membership list to “Chaverot”, the FJMC Membership system, located on

14. Communications - Conduct regular communications to inform club members of activities and/or meetings. Examples: Club Facebook page; newsletter (electronic or print); regular group e-mails; website; postcards; club’s programs advertised and promoted in synagogue newsletter.

Describe communication methods (for item 14.)

15. Budget – Produce and adopt a budget for the 2020-21 program year.

16. Calendar – Publish (online or print) a calendar of club activities for the 2020-21 program year.


17. Leadership – One club member (or more) is one of the following:

  1. an elected International FJMC officer (i.e., Executive Committee member)
  2. an elected Regional FJMC officer
  3. an active member of an International FJMC committee (past International FJMC presidents must serve on a committee to qualify for this criterion)
Name and position (for item 17.)
Name and committee (for item17.)

18. Regional - A member attends a regional honoree program, such as a Man-of-the-Year event, or another regional event that is not a training or a board meeting.

Provide name and event attended (for item 18.)

19. International – Participate directly in an activity internationally to promote or enhance Masorti Judaism. Examples: Contribute mezuzot, FJMC books, siddurim, tallisim, tefillin, etc., to foreign congregations; correspond with foreign clubs or congregations to encourage their participation in the World Wide Wrap; contribute funds to Masorti synagogues or other institutions affiliated with the international Masorti/Conservative Movement.

Description of activity (for item 19.)
Save Draft - or - Preview and then Submit

2020-21 Quality Club Award Criteria and Reporting (Application)

You should be logged on to complete this form. Please click on the Login link.


Note:  If you see a blank field, it means that you should type in the information (with enough details) which confirms you've accomplished that requirement.

Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Form completed by
(If name is shown as "Anonymous", you have not logged in.)

Mandatory Requirements (6):

Clubs must meet each of these requirements. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify.

  1. Register online for the 2021 World Wide Wrap at and conduct the 2021 Wrap.*
  2. Distribute FJMC Shoah Yellow Candles. If COVID prevented your club from distributing your 2019-20 candle order, the purchase requirement will be waived for this year.
  3. Pay FJMC dues in full by April 30, 2021.
  4. Submit (or update) your club’s membership list on FJMC’s Chaverot system, located on, between June 1, 2020 and May 1, 2021.
  5. Conduct either of the following:
    1. A Wellness program intended to provide physical health for members. Examples: Sports league; walking, running, biking, hiking group activities; weight loss program.
    2. A Hearing Men’s Voices program. Examples: Discussion of father-son relationships; men’s spirituality; men and their work.*
Describe Wellness or Hearing Men's Voices program (for item 5.)
  1. Having a member attending either:
    1. A regional retreat, OR
    2. An FJMC consultant-led regional or individual club training program in the vicinity.  ( LDI and FJMC Keruv training will count for this criterion.)
    3. If none of these options are available, a visitation by an FJMC International or Regional representative may be substituted.

Optional Requirements (25):

Clubs must complete at least 10 of these requirements with 1 requirement per category. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify. T here will be special recognition for clubs that complete all 19 optional requirements and all 6 mandatory requirements, for a total number of 25 requirements.

(Programs can be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. More information about many of these programs may be found on under “Programs”). Please briefly describe program.
1. Minyan of Comfort - Develop and implement a Minyan of Comfort program for your congregation, working with your congregation’s clergy, or collaborate with synagogue clergy to develop an alternative Shabbat Experience as outlined in “Building Shabbat Community”.*
2. Joint Program with Sisterhood/Women’s League– Hold a joint program with a Women’s League (Sisterhood) group. *
3. Jewish Observance – Conduct a Jewish Observance Program that includes active participation, i.e., not just a Sunday morning speaker on the topic. Examples: Hebrew Literacy; Art of Jewish Living course; Torah study with the Rabbi; selling sukkah kits; Build-A-Pair Program, Yad Shel Chai Program.*
4. Community Service – Lead or participate in a Community Service Project to benefit your local community outside your congregation. Examples: Deliver food to the needy; hold religious services at an assisted living home; collect books and toys and deliver to a group home; etc.
5. Synagogue Service – Lead or participate in a synagogue service project that enhances or benefits your synagogue or congregation. Examples: Provides ushers for services; publish a synagogue directory; do a clean-up or organizing project; sort tallisim and/or siddurim to find those that are worn and need to be retired; etc.*
6. Men’s Club Shabbat – Organize and host a Men’s Club Shabbat (Friday night, Saturday morning, or both).*
7. Keruv – Lead or participate in a Keruv program. Examples: Programs to welcome interfaith families in your synagogue/congregation; discussion groups for congregants about interfaith experiences or issues.*
8. Shomrei Haaretz – Lead or participate in a Shomrei Haaretz (“Shepherds of the Land”) project. Examples: JNF carbon offset program; “greening” the synagogue project; composting initiative.
9. Father-Child or Youth Support – Conduct or participate in a father-child program or youth support activity. Examples: Father-child group sports event or group attendance at a professional sports game; youth art contest; Camp Ramah scholarships; safe driving program.*
10. Joint Men’s Club Program – Collaborate on a program with another Men's Club (outside of a regional activity). This can be with a Men's Club outside of the Conservative/Masorti movement. .Include name(s) of other Men’s Club(s) in submission to satisfy this criterion.*
11. Purchase FJMC Books/Supplies - Purchase FJMC books or materials (other than Yellow Candles) in support of FJMC programming.

12. President Elect - Submit the name of your successor club president by May 1, 2021. This individual does not need to have the title of First Vice President but must have agreed to serve as your next president.

Name of next president (for item 12.)

13. Email List - Submit valid email addresses for 90% of the members on your club membership list to “Chaverot”, the FJMC Membership system, located on

14. Communications - Conduct regular communications to inform club members of activities and/or meetings. Examples: Club Facebook page; newsletter (electronic or print); regular group e-mails; website; postcards; club’s programs advertised and promoted in synagogue newsletter.

Describe communication methods (for item 14.)

15. Budget – Produce and adopt a budget for the 2020-21 program year.

16. Calendar – Publish (online or print) a calendar of club activities for the 2020-21 program year.


17. Leadership – One club member (or more) is one of the following:

  1. an elected International FJMC officer (i.e., Executive Committee member)
  2. an elected Regional FJMC officer
  3. an active member of an International FJMC committee (past International FJMC presidents must serve on a committee to qualify for this criterion)
Name and position (for item 17.)
Name and committee (for item17.)

18. Regional - A member attends a regional honoree program, such as a Man-of-the-Year event, or another regional event that is not a training or a board meeting.

Provide name and event attended (for item 18.)

19. International – Participate directly in an activity internationally to promote or enhance Masorti Judaism. Examples: Contribute mezuzot, FJMC books, siddurim, tallisim, tefillin, etc., to foreign congregations; correspond with foreign clubs or congregations to encourage their participation in the World Wide Wrap; contribute funds to Masorti synagogues or other institutions affiliated with the international Masorti/Conservative Movement.

Description of activity (for item 19.)
Save Draft - or - Preview and then Submit

2020-21 Quality Club Award Criteria and Reporting (Application)

You should be logged on to complete this form. Please click on the Login link.


Note:  If you see a blank field, it means that you should type in the information (with enough details) which confirms you've accomplished that requirement.

Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Form completed by
(If name is shown as "Anonymous", you have not logged in.)

Mandatory Requirements (6):

Clubs must meet each of these requirements. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify.

  1. Register online for the 2021 World Wide Wrap at and conduct the 2021 Wrap.*
  2. Distribute FJMC Shoah Yellow Candles. If COVID prevented your club from distributing your 2019-20 candle order, the purchase requirement will be waived for this year.
  3. Pay FJMC dues in full by April 30, 2021.
  4. Submit (or update) your club’s membership list on FJMC’s Chaverot system, located on, between June 1, 2020 and May 1, 2021.
  5. Conduct either of the following:
    1. A Wellness program intended to provide physical health for members. Examples: Sports league; walking, running, biking, hiking group activities; weight loss program.
    2. A Hearing Men’s Voices program. Examples: Discussion of father-son relationships; men’s spirituality; men and their work.*
Describe Wellness or Hearing Men's Voices program (for item 5.)
  1. Having a member attending either:
    1. A regional retreat, OR
    2. An FJMC consultant-led regional or individual club training program in the vicinity.  ( LDI and FJMC Keruv training will count for this criterion.)
    3. If none of these options are available, a visitation by an FJMC International or Regional representative may be substituted.

Optional Requirements (25):

Clubs must complete at least 10 of these requirements with 1 requirement per category. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify. T here will be special recognition for clubs that complete all 19 optional requirements and all 6 mandatory requirements, for a total number of 25 requirements.

(Programs can be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. More information about many of these programs may be found on under “Programs”). Please briefly describe program.
1. Minyan of Comfort - Develop and implement a Minyan of Comfort program for your congregation, working with your congregation’s clergy, or collaborate with synagogue clergy to develop an alternative Shabbat Experience as outlined in “Building Shabbat Community”.*
2. Joint Program with Sisterhood/Women’s League– Hold a joint program with a Women’s League (Sisterhood) group. *
3. Jewish Observance – Conduct a Jewish Observance Program that includes active participation, i.e., not just a Sunday morning speaker on the topic. Examples: Hebrew Literacy; Art of Jewish Living course; Torah study with the Rabbi; selling sukkah kits; Build-A-Pair Program, Yad Shel Chai Program.*
4. Community Service – Lead or participate in a Community Service Project to benefit your local community outside your congregation. Examples: Deliver food to the needy; hold religious services at an assisted living home; collect books and toys and deliver to a group home; etc.
5. Synagogue Service – Lead or participate in a synagogue service project that enhances or benefits your synagogue or congregation. Examples: Provides ushers for services; publish a synagogue directory; do a clean-up or organizing project; sort tallisim and/or siddurim to find those that are worn and need to be retired; etc.*
6. Men’s Club Shabbat – Organize and host a Men’s Club Shabbat (Friday night, Saturday morning, or both).*
7. Keruv – Lead or participate in a Keruv program. Examples: Programs to welcome interfaith families in your synagogue/congregation; discussion groups for congregants about interfaith experiences or issues.*
8. Shomrei Haaretz – Lead or participate in a Shomrei Haaretz (“Shepherds of the Land”) project. Examples: JNF carbon offset program; “greening” the synagogue project; composting initiative.
9. Father-Child or Youth Support – Conduct or participate in a father-child program or youth support activity. Examples: Father-child group sports event or group attendance at a professional sports game; youth art contest; Camp Ramah scholarships; safe driving program.*
10. Joint Men’s Club Program – Collaborate on a program with another Men's Club (outside of a regional activity). This can be with a Men's Club outside of the Conservative/Masorti movement. .Include name(s) of other Men’s Club(s) in submission to satisfy this criterion.*
11. Purchase FJMC Books/Supplies - Purchase FJMC books or materials (other than Yellow Candles) in support of FJMC programming.

12. President Elect - Submit the name of your successor club president by May 1, 2021. This individual does not need to have the title of First Vice President but must have agreed to serve as your next president.

Name of next president (for item 12.)

13. Email List - Submit valid email addresses for 90% of the members on your club membership list to “Chaverot”, the FJMC Membership system, located on

14. Communications - Conduct regular communications to inform club members of activities and/or meetings. Examples: Club Facebook page; newsletter (electronic or print); regular group e-mails; website; postcards; club’s programs advertised and promoted in synagogue newsletter.

Describe communication methods (for item 14.)

15. Budget – Produce and adopt a budget for the 2020-21 program year.

16. Calendar – Publish (online or print) a calendar of club activities for the 2020-21 program year.


17. Leadership – One club member (or more) is one of the following:

  1. an elected International FJMC officer (i.e., Executive Committee member)
  2. an elected Regional FJMC officer
  3. an active member of an International FJMC committee (past International FJMC presidents must serve on a committee to qualify for this criterion)
Name and position (for item 17.)
Name and committee (for item17.)

18. Regional - A member attends a regional honoree program, such as a Man-of-the-Year event, or another regional event that is not a training or a board meeting.

Provide name and event attended (for item 18.)

19. International – Participate directly in an activity internationally to promote or enhance Masorti Judaism. Examples: Contribute mezuzot, FJMC books, siddurim, tallisim, tefillin, etc., to foreign congregations; correspond with foreign clubs or congregations to encourage their participation in the World Wide Wrap; contribute funds to Masorti synagogues or other institutions affiliated with the international Masorti/Conservative Movement.

Description of activity (for item 19.)
Save Draft - or - Preview and then Submit

2020-21 Quality Club Award Criteria and Reporting (Application)

You should be logged on to complete this form. Please click on the Login link.


Note:  If you see a blank field, it means that you should type in the information (with enough details) which confirms you've accomplished that requirement.

Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Form completed by
(If name is shown as "Anonymous", you have not logged in.)

Mandatory Requirements (6):

Clubs must meet each of these requirements. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify.

  1. Register online for the 2021 World Wide Wrap at and conduct the 2021 Wrap.*
  2. Distribute FJMC Shoah Yellow Candles. If COVID prevented your club from distributing your 2019-20 candle order, the purchase requirement will be waived for this year.
  3. Pay FJMC dues in full by April 30, 2021.
  4. Submit (or update) your club’s membership list on FJMC’s Chaverot system, located on, between June 1, 2020 and May 1, 2021.
  5. Conduct either of the following:
    1. A Wellness program intended to provide physical health for members. Examples: Sports league; walking, running, biking, hiking group activities; weight loss program.
    2. A Hearing Men’s Voices program. Examples: Discussion of father-son relationships; men’s spirituality; men and their work.*
Describe Wellness or Hearing Men's Voices program (for item 5.)
  1. Having a member attending either:
    1. A regional retreat, OR
    2. An FJMC consultant-led regional or individual club training program in the vicinity.  ( LDI and FJMC Keruv training will count for this criterion.)
    3. If none of these options are available, a visitation by an FJMC International or Regional representative may be substituted.

Optional Requirements (25):

Clubs must complete at least 10 of these requirements with 1 requirement per category. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify. T here will be special recognition for clubs that complete all 19 optional requirements and all 6 mandatory requirements, for a total number of 25 requirements.

(Programs can be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. More information about many of these programs may be found on under “Programs”). Please briefly describe program.
1. Minyan of Comfort - Develop and implement a Minyan of Comfort program for your congregation, working with your congregation’s clergy, or collaborate with synagogue clergy to develop an alternative Shabbat Experience as outlined in “Building Shabbat Community”.*
2. Joint Program with Sisterhood/Women’s League– Hold a joint program with a Women’s League (Sisterhood) group. *
3. Jewish Observance – Conduct a Jewish Observance Program that includes active participation, i.e., not just a Sunday morning speaker on the topic. Examples: Hebrew Literacy; Art of Jewish Living course; Torah study with the Rabbi; selling sukkah kits; Build-A-Pair Program, Yad Shel Chai Program.*
4. Community Service – Lead or participate in a Community Service Project to benefit your local community outside your congregation. Examples: Deliver food to the needy; hold religious services at an assisted living home; collect books and toys and deliver to a group home; etc.
5. Synagogue Service – Lead or participate in a synagogue service project that enhances or benefits your synagogue or congregation. Examples: Provides ushers for services; publish a synagogue directory; do a clean-up or organizing project; sort tallisim and/or siddurim to find those that are worn and need to be retired; etc.*
6. Men’s Club Shabbat – Organize and host a Men’s Club Shabbat (Friday night, Saturday morning, or both).*
7. Keruv – Lead or participate in a Keruv program. Examples: Programs to welcome interfaith families in your synagogue/congregation; discussion groups for congregants about interfaith experiences or issues.*
8. Shomrei Haaretz – Lead or participate in a Shomrei Haaretz (“Shepherds of the Land”) project. Examples: JNF carbon offset program; “greening” the synagogue project; composting initiative.
9. Father-Child or Youth Support – Conduct or participate in a father-child program or youth support activity. Examples: Father-child group sports event or group attendance at a professional sports game; youth art contest; Camp Ramah scholarships; safe driving program.*
10. Joint Men’s Club Program – Collaborate on a program with another Men's Club (outside of a regional activity). This can be with a Men's Club outside of the Conservative/Masorti movement. .Include name(s) of other Men’s Club(s) in submission to satisfy this criterion.*
11. Purchase FJMC Books/Supplies - Purchase FJMC books or materials (other than Yellow Candles) in support of FJMC programming.

12. President Elect - Submit the name of your successor club president by May 1, 2021. This individual does not need to have the title of First Vice President but must have agreed to serve as your next president.

Name of next president (for item 12.)

13. Email List - Submit valid email addresses for 90% of the members on your club membership list to “Chaverot”, the FJMC Membership system, located on

14. Communications - Conduct regular communications to inform club members of activities and/or meetings. Examples: Club Facebook page; newsletter (electronic or print); regular group e-mails; website; postcards; club’s programs advertised and promoted in synagogue newsletter.

Describe communication methods (for item 14.)

15. Budget – Produce and adopt a budget for the 2020-21 program year.

16. Calendar – Publish (online or print) a calendar of club activities for the 2020-21 program year.


17. Leadership – One club member (or more) is one of the following:

  1. an elected International FJMC officer (i.e., Executive Committee member)
  2. an elected Regional FJMC officer
  3. an active member of an International FJMC committee (past International FJMC presidents must serve on a committee to qualify for this criterion)
Name and position (for item 17.)
Name and committee (for item17.)

18. Regional - A member attends a regional honoree program, such as a Man-of-the-Year event, or another regional event that is not a training or a board meeting.

Provide name and event attended (for item 18.)

19. International – Participate directly in an activity internationally to promote or enhance Masorti Judaism. Examples: Contribute mezuzot, FJMC books, siddurim, tallisim, tefillin, etc., to foreign congregations; correspond with foreign clubs or congregations to encourage their participation in the World Wide Wrap; contribute funds to Masorti synagogues or other institutions affiliated with the international Masorti/Conservative Movement.

Description of activity (for item 19.)
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2020-21 Quality Club Award Criteria and Reporting (Application)

You should be logged on to complete this form. Please click on the Login link.


Note:  If you see a blank field, it means that you should type in the information (with enough details) which confirms you've accomplished that requirement.

Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Form completed by
(If name is shown as "Anonymous", you have not logged in.)

Mandatory Requirements (6):

Clubs must meet each of these requirements. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify.

  1. Register online for the 2021 World Wide Wrap at and conduct the 2021 Wrap.*
  2. Distribute FJMC Shoah Yellow Candles. If COVID prevented your club from distributing your 2019-20 candle order, the purchase requirement will be waived for this year.
  3. Pay FJMC dues in full by April 30, 2021.
  4. Submit (or update) your club’s membership list on FJMC’s Chaverot system, located on, between June 1, 2020 and May 1, 2021.
  5. Conduct either of the following:
    1. A Wellness program intended to provide physical health for members. Examples: Sports league; walking, running, biking, hiking group activities; weight loss program.
    2. A Hearing Men’s Voices program. Examples: Discussion of father-son relationships; men’s spirituality; men and their work.*
Describe Wellness or Hearing Men's Voices program (for item 5.)
  1. Having a member attending either:
    1. A regional retreat, OR
    2. An FJMC consultant-led regional or individual club training program in the vicinity.  ( LDI and FJMC Keruv training will count for this criterion.)
    3. If none of these options are available, a visitation by an FJMC International or Regional representative may be substituted.

Optional Requirements (25):

Clubs must complete at least 10 of these requirements with 1 requirement per category. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify. T here will be special recognition for clubs that complete all 19 optional requirements and all 6 mandatory requirements, for a total number of 25 requirements.

(Programs can be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. More information about many of these programs may be found on under “Programs”). Please briefly describe program.
1. Minyan of Comfort - Develop and implement a Minyan of Comfort program for your congregation, working with your congregation’s clergy, or collaborate with synagogue clergy to develop an alternative Shabbat Experience as outlined in “Building Shabbat Community”.*
2. Joint Program with Sisterhood/Women’s League– Hold a joint program with a Women’s League (Sisterhood) group. *
3. Jewish Observance – Conduct a Jewish Observance Program that includes active participation, i.e., not just a Sunday morning speaker on the topic. Examples: Hebrew Literacy; Art of Jewish Living course; Torah study with the Rabbi; selling sukkah kits; Build-A-Pair Program, Yad Shel Chai Program.*
4. Community Service – Lead or participate in a Community Service Project to benefit your local community outside your congregation. Examples: Deliver food to the needy; hold religious services at an assisted living home; collect books and toys and deliver to a group home; etc.
5. Synagogue Service – Lead or participate in a synagogue service project that enhances or benefits your synagogue or congregation. Examples: Provides ushers for services; publish a synagogue directory; do a clean-up or organizing project; sort tallisim and/or siddurim to find those that are worn and need to be retired; etc.*
6. Men’s Club Shabbat – Organize and host a Men’s Club Shabbat (Friday night, Saturday morning, or both).*
7. Keruv – Lead or participate in a Keruv program. Examples: Programs to welcome interfaith families in your synagogue/congregation; discussion groups for congregants about interfaith experiences or issues.*
8. Shomrei Haaretz – Lead or participate in a Shomrei Haaretz (“Shepherds of the Land”) project. Examples: JNF carbon offset program; “greening” the synagogue project; composting initiative.
9. Father-Child or Youth Support – Conduct or participate in a father-child program or youth support activity. Examples: Father-child group sports event or group attendance at a professional sports game; youth art contest; Camp Ramah scholarships; safe driving program.*
10. Joint Men’s Club Program – Collaborate on a program with another Men's Club (outside of a regional activity). This can be with a Men's Club outside of the Conservative/Masorti movement. .Include name(s) of other Men’s Club(s) in submission to satisfy this criterion.*
11. Purchase FJMC Books/Supplies - Purchase FJMC books or materials (other than Yellow Candles) in support of FJMC programming.

12. President Elect - Submit the name of your successor club president by May 1, 2021. This individual does not need to have the title of First Vice President but must have agreed to serve as your next president.

Name of next president (for item 12.)

13. Email List - Submit valid email addresses for 90% of the members on your club membership list to “Chaverot”, the FJMC Membership system, located on

14. Communications - Conduct regular communications to inform club members of activities and/or meetings. Examples: Club Facebook page; newsletter (electronic or print); regular group e-mails; website; postcards; club’s programs advertised and promoted in synagogue newsletter.

Describe communication methods (for item 14.)

15. Budget – Produce and adopt a budget for the 2020-21 program year.

16. Calendar – Publish (online or print) a calendar of club activities for the 2020-21 program year.


17. Leadership – One club member (or more) is one of the following:

  1. an elected International FJMC officer (i.e., Executive Committee member)
  2. an elected Regional FJMC officer
  3. an active member of an International FJMC committee (past International FJMC presidents must serve on a committee to qualify for this criterion)
Name and position (for item 17.)
Name and committee (for item17.)

18. Regional - A member attends a regional honoree program, such as a Man-of-the-Year event, or another regional event that is not a training or a board meeting.

Provide name and event attended (for item 18.)

19. International – Participate directly in an activity internationally to promote or enhance Masorti Judaism. Examples: Contribute mezuzot, FJMC books, siddurim, tallisim, tefillin, etc., to foreign congregations; correspond with foreign clubs or congregations to encourage their participation in the World Wide Wrap; contribute funds to Masorti synagogues or other institutions affiliated with the international Masorti/Conservative Movement.

Description of activity (for item 19.)
Save Draft - or - Preview and then Submit

2020-21 Quality Club Award Criteria and Reporting (Application)

You should be logged on to complete this form. Please click on the Login link.


Note:  If you see a blank field, it means that you should type in the information (with enough details) which confirms you've accomplished that requirement.

Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Form completed by
(If name is shown as "Anonymous", you have not logged in.)

Mandatory Requirements (6):

Clubs must meet each of these requirements. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify.

  1. Register online for the 2021 World Wide Wrap at and conduct the 2021 Wrap.*
  2. Distribute FJMC Shoah Yellow Candles. If COVID prevented your club from distributing your 2019-20 candle order, the purchase requirement will be waived for this year.
  3. Pay FJMC dues in full by April 30, 2021.
  4. Submit (or update) your club’s membership list on FJMC’s Chaverot system, located on, between June 1, 2020 and May 1, 2021.
  5. Conduct either of the following:
    1. A Wellness program intended to provide physical health for members. Examples: Sports league; walking, running, biking, hiking group activities; weight loss program.
    2. A Hearing Men’s Voices program. Examples: Discussion of father-son relationships; men’s spirituality; men and their work.*
Describe Wellness or Hearing Men's Voices program (for item 5.)
  1. Having a member attending either:
    1. A regional retreat, OR
    2. An FJMC consultant-led regional or individual club training program in the vicinity.  ( LDI and FJMC Keruv training will count for this criterion.)
    3. If none of these options are available, a visitation by an FJMC International or Regional representative may be substituted.

Optional Requirements (25):

Clubs must complete at least 10 of these requirements with 1 requirement per category. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify. T here will be special recognition for clubs that complete all 19 optional requirements and all 6 mandatory requirements, for a total number of 25 requirements.

(Programs can be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. More information about many of these programs may be found on under “Programs”). Please briefly describe program.
1. Minyan of Comfort - Develop and implement a Minyan of Comfort program for your congregation, working with your congregation’s clergy, or collaborate with synagogue clergy to develop an alternative Shabbat Experience as outlined in “Building Shabbat Community”.*
2. Joint Program with Sisterhood/Women’s League– Hold a joint program with a Women’s League (Sisterhood) group. *
3. Jewish Observance – Conduct a Jewish Observance Program that includes active participation, i.e., not just a Sunday morning speaker on the topic. Examples: Hebrew Literacy; Art of Jewish Living course; Torah study with the Rabbi; selling sukkah kits; Build-A-Pair Program, Yad Shel Chai Program.*
4. Community Service – Lead or participate in a Community Service Project to benefit your local community outside your congregation. Examples: Deliver food to the needy; hold religious services at an assisted living home; collect books and toys and deliver to a group home; etc.
5. Synagogue Service – Lead or participate in a synagogue service project that enhances or benefits your synagogue or congregation. Examples: Provides ushers for services; publish a synagogue directory; do a clean-up or organizing project; sort tallisim and/or siddurim to find those that are worn and need to be retired; etc.*
6. Men’s Club Shabbat – Organize and host a Men’s Club Shabbat (Friday night, Saturday morning, or both).*
7. Keruv – Lead or participate in a Keruv program. Examples: Programs to welcome interfaith families in your synagogue/congregation; discussion groups for congregants about interfaith experiences or issues.*
8. Shomrei Haaretz – Lead or participate in a Shomrei Haaretz (“Shepherds of the Land”) project. Examples: JNF carbon offset program; “greening” the synagogue project; composting initiative.
9. Father-Child or Youth Support – Conduct or participate in a father-child program or youth support activity. Examples: Father-child group sports event or group attendance at a professional sports game; youth art contest; Camp Ramah scholarships; safe driving program.*
10. Joint Men’s Club Program – Collaborate on a program with another Men's Club (outside of a regional activity). This can be with a Men's Club outside of the Conservative/Masorti movement. .Include name(s) of other Men’s Club(s) in submission to satisfy this criterion.*
11. Purchase FJMC Books/Supplies - Purchase FJMC books or materials (other than Yellow Candles) in support of FJMC programming.

12. President Elect - Submit the name of your successor club president by May 1, 2021. This individual does not need to have the title of First Vice President but must have agreed to serve as your next president.

Name of next president (for item 12.)

13. Email List - Submit valid email addresses for 90% of the members on your club membership list to “Chaverot”, the FJMC Membership system, located on

14. Communications - Conduct regular communications to inform club members of activities and/or meetings. Examples: Club Facebook page; newsletter (electronic or print); regular group e-mails; website; postcards; club’s programs advertised and promoted in synagogue newsletter.

Describe communication methods (for item 14.)

15. Budget – Produce and adopt a budget for the 2020-21 program year.

16. Calendar – Publish (online or print) a calendar of club activities for the 2020-21 program year.


17. Leadership – One club member (or more) is one of the following:

  1. an elected International FJMC officer (i.e., Executive Committee member)
  2. an elected Regional FJMC officer
  3. an active member of an International FJMC committee (past International FJMC presidents must serve on a committee to qualify for this criterion)
Name and position (for item 17.)
Name and committee (for item17.)

18. Regional - A member attends a regional honoree program, such as a Man-of-the-Year event, or another regional event that is not a training or a board meeting.

Provide name and event attended (for item 18.)

19. International – Participate directly in an activity internationally to promote or enhance Masorti Judaism. Examples: Contribute mezuzot, FJMC books, siddurim, tallisim, tefillin, etc., to foreign congregations; correspond with foreign clubs or congregations to encourage their participation in the World Wide Wrap; contribute funds to Masorti synagogues or other institutions affiliated with the international Masorti/Conservative Movement.

Description of activity (for item 19.)
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2020-21 Quality Club Award Criteria and Reporting (Application)

You should be logged on to complete this form. Please click on the Login link.


Note:  If you see a blank field, it means that you should type in the information (with enough details) which confirms you've accomplished that requirement.

Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Form completed by
(If name is shown as "Anonymous", you have not logged in.)

Mandatory Requirements (6):

Clubs must meet each of these requirements. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify.

  1. Register online for the 2021 World Wide Wrap at and conduct the 2021 Wrap.*
  2. Distribute FJMC Shoah Yellow Candles. If COVID prevented your club from distributing your 2019-20 candle order, the purchase requirement will be waived for this year.
  3. Pay FJMC dues in full by April 30, 2021.
  4. Submit (or update) your club’s membership list on FJMC’s Chaverot system, located on, between June 1, 2020 and May 1, 2021.
  5. Conduct either of the following:
    1. A Wellness program intended to provide physical health for members. Examples: Sports league; walking, running, biking, hiking group activities; weight loss program.
    2. A Hearing Men’s Voices program. Examples: Discussion of father-son relationships; men’s spirituality; men and their work.*
Describe Wellness or Hearing Men's Voices program (for item 5.)
  1. Having a member attending either:
    1. A regional retreat, OR
    2. An FJMC consultant-led regional or individual club training program in the vicinity.  ( LDI and FJMC Keruv training will count for this criterion.)
    3. If none of these options are available, a visitation by an FJMC International or Regional representative may be substituted.

Optional Requirements (25):

Clubs must complete at least 10 of these requirements with 1 requirement per category. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify. T here will be special recognition for clubs that complete all 19 optional requirements and all 6 mandatory requirements, for a total number of 25 requirements.

(Programs can be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. More information about many of these programs may be found on under “Programs”). Please briefly describe program.
1. Minyan of Comfort - Develop and implement a Minyan of Comfort program for your congregation, working with your congregation’s clergy, or collaborate with synagogue clergy to develop an alternative Shabbat Experience as outlined in “Building Shabbat Community”.*
2. Joint Program with Sisterhood/Women’s League– Hold a joint program with a Women’s League (Sisterhood) group. *
3. Jewish Observance – Conduct a Jewish Observance Program that includes active participation, i.e., not just a Sunday morning speaker on the topic. Examples: Hebrew Literacy; Art of Jewish Living course; Torah study with the Rabbi; selling sukkah kits; Build-A-Pair Program, Yad Shel Chai Program.*
4. Community Service – Lead or participate in a Community Service Project to benefit your local community outside your congregation. Examples: Deliver food to the needy; hold religious services at an assisted living home; collect books and toys and deliver to a group home; etc.
5. Synagogue Service – Lead or participate in a synagogue service project that enhances or benefits your synagogue or congregation. Examples: Provides ushers for services; publish a synagogue directory; do a clean-up or organizing project; sort tallisim and/or siddurim to find those that are worn and need to be retired; etc.*
6. Men’s Club Shabbat – Organize and host a Men’s Club Shabbat (Friday night, Saturday morning, or both).*
7. Keruv – Lead or participate in a Keruv program. Examples: Programs to welcome interfaith families in your synagogue/congregation; discussion groups for congregants about interfaith experiences or issues.*
8. Shomrei Haaretz – Lead or participate in a Shomrei Haaretz (“Shepherds of the Land”) project. Examples: JNF carbon offset program; “greening” the synagogue project; composting initiative.
9. Father-Child or Youth Support – Conduct or participate in a father-child program or youth support activity. Examples: Father-child group sports event or group attendance at a professional sports game; youth art contest; Camp Ramah scholarships; safe driving program.*
10. Joint Men’s Club Program – Collaborate on a program with another Men's Club (outside of a regional activity). This can be with a Men's Club outside of the Conservative/Masorti movement. .Include name(s) of other Men’s Club(s) in submission to satisfy this criterion.*
11. Purchase FJMC Books/Supplies - Purchase FJMC books or materials (other than Yellow Candles) in support of FJMC programming.

12. President Elect - Submit the name of your successor club president by May 1, 2021. This individual does not need to have the title of First Vice President but must have agreed to serve as your next president.

Name of next president (for item 12.)

13. Email List - Submit valid email addresses for 90% of the members on your club membership list to “Chaverot”, the FJMC Membership system, located on

14. Communications - Conduct regular communications to inform club members of activities and/or meetings. Examples: Club Facebook page; newsletter (electronic or print); regular group e-mails; website; postcards; club’s programs advertised and promoted in synagogue newsletter.

Describe communication methods (for item 14.)

15. Budget – Produce and adopt a budget for the 2020-21 program year.

16. Calendar – Publish (online or print) a calendar of club activities for the 2020-21 program year.


17. Leadership – One club member (or more) is one of the following:

  1. an elected International FJMC officer (i.e., Executive Committee member)
  2. an elected Regional FJMC officer
  3. an active member of an International FJMC committee (past International FJMC presidents must serve on a committee to qualify for this criterion)
Name and position (for item 17.)
Name and committee (for item17.)

18. Regional - A member attends a regional honoree program, such as a Man-of-the-Year event, or another regional event that is not a training or a board meeting.

Provide name and event attended (for item 18.)

19. International – Participate directly in an activity internationally to promote or enhance Masorti Judaism. Examples: Contribute mezuzot, FJMC books, siddurim, tallisim, tefillin, etc., to foreign congregations; correspond with foreign clubs or congregations to encourage their participation in the World Wide Wrap; contribute funds to Masorti synagogues or other institutions affiliated with the international Masorti/Conservative Movement.

Description of activity (for item 19.)
Save Draft - or - Preview and then Submit

2020-21 Quality Club Award Criteria and Reporting (Application)

You should be logged on to complete this form. Please click on the Login link.


Note:  If you see a blank field, it means that you should type in the information (with enough details) which confirms you've accomplished that requirement.

Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Form completed by
(If name is shown as "Anonymous", you have not logged in.)

Mandatory Requirements (6):

Clubs must meet each of these requirements. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify.

  1. Register online for the 2021 World Wide Wrap at and conduct the 2021 Wrap.*
  2. Distribute FJMC Shoah Yellow Candles. If COVID prevented your club from distributing your 2019-20 candle order, the purchase requirement will be waived for this year.
  3. Pay FJMC dues in full by April 30, 2021.
  4. Submit (or update) your club’s membership list on FJMC’s Chaverot system, located on, between June 1, 2020 and May 1, 2021.
  5. Conduct either of the following:
    1. A Wellness program intended to provide physical health for members. Examples: Sports league; walking, running, biking, hiking group activities; weight loss program.
    2. A Hearing Men’s Voices program. Examples: Discussion of father-son relationships; men’s spirituality; men and their work.*
Describe Wellness or Hearing Men's Voices program (for item 5.)
  1. Having a member attending either:
    1. A regional retreat, OR
    2. An FJMC consultant-led regional or individual club training program in the vicinity.  ( LDI and FJMC Keruv training will count for this criterion.)
    3. If none of these options are available, a visitation by an FJMC International or Regional representative may be substituted.

Optional Requirements (25):

Clubs must complete at least 10 of these requirements with 1 requirement per category. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify. T here will be special recognition for clubs that complete all 19 optional requirements and all 6 mandatory requirements, for a total number of 25 requirements.

(Programs can be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. More information about many of these programs may be found on under “Programs”). Please briefly describe program.
1. Minyan of Comfort - Develop and implement a Minyan of Comfort program for your congregation, working with your congregation’s clergy, or collaborate with synagogue clergy to develop an alternative Shabbat Experience as outlined in “Building Shabbat Community”.*
2. Joint Program with Sisterhood/Women’s League– Hold a joint program with a Women’s League (Sisterhood) group. *
3. Jewish Observance – Conduct a Jewish Observance Program that includes active participation, i.e., not just a Sunday morning speaker on the topic. Examples: Hebrew Literacy; Art of Jewish Living course; Torah study with the Rabbi; selling sukkah kits; Build-A-Pair Program, Yad Shel Chai Program.*
4. Community Service – Lead or participate in a Community Service Project to benefit your local community outside your congregation. Examples: Deliver food to the needy; hold religious services at an assisted living home; collect books and toys and deliver to a group home; etc.
5. Synagogue Service – Lead or participate in a synagogue service project that enhances or benefits your synagogue or congregation. Examples: Provides ushers for services; publish a synagogue directory; do a clean-up or organizing project; sort tallisim and/or siddurim to find those that are worn and need to be retired; etc.*
6. Men’s Club Shabbat – Organize and host a Men’s Club Shabbat (Friday night, Saturday morning, or both).*
7. Keruv – Lead or participate in a Keruv program. Examples: Programs to welcome interfaith families in your synagogue/congregation; discussion groups for congregants about interfaith experiences or issues.*
8. Shomrei Haaretz – Lead or participate in a Shomrei Haaretz (“Shepherds of the Land”) project. Examples: JNF carbon offset program; “greening” the synagogue project; composting initiative.
9. Father-Child or Youth Support – Conduct or participate in a father-child program or youth support activity. Examples: Father-child group sports event or group attendance at a professional sports game; youth art contest; Camp Ramah scholarships; safe driving program.*
10. Joint Men’s Club Program – Collaborate on a program with another Men's Club (outside of a regional activity). This can be with a Men's Club outside of the Conservative/Masorti movement. .Include name(s) of other Men’s Club(s) in submission to satisfy this criterion.*
11. Purchase FJMC Books/Supplies - Purchase FJMC books or materials (other than Yellow Candles) in support of FJMC programming.

12. President Elect - Submit the name of your successor club president by May 1, 2021. This individual does not need to have the title of First Vice President but must have agreed to serve as your next president.

Name of next president (for item 12.)

13. Email List - Submit valid email addresses for 90% of the members on your club membership list to “Chaverot”, the FJMC Membership system, located on

14. Communications - Conduct regular communications to inform club members of activities and/or meetings. Examples: Club Facebook page; newsletter (electronic or print); regular group e-mails; website; postcards; club’s programs advertised and promoted in synagogue newsletter.

Describe communication methods (for item 14.)

15. Budget – Produce and adopt a budget for the 2020-21 program year.

16. Calendar – Publish (online or print) a calendar of club activities for the 2020-21 program year.


17. Leadership – One club member (or more) is one of the following:

  1. an elected International FJMC officer (i.e., Executive Committee member)
  2. an elected Regional FJMC officer
  3. an active member of an International FJMC committee (past International FJMC presidents must serve on a committee to qualify for this criterion)
Name and position (for item 17.)
Name and committee (for item17.)

18. Regional - A member attends a regional honoree program, such as a Man-of-the-Year event, or another regional event that is not a training or a board meeting.

Provide name and event attended (for item 18.)

19. International – Participate directly in an activity internationally to promote or enhance Masorti Judaism. Examples: Contribute mezuzot, FJMC books, siddurim, tallisim, tefillin, etc., to foreign congregations; correspond with foreign clubs or congregations to encourage their participation in the World Wide Wrap; contribute funds to Masorti synagogues or other institutions affiliated with the international Masorti/Conservative Movement.

Description of activity (for item 19.)
Save Draft - or - Preview and then Submit

2020-21 Quality Club Award Criteria and Reporting (Application)

You should be logged on to complete this form. Please click on the Login link.


Note:  If you see a blank field, it means that you should type in the information (with enough details) which confirms you've accomplished that requirement.

Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Form completed by
(If name is shown as "Anonymous", you have not logged in.)

Mandatory Requirements (6):

Clubs must meet each of these requirements. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify.

  1. Register online for the 2021 World Wide Wrap at and conduct the 2021 Wrap.*
  2. Distribute FJMC Shoah Yellow Candles. If COVID prevented your club from distributing your 2019-20 candle order, the purchase requirement will be waived for this year.
  3. Pay FJMC dues in full by April 30, 2021.
  4. Submit (or update) your club’s membership list on FJMC’s Chaverot system, located on, between June 1, 2020 and May 1, 2021.
  5. Conduct either of the following:
    1. A Wellness program intended to provide physical health for members. Examples: Sports league; walking, running, biking, hiking group activities; weight loss program.
    2. A Hearing Men’s Voices program. Examples: Discussion of father-son relationships; men’s spirituality; men and their work.*
Describe Wellness or Hearing Men's Voices program (for item 5.)
  1. Having a member attending either:
    1. A regional retreat, OR
    2. An FJMC consultant-led regional or individual club training program in the vicinity.  ( LDI and FJMC Keruv training will count for this criterion.)
    3. If none of these options are available, a visitation by an FJMC International or Regional representative may be substituted.

Optional Requirements (25):

Clubs must complete at least 10 of these requirements with 1 requirement per category. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify. T here will be special recognition for clubs that complete all 19 optional requirements and all 6 mandatory requirements, for a total number of 25 requirements.

(Programs can be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. More information about many of these programs may be found on under “Programs”). Please briefly describe program.
1. Minyan of Comfort - Develop and implement a Minyan of Comfort program for your congregation, working with your congregation’s clergy, or collaborate with synagogue clergy to develop an alternative Shabbat Experience as outlined in “Building Shabbat Community”.*
2. Joint Program with Sisterhood/Women’s League– Hold a joint program with a Women’s League (Sisterhood) group. *
3. Jewish Observance – Conduct a Jewish Observance Program that includes active participation, i.e., not just a Sunday morning speaker on the topic. Examples: Hebrew Literacy; Art of Jewish Living course; Torah study with the Rabbi; selling sukkah kits; Build-A-Pair Program, Yad Shel Chai Program.*
4. Community Service – Lead or participate in a Community Service Project to benefit your local community outside your congregation. Examples: Deliver food to the needy; hold religious services at an assisted living home; collect books and toys and deliver to a group home; etc.
5. Synagogue Service – Lead or participate in a synagogue service project that enhances or benefits your synagogue or congregation. Examples: Provides ushers for services; publish a synagogue directory; do a clean-up or organizing project; sort tallisim and/or siddurim to find those that are worn and need to be retired; etc.*
6. Men’s Club Shabbat – Organize and host a Men’s Club Shabbat (Friday night, Saturday morning, or both).*
7. Keruv – Lead or participate in a Keruv program. Examples: Programs to welcome interfaith families in your synagogue/congregation; discussion groups for congregants about interfaith experiences or issues.*
8. Shomrei Haaretz – Lead or participate in a Shomrei Haaretz (“Shepherds of the Land”) project. Examples: JNF carbon offset program; “greening” the synagogue project; composting initiative.
9. Father-Child or Youth Support – Conduct or participate in a father-child program or youth support activity. Examples: Father-child group sports event or group attendance at a professional sports game; youth art contest; Camp Ramah scholarships; safe driving program.*
10. Joint Men’s Club Program – Collaborate on a program with another Men's Club (outside of a regional activity). This can be with a Men's Club outside of the Conservative/Masorti movement. .Include name(s) of other Men’s Club(s) in submission to satisfy this criterion.*
11. Purchase FJMC Books/Supplies - Purchase FJMC books or materials (other than Yellow Candles) in support of FJMC programming.

12. President Elect - Submit the name of your successor club president by May 1, 2021. This individual does not need to have the title of First Vice President but must have agreed to serve as your next president.

Name of next president (for item 12.)

13. Email List - Submit valid email addresses for 90% of the members on your club membership list to “Chaverot”, the FJMC Membership system, located on

14. Communications - Conduct regular communications to inform club members of activities and/or meetings. Examples: Club Facebook page; newsletter (electronic or print); regular group e-mails; website; postcards; club’s programs advertised and promoted in synagogue newsletter.

Describe communication methods (for item 14.)

15. Budget – Produce and adopt a budget for the 2020-21 program year.

16. Calendar – Publish (online or print) a calendar of club activities for the 2020-21 program year.


17. Leadership – One club member (or more) is one of the following:

  1. an elected International FJMC officer (i.e., Executive Committee member)
  2. an elected Regional FJMC officer
  3. an active member of an International FJMC committee (past International FJMC presidents must serve on a committee to qualify for this criterion)
Name and position (for item 17.)
Name and committee (for item17.)

18. Regional - A member attends a regional honoree program, such as a Man-of-the-Year event, or another regional event that is not a training or a board meeting.

Provide name and event attended (for item 18.)

19. International – Participate directly in an activity internationally to promote or enhance Masorti Judaism. Examples: Contribute mezuzot, FJMC books, siddurim, tallisim, tefillin, etc., to foreign congregations; correspond with foreign clubs or congregations to encourage their participation in the World Wide Wrap; contribute funds to Masorti synagogues or other institutions affiliated with the international Masorti/Conservative Movement.

Description of activity (for item 19.)
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2020-21 Quality Club Award Criteria and Reporting (Application)

You should be logged on to complete this form. Please click on the Login link.


Note:  If you see a blank field, it means that you should type in the information (with enough details) which confirms you've accomplished that requirement.

Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Form completed by
(If name is shown as "Anonymous", you have not logged in.)

Mandatory Requirements (6):

Clubs must meet each of these requirements. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify.

  1. Register online for the 2021 World Wide Wrap at and conduct the 2021 Wrap.*
  2. Distribute FJMC Shoah Yellow Candles. If COVID prevented your club from distributing your 2019-20 candle order, the purchase requirement will be waived for this year.
  3. Pay FJMC dues in full by April 30, 2021.
  4. Submit (or update) your club’s membership list on FJMC’s Chaverot system, located on, between June 1, 2020 and May 1, 2021.
  5. Conduct either of the following:
    1. A Wellness program intended to provide physical health for members. Examples: Sports league; walking, running, biking, hiking group activities; weight loss program.
    2. A Hearing Men’s Voices program. Examples: Discussion of father-son relationships; men’s spirituality; men and their work.*
Describe Wellness or Hearing Men's Voices program (for item 5.)
  1. Having a member attending either:
    1. A regional retreat, OR
    2. An FJMC consultant-led regional or individual club training program in the vicinity.  ( LDI and FJMC Keruv training will count for this criterion.)
    3. If none of these options are available, a visitation by an FJMC International or Regional representative may be substituted.

Optional Requirements (25):

Clubs must complete at least 10 of these requirements with 1 requirement per category. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify. T here will be special recognition for clubs that complete all 19 optional requirements and all 6 mandatory requirements, for a total number of 25 requirements.

(Programs can be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. More information about many of these programs may be found on under “Programs”). Please briefly describe program.
1. Minyan of Comfort - Develop and implement a Minyan of Comfort program for your congregation, working with your congregation’s clergy, or collaborate with synagogue clergy to develop an alternative Shabbat Experience as outlined in “Building Shabbat Community”.*
2. Joint Program with Sisterhood/Women’s League– Hold a joint program with a Women’s League (Sisterhood) group. *
3. Jewish Observance – Conduct a Jewish Observance Program that includes active participation, i.e., not just a Sunday morning speaker on the topic. Examples: Hebrew Literacy; Art of Jewish Living course; Torah study with the Rabbi; selling sukkah kits; Build-A-Pair Program, Yad Shel Chai Program.*
4. Community Service – Lead or participate in a Community Service Project to benefit your local community outside your congregation. Examples: Deliver food to the needy; hold religious services at an assisted living home; collect books and toys and deliver to a group home; etc.
5. Synagogue Service – Lead or participate in a synagogue service project that enhances or benefits your synagogue or congregation. Examples: Provides ushers for services; publish a synagogue directory; do a clean-up or organizing project; sort tallisim and/or siddurim to find those that are worn and need to be retired; etc.*
6. Men’s Club Shabbat – Organize and host a Men’s Club Shabbat (Friday night, Saturday morning, or both).*
7. Keruv – Lead or participate in a Keruv program. Examples: Programs to welcome interfaith families in your synagogue/congregation; discussion groups for congregants about interfaith experiences or issues.*
8. Shomrei Haaretz – Lead or participate in a Shomrei Haaretz (“Shepherds of the Land”) project. Examples: JNF carbon offset program; “greening” the synagogue project; composting initiative.
9. Father-Child or Youth Support – Conduct or participate in a father-child program or youth support activity. Examples: Father-child group sports event or group attendance at a professional sports game; youth art contest; Camp Ramah scholarships; safe driving program.*
10. Joint Men’s Club Program – Collaborate on a program with another Men's Club (outside of a regional activity). This can be with a Men's Club outside of the Conservative/Masorti movement. .Include name(s) of other Men’s Club(s) in submission to satisfy this criterion.*
11. Purchase FJMC Books/Supplies - Purchase FJMC books or materials (other than Yellow Candles) in support of FJMC programming.

12. President Elect - Submit the name of your successor club president by May 1, 2021. This individual does not need to have the title of First Vice President but must have agreed to serve as your next president.

Name of next president (for item 12.)

13. Email List - Submit valid email addresses for 90% of the members on your club membership list to “Chaverot”, the FJMC Membership system, located on

14. Communications - Conduct regular communications to inform club members of activities and/or meetings. Examples: Club Facebook page; newsletter (electronic or print); regular group e-mails; website; postcards; club’s programs advertised and promoted in synagogue newsletter.

Describe communication methods (for item 14.)

15. Budget – Produce and adopt a budget for the 2020-21 program year.

16. Calendar – Publish (online or print) a calendar of club activities for the 2020-21 program year.


17. Leadership – One club member (or more) is one of the following:

  1. an elected International FJMC officer (i.e., Executive Committee member)
  2. an elected Regional FJMC officer
  3. an active member of an International FJMC committee (past International FJMC presidents must serve on a committee to qualify for this criterion)
Name and position (for item 17.)
Name and committee (for item17.)

18. Regional - A member attends a regional honoree program, such as a Man-of-the-Year event, or another regional event that is not a training or a board meeting.

Provide name and event attended (for item 18.)

19. International – Participate directly in an activity internationally to promote or enhance Masorti Judaism. Examples: Contribute mezuzot, FJMC books, siddurim, tallisim, tefillin, etc., to foreign congregations; correspond with foreign clubs or congregations to encourage their participation in the World Wide Wrap; contribute funds to Masorti synagogues or other institutions affiliated with the international Masorti/Conservative Movement.

Description of activity (for item 19.)
Save Draft - or - Preview and then Submit

2020-21 Quality Club Award Criteria and Reporting (Application)

You should be logged on to complete this form. Please click on the Login link.


Note:  If you see a blank field, it means that you should type in the information (with enough details) which confirms you've accomplished that requirement.

Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Form completed by
(If name is shown as "Anonymous", you have not logged in.)

Mandatory Requirements (6):

Clubs must meet each of these requirements. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify.

  1. Register online for the 2021 World Wide Wrap at and conduct the 2021 Wrap.*
  2. Distribute FJMC Shoah Yellow Candles. If COVID prevented your club from distributing your 2019-20 candle order, the purchase requirement will be waived for this year.
  3. Pay FJMC dues in full by April 30, 2021.
  4. Submit (or update) your club’s membership list on FJMC’s Chaverot system, located on, between June 1, 2020 and May 1, 2021.
  5. Conduct either of the following:
    1. A Wellness program intended to provide physical health for members. Examples: Sports league; walking, running, biking, hiking group activities; weight loss program.
    2. A Hearing Men’s Voices program. Examples: Discussion of father-son relationships; men’s spirituality; men and their work.*
Describe Wellness or Hearing Men's Voices program (for item 5.)
  1. Having a member attending either:
    1. A regional retreat, OR
    2. An FJMC consultant-led regional or individual club training program in the vicinity.  ( LDI and FJMC Keruv training will count for this criterion.)
    3. If none of these options are available, a visitation by an FJMC International or Regional representative may be substituted.

Optional Requirements (25):

Clubs must complete at least 10 of these requirements with 1 requirement per category. An *(asterisk) represents that the program/activity may be conducted virtually or physically in 2020-21 to qualify. T here will be special recognition for clubs that complete all 19 optional requirements and all 6 mandatory requirements, for a total number of 25 requirements.

(Programs can be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. More information about many of these programs may be found on under “Programs”). Please briefly describe program.
1. Minyan of Comfort - Develop and implement a Minyan of Comfort program for your congregation, working with your congregation’s clergy, or collaborate with synagogue clergy to develop an alternative Shabbat Experience as outlined in “Building Shabbat Community”.*
2. Joint Program with Sisterhood/Women’s League– Hold a joint program with a Women’s League (Sisterhood) group. *
3. Jewish Observance – Conduct a Jewish Observance Program that includes active participation, i.e., not just a Sunday morning speaker on the topic. Examples: Hebrew Literacy; Art of Jewish Living course; Torah study with the Rabbi; selling sukkah kits; Build-A-Pair Program, Yad Shel Chai Program.*
4. Community Service – Lead or participate in a Community Service Project to benefit your local community outside your congregation. Examples: Deliver food to the needy; hold religious services at an assisted living home; collect books and toys and deliver to a group home; etc.
5. Synagogue Service – Lead or participate in a synagogue service project that enhances or benefits your synagogue or congregation. Examples: Provides ushers for services; publish a synagogue directory; do a clean-up or organizing project; sort tallisim and/or siddurim to find those that are worn and need to be retired; etc.*
6. Men’s Club Shabbat – Organize and host a Men’s Club Shabbat (Friday night, Saturday morning, or both).*
7. Keruv – Lead or participate in a Keruv program. Examples: Programs to welcome interfaith families in your synagogue/congregation; discussion groups for congregants about interfaith experiences or issues.*
8. Shomrei Haaretz – Lead or participate in a Shomrei Haaretz (“Shepherds of the Land”) project. Examples: JNF carbon offset program; “greening” the synagogue project; composting initiative.
9. Father-Child or Youth Support – Conduct or participate in a father-child program or youth support activity. Examples: Father-child group sports event or group attendance at a professional sports game; youth art contest; Camp Ramah scholarships; safe driving program.*
10. Joint Men’s Club Program – Collaborate on a program with another Men's Club (outside of a regional activity). This can be with a Men's Club outside of the Conservative/Masorti movement. .Include name(s) of other Men’s Club(s) in submission to satisfy this criterion.*
11. Purchase FJMC Books/Supplies - Purchase FJMC books or materials (other than Yellow Candles) in support of FJMC programming.

12. President Elect - Submit the name of your successor club president by May 1, 2021. This individual does not need to have the title of First Vice President but must have agreed to serve as your next president.

Name of next president (for item 12.)

13. Email List - Submit valid email addresses for 90% of the members on your club membership list to “Chaverot”, the FJMC Membership system, located on

14. Communications - Conduct regular communications to inform club members of activities and/or meetings. Examples: Club Facebook page; newsletter (electronic or print); regular group e-mails; website; postcards; club’s programs advertised and promoted in synagogue newsletter.

Describe communication methods (for item 14.)

15. Budget – Produce and adopt a budget for the 2020-21 program year.

16. Calendar – Publish (online or print) a calendar of club activities for the 2020-21 program year.


17. Leadership – One club member (or more) is one of the following:

  1. an elected International FJMC officer (i.e., Executive Committee member)
  2. an elected Regional FJMC officer
  3. an active member of an International FJMC committee (past International FJMC presidents must serve on a committee to qualify for this criterion)
Name and position (for item 17.)
Name and committee (for item17.)

18. Regional - A member attends a regional honoree program, such as a Man-of-the-Year event, or another regional event that is not a training or a board meeting.

Provide name and event attended (for item 18.)

19. International – Participate directly in an activity internationally to promote or enhance Masorti Judaism. Examples: Contribute mezuzot, FJMC books, siddurim, tallisim, tefillin, etc., to foreign congregations; correspond with foreign clubs or congregations to encourage their participation in the World Wide Wrap; contribute funds to Masorti synagogues or other institutions affiliated with the international Masorti/Conservative Movement.

Description of activity (for item 19.)
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