
World Zionist Organization Congress 2020


October 20-22, 2020

The First Zionist Congress was the inaugural congress of the Zionist Organization (ZO) held in Basel Switzerland, from August 29-31, 1897.  Two-hundred and eight delegates and twenty-six press correspondents attended the event.  It was convened and chaired by Theodor Herzl, founder of the modern Zionism movement. The Congress formulated a Zionist platform, known as the Basel program, and founded the Zionist Organization.  It also adopted Hatikvah as its anthem. 


Good News About Israel

agouraguy's picture

By now you hopefully have all seen the publicity from FJMC and other Conservative movement organizations about the upcoming World Zionist Organization (WZO) Congress in Israel next October, and the importance of voting in the WZO elections for the Mercaz slate.  If you have not yet voted, this is a good time to do so!  Just go to to first register and then vote.  Why is this important?  In case you didn't know, Mercaz is the Zionist membership organization of the Conservative Movement, the voice of Conservative Jewry to the WZ

Israel on my mind

agouraguy's picture

I’m usually a pretty optimistic guy, but for the past several weeks events in Israel and for Jews in the rest of the world have been disheartening and frustrating, to say the least. As Israel pursued its legitimate right and moral responsibility to defend itself against the continuous barrage of Hamas rocket attacks with Operation Protective Edge, the world seems to have gone mad. Here’s my take on the situation, which removes all semblance of sanity and common sense.