Communications Team Upping its Game

With the increase in FJMC activities, our communications team has upped its game. As we are sure you have noticed, in addition to our weekly email outlining the upcoming activities, we are now sending at least one single-event email per event and we are posting regularly on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. These single-event emails and posts have dramatically increased the attendance at our Webinars and Affinity Groups. We are all busy people and that extra reminder is all many of us need.

It is important for FJMC to maintain a quality list of contacts so that the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) will let our emails reach you. You can help in this process. If an FJMC email ends up in your spam folder, please drag it to your inbox.

Something you may not know is that if you make a post to Facebook, it isn’t necessarily seen by many people. We all have too many friends, and if we saw everything each friend or organization posted, we would be completely overwhelmed. So Facebook uses an algorithm to present posts that it determines are most relevant to you. One key criterion in the algorithm is the engagement of posts. If the posts are being liked and shared by many people, they are more likely to be presented to you.

A way to make it more likely that you will see posts from particular pages is by upping the notification parameters for that site. So right now, go to  and sign up for more notifications from FJMC by clicking on the three-dot (…) button on the top right. Select the Follow Settings and the Notifications.  Bob Watts, the president of the Seaboard Region, created an instructional video on sharing posts.

We are in the process of setting up a Social Media Tree, along the lines of the phone tree concept. When we post an FJMC event to the FJMC page, we are asking one person from each region to share the post with their regional Facebook page/group and with their own club page/group. When the event is relevant, they can even share that to their own personal pages as well as their synagogue’s page.

Facebook offers both Pages and Groups.  Pages are the public face of an organization while Groups are the place for small group communication and for people to share their common interests.  For example, the TV show Shtisel has a public page maintained by the TV studio and there are various Groups that allow people to discuss the show.  Some clubs have chosen to have a Pages and other Groups.  When you post to a Page, unless you have administrator rights, your post goes to the community area rather than the newsfeed.  For more information on Pages and Groups see this Facebook Tips site.

FJMC’s Facebook presence has evolved over the years. At one point we had as many as three FB pages, but we are in the final stages of merging all three into a single page. is the official page. The FJMC HQ page will be merged with the FJMC.ORG page.

Social media survey that we conducted in our last HaShofar indicated that about two thirds of us check our Facebook pages regularly. So let’s make the most out of this tool.  Start sharing!
