Listening to God's Voice

SKU: HMV-Listening

Edited by Dr. Robert Braitman

The third installment in the Hearing Men's Voices series focuses on men's spiritual lives and examines the nature of our relationships with God. The book consists of more than a dozen lesson plans designed to stimulate discussion in these areas.

  1. The Whys and Wherefores of Tefillin. The book gives an excellent discussion of the reasons for wearing tefillin and an explanation of the related prayers - ideal to be incorporated into the World Wide Wrap.
  2. Shabbat afternoon study session, meal, and Havdalah. Pick a topic to discuss and follow it with the traditional third Shabbat meal - Seudah Sh'lish't - and then Havdalah.
  3. "The Spiritual Moment." Hold a discussion where men share a spiritual event in their lives.

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Price: $11.00