Financial Insights - FJMC Affinity Group

Welcome to Registration for:

"Option Trading Strategies:
Success, Excitement & Less


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Option trading can be a very conservative way to get a bit of extra income as you sell out a position of stock. It can also be a way to leverage a "hot tip" opportunity at a small risk compared to the potential reward - often at a 10x leverage to buying the stock with no margin risk. There are many other uses for options and attendees are invited to share their experiences as we learn from each other.


FJMC Webinars are offered free of charge to our members and guests. To help defray the administrative costs of this program, please consider making a donation to FJMC in honor of "Webinar Kudos."

Thank you for your participation. We look forward to seeing you virtually at our events.

In Brotherhood,

Richard Gray & Gary Smith
Financial Insights Affinity Group Co-Chairs

Questions? Email us at


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and All Previous Programs on YouTube


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