Masks Make Membership Meaningful

In a time when the government “stay home” orders and social distancing are the reality, the Middle Atlantic Region found a way to offer friendship, comfort, and connection to many of its members. Safety cloth masks with the MAR logo were mailed to club presidents, MAR officers, directors, and past MAR regional presidents, as a reminder that they are part of an organization that cares. Maintaining a connection with local volunteers is essential during these long periods of physical distancing.

MAR regional president, Marc Cohen, decided to surprise the membership with this useful gift. No mention of the mask purchase was made during monthly Zoom regional board meetings. The feel-good factor of receiving the mask sent happiness levels soaring. The positive feedback was overwhelming.  The gift inspired some to make an unsolicited donation to the region. Marc believes that the best way to create a happier life for himself is to make other people happier.






Art Lashin is a member of the FJMC Executive Committee and is the Honorary President of the Middle Atlantic Region. He lives near Philadelphia in Abington, PA.
