WWW Registration

Show 20 | 50 | 100 | 200 | 500 | 1000 | All results per page. 1636 results total.
#sort ascendingSubmittedUserIP AddressClub NameClub WebsiteActivity SubjectTitleFirst NameLastEmailTitleFirst NameLastEmailNumber of Club MembersEstimated WrappersEstimated DonationsPlanned ProgramComments
41892022-01-12 08:43Friedberg (not verified) Men'S Club - Hamden, CT (204)World Wide Wrap 2022ChairStevenSosenskysosensky@sbcglobal.netStevenSosenskysosensky@sbcglobal.net6020
41882022-01-12 08:00sarbital69.119.105.62Temple Beth Ahm Men's Club - Aberdeen, NJ (923)World Wide Wrap 2022RichardRobinsonmetsfan63@gmail.comSethArbitalsmarbital@gmail.com0

Our World Wide Wrap program includes our Men's Club members helping/teaching our Dalet and Hay Class students with laying tefillin.  We also help adults who need assistance.  Our Rabbi and Religious Chair present a brief lesson on tephillian - the why we lay tefillin, the associated prayers, and showing everyone sample scrolls and pen tefillin boxes.  If we are in person, the students get to hold the open tefillin.  

Due to Covid protocols, we are not sure if we will be remote or in person, and if in person, if we can sponsor a bagel brunch following the presentation.

41862022-01-12 06:30miltonlipitz24108.41.137.215Beth El Men's Club - Cedarhurst, NY (831)mensclub@templebethelofcedarhurst.orgWorld Wide Wrap 2022President Milton Lipitzmlipitz121@gmail.comPresidentMilton Lipitzmlipitz121@gmail.com3520

Students who have been Bar/Bat Mitzvahed and their Parents are helping to organize the Program.  Event to occur on ZOOM with Breakout Sessions where a trainer will be assigned to each session (Right and Left Handed Trainers).  This will occur before Morning Service and After the service.  In addition, a presentation will be made by "The Women's League of Conservative Judaism" (Speaker or a Movie from the organization).  We also work with Sisterhood to encourage Women to participate. Save the date has already been included in our weekly newsletter; a flyer will also be included in our weekly newsletter starting the week of January 24.  President of the Men's Club will also do a Robo call prior to the event.  ALL MEN AND WOMEN OF ALL AGES ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND.  The Rabbi has already spoken about the event during his Shabbat Sermons.

41852022-01-11 21:24lewger68.83.216.94B'nai Israel Men's Club - Rockville, MD (1103)bnaiisraelcong.orgWorld Wide Wrap 2022LewisGertzlewger1643@gmail.comLewisGertzlewger1643@gmail.com11640

Logo for B'nai Israel Congregation


SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2022 • 12 ADAR I 5782

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Join us for a special service at 9:00 AM to celebrate the World Wide Wrap. We will explore the mitzvah of tefillin, including how we wear them, why we put them on, and how they are used during the service to help raise our spiritual awareness.  All are welcome to join. 

Cosponsored by Men’s Club and Sisterhood.

In honor of the World Wide Wrap the Sisterhood Judaica Shop is selling all tefillin sets purchased in February at a discounted price.

Small regularly $300 now $250
Medium regularly $350 now $300
Large regularly $400 now $350

The WWW is an annual joint Men's Club/Sisterhood program and is open to everyone in the community. Our Talmud Torah is linked in and the 6th graders, boys and girls, will be attending. Rabbi Berkowitz will be teaching a workshop o the "inner workings" of tefillin. Of course, the program may have to be modified due to Covid.

41842022-01-11 20:13Friedberg (not verified) Beth Sholom Men's Club - Cherry Hill, NJ (561)World Wide Wrap 2022Mr.MarcCohenBrendad02@comcast.netMr. MikePerlowmensclub@tbsonline.org9250
41832022-01-11 19:58TBEMC Men's Club50.243.79.225Temple Beth-El Mekor Chayim Men's Club - Cranford, NJ (909)World Wide Wrap 2022CraigSchwartzrcsacs@aol.comCraigSchwartzrcsacs@aol.com4915

a teaching program with the religous school

41822022-01-11 19:09arthurlashin73.81.252.2Beth Sholom Men'S Club - Elkins Park, PA (532)noneWorld Wide Wrap 2022StevenPilchikshpilchik61@gmail.comArthurLashinalashin@comcast.net102400

Joint event with Adath Jeshurun Men's Association, Elkins Park PA (524), and the Hebrew Schools of both synagogues. Rabbi Cherry of Congregation Adath Jeshurun will lead an instructional session with children's participation.. 

41812022-01-11 17:44stevenwolfe68.187.214.221Beth Israel Brotherhood - Worcester, MA (723)World Wide Wrap 2022Mr.StevenWolfefleckfan@gmail.com361210

Our Brotherhood has purchased Build-A_Pair kits for Hebrew School students of Bar and Bat Mitzvah age. Our religipus VP had planned to visit the Hebrew School to do a show-and-tell session on laying Tefillin. However, due to the Omicron variant of Covid-19, there have been more positive cases in our area. So, basically the synagogue has shut down live services for at least the month of January. We are planning to do our WWW service on Zoom this year. I am trying to work out something with the with our Religious VP to schedule a Zoom session with our Hebrew School Principal, Dale Rosenberg. I think that his show-and-tell session should be done before the WWW service.

41802022-01-11 17:39Canadiensa04184.91.127.113Ohev Shalom Men's Club - Maitland, FL (1316)World Wide Wrap 2022Elliott Daviselliottdavis613@gmail.comElliott Daviselliottdavis613@gmail.com30

Rabbi Murray Ezring and Cantor Alan Robuck will lead Shacharit services and demonstrate the technique of putting on tefillin and explaining the relevance of tefillin in the Jewish religion.

41792022-01-10 11:01brian_j_rubenstein97.75.127.242Beth Torah Men's Club - Richardson, TX (1713)https://www.congregationbethtorah.org/mensclubWorld Wide Wrap 2022co-chairBrianRubensteinbjrubenstein00@gmail.comJeffMarkowitzjeff.markowitz@verizon.net75

Our program this year will again be a collaborative effort with the three major conservative synagogues in town coming together for WWW – this year hosted by Beth Torah.  As of now, our plans include the standard minyan with additional readings and short ‘tefillin’ stories from members of each club throughout the service.   After the minyan, we will have our famous lox and bagels breakfast, which, for the WWW will also include “WRAPS” (hey – it’s Texas, and we love our breakfast tacos – known to the rest of the world as an egg and cheese wrap with salsa!)

Our club will also be participating in the build a pair program and will be engaging the youth in our learning center in the week or two before WWW.

Our speaker plans hit a snag in the past week and we are working with who was confirmed to get a suitable replacement from his organization… so that remains “TBD” – but we have some back up plans and will have an amazing breakfast and program with our club, and the clubs from Shearith Israel and Anshai Torah here in Dallas!

41782022-01-09 21:46svineberg68.231.12.188Or Tzion Men's Club - Scottsdale, AZ (1074)https://www.congregationortzion.org/connect/mens-club/World Wide Wrap 2022ScottVinebergscottvineberg@hotmail.comSamBinderbindersam@gmail.com18
41772022-01-09 16:01edsachs2598.212.2.37West Suburban Temple Har Zion - River Forest, IL (612)World Wide Wrap 2022EdSachsedsachs25@gmail.comEdSachsedsachs25@gmail.com20

Our program for the 2022 World Wide Wrap will have two parts. 

Part 1 will be a session the prior week, on February 6, with our 6th and 7th grade Hebrew School Classes, talking about Teffillin and having them use the Build-a-Pair kits to create their own. We are unsure at this time whether we will be able to do this in person or remotely (via Zoom). If we will be doing it remotely, we will put together individual Build-a-Pair kits with necessary materials and instructions for the students to use at home.

Part 2, on February 13, will be part of our daily morning Minyan. Our daily Minyan has been remote (Zoom) only for the past two years, so will this program be as well. While our Minyan members normally put their Teffilin before the service begins, we will ask them to hold off and do it all together at the beginning of the service. We will invite all members of our congregation, along with the pre- and post- B’nai Mitzvah students from our Hebrew school, to join. Rabbi Glick will give a short D’var on Teffillin.

41762022-01-09 09:48howard.jacobs2024.0.255.98East Brunswick Jewish Center Men's Club - E. Brunswick, NJ (953)ebjc.orgWorld Wide Wrap 2022Mr.KenGersonkgerson7@gmail.comMr.HowardJacobs100200

We plan to participate in a regional event that will be hosted by our region, NNJR.

41752022-01-08 22:48davidmillman108.35.62.218Brandeis Men'S Club of Temple Israel - Ridgewood, NJ (969)synagogue.orgWorld Wide Wrap 2022DavidMillmanmillman.david@gmail.comEvanFleischmannnjevan@gmail.com652036

We have plans to include the 6th and 7th grade Rligeous School class (and parents) at the February 13 Sunday minyan (Shacharit service). Men's club members will assist everyone putting on tefillin. Rabbi will teach about them.

Plans are subject to complying with current federal, state and synagogue COVID guidelines.

41742022-01-06 18:57CAI Mens Club P... Israel Men's Club - Caldwell, NJ (963)World Wide Wrap 2022Past PresMichael ChiaetMCHIAET@GMAIL.COM Jonathan Mehl209

Join the web site or if possiable have a class with the Hebrew school students 

41732022-01-04 10:43jayseliber155.201.56.96Marlboro Jewish Center Men'S Club- Marlboro, NJ (976)https://www.mjcnj.com/mens-club.htmlWorld Wide Wrap 2022LenWhitmanlenwhitman@gmail.comJaySeliberjseliber001@yahoo.com5040

We do a program with our temple's Hebrew school 6th grade class (we will also include 7th grade this year because we had to skip last year) to teach them about tefillin - both what they are, how they are made, and how to wear them. We do a "Build-a-Pair" program in class to show the students what the tefillin are and what they contain, and then run a program where members of the Men's Club demonstrate and help the students to "lay" the tefillin and lead a service.

41722022-01-04 09:25luvtoride208.127.155.92Fair Lawn Jewish Center/Congregation B'nai Israel Men's Progress Club - Fair Lawn, NJ (947)World Wide Wrap 2022Mr. LarryBachbachlarry333@gmail.comMr.JosephSchkolnickscoey2020@aol.com75200



Fair Lawn Jewish Center

Congregation Bnai Israel


Enriching Lives through Prayer, Celebration, Education and Social Action for over 70 Years!




Join with your friends

in the Men's Progress Club

for the 2022 World Wide Wrap!



February 13th 9:30 AM

in the Sanctuary

Vaccinations and K95 Masks Required!



41712022-01-03 21:36Mitspi70.19.49.179Congregation Shir Shalom Men`s Club - New City, NY (1890)World Wide Wrap 2022MitchellSpiegelmitspi@verizon.netco-presideMitchellSpiegelmitspi@verizon.net200

Event will be all virtual

8:15-8:45-pick up bagged breakfast

9:00 -9:30 Tefillin donning led by Rabbi

9:30 -10:15 morning minyin

10:15-11:15 Breakfast and live interactive discussion on "Chok" laws of Judaism

41702021-12-26 20:20Friedberg (not verified) of Temple Beth Tzedek - Buffalo, NY (1226)World Wide Wrap 2022Mr.JonathanEpsteinjepstein@buffnews.comMr.JonathanEpsteinjepstein@buffnews.com3110
41692021-12-18 17:38darthzaydah@gma... Rinah Men'S Club - St. Louis, MO (633)kolrinahstl.orgWorld Wide Wrap 2022Honorary PMaxBrowndarthzaydah@gmail.comPresidentBobOlshanolshanr@gmail.com402024
41682021-12-15 20:37RickShillander47.6.99.134Temple Aliyah Men'S Club - Woodland Hills, CA (CLUB MERGED)https://www.templealiyah.org/mens-club.htmlWorld Wide Wrap 2022VPRickShillanderrick.shillander@gmail.comPresidentRichardKosofffosok61@gmail.com6830480

Production of mock tefillin in December/January, religious school education/training in January, tefillin wrap service on February 6th (will include education/training of participants).

The rabbi in charge of the program wants to proceed as normal but needs to check with teachers, staff, and clergy to finalize.

41672021-12-12 10:09jsaltsberg172.58.227.226Midway Jewish Center Men's Club - Syosset, NY (890)Www.MJC.orgWorld Wide Wrap 2022DavidSieradskidavidsieradski123@gmail.comErezBarakebarak@optonline.net50300

Morning minyan with tefillin wrapping assistance followed by a breakfast

41662021-12-09 16:14dglass0472.79.48.115Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael Men'S Club - Springfield, NJ (921)World Wide Wrap 2022Rabbi EmeMark Mallachrabbimallach@gmail.comGlenn Wohldonbocce@gmail.com25

This year we will be doing the Wrap at morning minyan with the Religious School. After the wrap we will be having a breakfast with a guest speaker. This years speaker will be Congressman Tom Malinowski NJ-7th District

41652021-12-02 11:25Friedberg (not verified) Yeshurun Synagogue Men'S Club - Augusta, GA - DISAFFILIATEDWorld Wide Wrap 2022MrScottWalkowitzaugbus@yahoo.comMr FredDaitchaugbus@yahoo.com2180
41642021-11-27 10:10Jerry Brodsky173.91.37.93B'nai Jeshurun Men's Club - Pepper Pike, OH (325)https://www.bnaijeshurun.org/be-with-us-social-groups-mens-clubWorld Wide Wrap 2022JerryBrodskyjerrybrodsky2@gmail.comJerryBrodskyjerrybrodsky2@gmail.com200200

Joining with Rabbi Josh Foster, our educational director, and his b'nai mitzvah students, the men will prepare a breakfast and then wrap tefillin, with Rabbi Foster conducting the subsequent morning service.  If COVID guidelines require, the program will be conducted via zoom instead of in-person.

41632021-11-22 17:43DiamondMC32.213.190.202Beth El Temple Men's Club - West Hartford (217)https://www.bethelwesthartford.org/community/get-involved/mens-clubWorld Wide Wrap 2022PhilSchulzphilschulz@sbcglobal.netTomFaliktfalik@comcast.net9615

Minyan service with clergy available to assist with tefillin. . Participants invited to join afterwards for breakfast at a local restaurant.  Possible inclusion of religious school students in planning stages.

41612021-08-12 00:31Friedberg (not verified) El Men's Club - East Windsor, NJ (980)World Wide Wrap 2022BrianAlbertbealbert@yahoo.comMikeLivstonebemc08520@gmail.com4020100
41602021-05-02 16:42lestershapiro108.52.207.19Beth Hillel-Beth El Men'S Club - Wynnewood, PA (522)World Wide Wrap 2021SamBrintvibrint@aol.comSamBrintvibrint@aol.com3050

We had a zoom minyan with our club members, fellow congregants, and with our older (pre-Bar/Bat Mitzvah) religious school students and their parents invited to participate. Our Cantor first provided a lesson in wrapping Tefillin and then we invited our Rabbinic Intern to offer a short presentation in regards to Tefillin. Following our morning minyan was held with all those participating. Following our World Wide Wrap Minyan we held our annual Silver Circle Award (in-person for the family and presenters and on zoom for our members and congregants) honoring our very deserving member Paul Shandelman with a pick-up brunch (lox and bagel platter) being offered for those wishing from the Synagogue following our World Wrap and befoe the award presentation began.

41592021-04-30 17:16BethShalomMensClub67.175.68.182Congregation Beth Shalom Men'S Club - Northbrook, IL (643)bethshalomnb.orgWorld Wide Wrap 2021SteveLessmanslessman@hotmail.comStevenEliscoswelisco@eliscodesign.com38470

COVID brought on many challenges in coordination World Wide Wrap. We were left with one option. A ZOOM Sunday morning service with Adults and Hebrew School. In years past we could not get together with Hebrew School because of timing of Hebrew School and timing of Sunday morning service.

This year it was not a problem. We began with discussions with Senior Rabbi Melman, Cantor Stoehr, Assistant Rabbi Ferratier and added School Principal Stacy Ybarra from the Hebrew School. We all agreed to work together and put together a meaningful service that worked with kids and tefillin education.

It all started two weeks prior to World Wide Wrap. Stacy Ybarra showed the FJMC Video Ties that bind. Part one on one Sunday and Part two on Sunday before WWW. She also worked with us as we sponsored the program with FJMC “Build -a -Pair” Tefillin kits, so the children would be prepared and knowledgeable. On each of the two Sundays, Assistant Rabbi Ferratier was present to assist with study and teaching the ritual side of Tefillin.

It all came together on Super Bowl Sunday. The 6th and 7th graders would be on zoom along with Men’s Club early before service for assistance in putting on tefillin. It began with Senior Rabbi Melman Teaching about the custom of Laying Tefillin and how it varies amongst Jews with different backgrounds.  He also showed what the contents of the Tefillin look like and how they are put together.  Then Cantor Stoehr led the Sunday morning service with everyone involved.

The flyer for this Program is attached under “Marketing”.

41582021-04-21 09:02gtlblum184.185.89.49Beth Sholom B'Nai Israel Brotherhood - Manchester, CT (205)myshul.orgWorld Wide Wrap 2021PresidentGlennBlumensteinglenn@blumensteins.netPresidentRussBenblattruss@russbenblatt.com8512
41572021-04-14 12:42madiamant173.76.108.68Temple Emunah Brotherhood - Lexington, MA (714)World Wide Wrap 2021MorrisDiamantmodiamant@gmail.comDavidRosenbaumdavid.rosenbaum84@gmail.com50

On Jan 31, 2021 we had a Build a Pair virtual session with our pre B'nei Mitvah class, attended by 15 students and their parents.

On Feb 7, 2021, we had a virtual 45 minute session beginning at 8:30 am, learning about tefillin.  

Rabbi Kling Perkins will instruct the group about wrapping tefillin and near the end of the teaching portion she will ask if anyone needs any additional assistance. If yes, she will assign a mentor and Wrapper to a break-out room where the mentor can assist the Wrapper individually. We had 8 mentors signed up for the event.

Shacharit services started around 9:15 am

After the service, groups will be broken out into break-out rooms to take photos, i.e. screen shots.

41562021-04-07 21:03joshuaduv47.18.92.210Beth El Men's Club - Stamford, CT (251)World Wide Wrap 2021JoshuaLevinejoshuaduv@hotmail.comJoshuaLevine10
41552021-04-06 17:33hfreed100.36.234.73Har Shalom Men's Club - Potomac, MD (1151)https://www.harshalom.org/mensclubWorld Wide Wrap 2021WWW chairMickey Bursteinbursteinlaw@yahoo.comPresidentRobertSingmanrjsingman@yahoo.com16080

The regular Sunday minyan on Feb 12  was expanded to include wraping. The service was on zoom. About 18 attended and 8 wrapped. 

41542021-03-07 09:36DiamondMC32.213.190.202Beth El Temple Men's Club - West Hartford (217)https://www.bethelwesthartford.org/community/get-involved/mens-clubWorld Wide Wrap 2021PhilSchulzphilschulz@sbcglobal.netTomFaliktfalik@comcast.net103200

As communicated by Beth El Temple via e-mail to congregants:

World Wide Wrap XXI
Sunday, February 7
8:15am Tefillin Assistance Begins
8:45am Morning Minyan

We invite you to join us at minyan for the mitzvah of wrapping tefillin prior to morning minyan. A limited number of tefillin sets are available for you to borrow from the Temple office. You may join us in person in the chapel or on Zoom via the Sunday Morning Minyan access link (Meeting ID: 646 087 702, 
Passcode: 902885).

This event is sponsored by Beth El Men’s Club and Women’s Network.



41532021-02-24 20:50BrandeisMensClub108.35.62.218Brandeis Men'S Club of Temple Israel - Ridgewood, NJ (969)synagogue.orgWorld Wide Wrap 2021DavidMillmanmillman.david@gmail.comScottBaslawscottbaslaw@gmail.com65150

Join the Zoom WWW session hosted by the Northern NJ Region.

41522021-02-16 00:31mark-goldstein-tec47.148.39.12Etz Chaim Men's Club - Thousand Oaks, CA (1036)World Wide Wrap 2021Jonathan Hoppsjonathan.hops@gmail.comColinPullancolinclp@sbcglobal.net20

We had a great virtual World Wide Wrap event on Sunday, February 7th.  After a short presentation on little known facts about Tefillin, about 25 people joined together to put on the Tefillin and daven the rest of Shacharit.

Even though we couldn't be together physically, we all enjoyed the togetherness and the strength provided by a mitzvah well done -- with ruach.
41512021-02-08 10:22hjcmcprez68.132.55.233Huntington Jewish Center Men'S Club - Huntington, NY (886)World Wide Wrap 2021OferRindhjcmcprez@gmail.com15

Zoom minyan with tefillin tutorial by HJC Cantor.  Plus, registration for and attendance at FJMC organized panel.

41502021-02-07 10:47amfrohlich70.29.60.162Beth David B'Nai Israel Beth Am Brotherhood - Toronto, ON (403)World Wide Wrap 2021ArieFrohlichfrohlich.am@gmail.comArieFrohlichfrohlich.am@gmail.com170300

Before davening, half an hour of open discussion via zoom about Tefillin/anything else attendees wish to discuss. An unstructured informal pre-Shacharit shmooze like we used to do in the building.

After davening, joint with MERCAZ-Canada, Rabbi Vernon Kurtz spoke about current topics in Israel: COVID-19 and the lifting of lockdown restrictions this morning, the upcoming election and why another is occurring, and Israel-diaspora relations.

We had 45 attendee screens at the peak, which dropped slowly to 36 during the discussion. Well received by members.

We did not charge for the program as we paid for neither breakfast sponsorship or an honourarium for the speaker.

41492021-02-07 08:24Northern Hills ... Hills Synagogue Men's Club - Cincinnati, OH (304)World Wide Wrap 2021VicAmstermensclub@nhs-cba.org5
41482021-02-07 00:29CPAMITCH23.241.163.39Shomrei Torah Men'S Club - West Hills, CA (CLUB MERGED)World Wide Wrap 2021MURRAY WEISSmjweiss1@aol.comKENSTORMSkenstorms@gmail.com9950
41472021-02-06 20:12Friedberg (not verified) Torah Men'S Club - North Miami Beach, FL (DISAFFILIATED)https://www.btbrc.orgWorld Wide Wrap 2021RichBergerrberger@btbrc.orgArnoldSchechterautospecialist5169@bellsouth.net35
41462021-02-06 20:00skatz56168.149.143.114B'Nai Tikvah Men'S Club - North Brunswick, NJ (973)www.bnaitikvah.orgWorld Wide Wrap 2021MarcRosenmarcr58187@aol.comCraigCohenpbgrebe2001@yahoo.com1710

Virtual lesson and wrap.

41452021-02-06 16:39Friedberg (not verified) El Men's Club - Norfolk, VA (1120)World Wide Wrap 2021WilliamNossenwnossenesq@aol.comHowardHorwitzhhorwitzintune@yahoo.com15
41442021-02-05 15:12tsmctreasurer@g... Sinai Men's Club - Dresher, PA (551)World Wide Wrap 2021JeffWorkmantsmctreasurer@gmail.comGrant Raskingrraskin@gmail.com10510
41432021-02-05 14:44ampress147.22.16.110Orangetown Jewish Center Men's Club - Orangeburg, NY (1886)Www.World Wide Wrap 2021Dr.AlanPressmanAmpress1@optonline.netAlanPressmanAmpress1@optonline.net8010100
41422021-02-05 14:26dzwelling108.20.153.180Temple Israel of Natick Men's Club - Natick, MA (733)https://www.tiofnatick.org/engage/mens-club/World Wide Wrap 2021AdamWilenahwilen@yahoo.comDanielZwellingdzwelling@yahoo.com712

Our main WWW program educates our 6th graders (religious school and day school) about tefillin including how-to. Our 5th graders do the Build a Pair program. We start out altogether (on Zoom). After our program Chairman welcomes everybody, Rabbi Liben will lead a Kahoot contest followed by Club members and some woman volunteers talking about the meaning of tefillin to them. The 5th graders will then split off to do Build a Pair and the 6th graders will go into Zoom breakout rooms where 2 kids will be matched with 1-2 volunteers (Men's Club and woman volunteers) for hands on instruction. We'll get together again with the 6th graders at the end to wrap up. Should be great!  

41412021-02-05 08:19sarbital69.119.107.201Temple Beth Ahm Men's Club - Aberdeen, NJ (923)World Wide Wrap 2021Mr.RickRboinsonmetsfan63@gmail.comMr.SethArbitalsmarbital@gmail.com2315

This year, our program will be virutal due to Covid-19.  The program will be incoporated into our Sunday morning services.  Teh presidnet of our MC will be giving an brief introduction, the Religious Chair will give a D'Var and then our Rabbi will lead a lesson in the history and wrapping of Tefillan.  We have invited our entire congreagation including our religious school to this Zoom event. 

We do not take donations for this event as our club provides this as a service for our congregation.  

41402021-02-05 07:51miltonlipitz24108.41.137.215Beth El Men's Club - Cedarhurst, NY (831)mensclub@templebethelofcedarhurst.orgWorld Wide Wrap 2021President MiltonLipitzmlipitz121@gmail.comPresidentMiltonLipitzmlipitz121@gmail.com3010

Arranged to have Trainers (Right and Left Hand Trainers) available at Sunday Morning Service.  We will provide a demonstration of how to lay Tefillen before the service.  We will also break into small groups after the service to provide one on one training.  The Rabbi will also make a presentation about the importance of Laying Tefillen.  We have advertised this to be avalable for MEN AND WOMEN.

This will all be done on Zoom.

41392021-02-04 14:16emweis67.84.38.38Shomrei Torah Men's Club - Wayne, NJ (960)emweis@gmail.comWorld Wide Wrap 2021ShmendrickEricWeisemweis@gmail.comMr.ZevFriedezfriede@aol.com605
41382021-02-04 10:27marvinkon2472.83.96.41Olam Tikvah Men's Club - Fairfax, VA (1147)marvinkon24@gmail.comWorld Wide Wrap 2021PresidentMarvinKonmarvinkon24@gmail.comPresidentMarvinKonmarvinkon24@gmail.com9520100
