Submission #15056 by Highland Park Conservative Temple Men's Club - Highland Park, NJ (910)

Submission information
Submitted by letraca
Mon, 2019-01-28 09:30
Highland Park Conservative Temple Men's Club - Highland Park, NJ (910)
Craig Artel
Sat, 2019-04-06
Present and past Men's Club board members plan to take an active role throughout the morning of Shabbat in the leading of shacharit services, leyning Torah, receiving Torah honors, and davening musaf. A choir composed of club members will perform throughout the service, and the Club President, Membership Chair and/or other club representatives will deliver a d'var torah and inspiring speeches. The club is planning to sponsor the morning kiddush, and may continue the program into the afternoon by leading mincha and sponsoring seudat shlishit.
We have employed this model since 2013, and the program was very well received, especially when club members who had not typically been part of the service in the past became more involved. The general perception was that services were more enthusiastic, and several members became inspired to leyn Torah, lead services or otherwise participate more regularly on Shabbat in the years following our inaugural program.
In addition to the above, our club has been considering extending the Men's Club Shabbat through the weekend, starting with a Friday night oneg and ending with a Sunday morning breakfast/speaker event to give the program a shabbaton-style feel.