Submission #15388 by Temple Torat Emet Men's Club - West Boynton Beach, FL (1344)

Submission information
Submitted by Friedberg (not verified)
Wed, 2019-03-20 08:22
Temple Torat Emet Men's Club - West Boynton Beach, FL (1344)
Ira Brandell
Sat, 2019-03-23
We have Men leading the service from start to finish
Our program begins on Friday evening with a service led by our Men's Club leaders followed by a catered Shabbat Dinner
On Shabbat, our Men's Club leaders lead the entire service followed by a sponsored kiddish
we finish our Men's Club Shabbat weekend on Sunday with our Hebrew School joining us for a breakfast and the packing of the Yellow Candles to be mailed out to every congregant member
It is always received well with many accolades