Submission #3747 by Highland Park Conservative Temple Men's Club - Highland Park, NJ (910)

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Submitted by Friedberg (not verified)
Thu, 2015-02-12 22:55
Highland Park Conservative Temple Men's Club - Highland Park, NJ (910)
Craig Artel
Sat, 2015-03-14
Shabbat morning - Core club members, and past and present officers of the club lead Shacharit services, leyn Torah, called up for aliyot, lead parts of Musaf, and sing in Men's Club choir. Presidents deliver d'var Torah and "State of the Club" address, and promote benefits of attending Convention. Sponsorship of kiddush luncheon following services.
Fantastic participation in 2013 and 2014. Rousing version of Adon Olam by Men's Club choir. Inspirational speeches from the bimah, especially promoting Convention. We hope to have the same experience this year.
Expand Men's Club choir in numbers and perform more choral arrangements during Musaf.