Submission #3806 by Temple Israel of Natick Men's Club - Natick, MA (733)

Submission information
Submitted by jsudenfield
Sun, 2015-02-22 16:13
Temple Israel of Natick Men's Club - Natick, MA (733)
John Sudenfield
Sat, 2015-01-17
The program was well advertised throughout the Temple via many different media.
The Men's Club runs the entire service from start to finish, including all the Torah Readings and the D'Var. The program concludes with the annual Men's Club Presidents Speech which reviews the year, upcoming programs and thanking the board. After the service, the Men's Club sponsored Kiddush Luncheon.
It was extremely well received. Over 125 congregants attended. The Men's Club has done much better financially so we had a much nicer Kiddush lunch than in the past. The congregants are always impressed with how well we can run a service and can read Torah. The highlight is the Men's Club President's speech which everyone looks forward to.
If possible, with our crowded Temple calendar, see if we can make it later in February or March as some of our members are still in Israel or Florida.