Submission #11669 by Shaare Torah Men's Club - Gaithersburg, MD (1114)

Submission information
Submitted by mweisel
Sun, 2017-05-07 21:44
Club Name
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Shaare Torah Men's Club - Gaithersburg, MD (1114)
Form completed by
Michael Weisel
Greg Gore facilitated a very energetic and engaging "Physically Competitive Sports (You and Your Child)".
We had 8 attendees from ST attend the Good to Great Retreat in July.
Programs may be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. Please briefly describe program.
12/15/2016 - We held a whisky tasting and schmoozing event with our Women’s Club with about 20 people.
STMC sponsors, organizes, and recruits for a bi-weekly Minyan where we provide ruach and nosh.
After Sukkot STMC deconstructs the Sukkah's for group homes throughout Montgomery County for JFGH.
High Holidays setup and takedown. Transfered assets from ST to our local Jr. High where services are held.
3/25/2017 - Organized, led, participated, read the davar torah, and sponsored a kiddush oneg shabbat
2/18/2017 - Purchased HMV-Crossroads Book from the FJMC store.
We communicate via email to all of the men at ST and manage and update a Facebook page to keep our members informed and engaged.
David - Convention Focal Group. Greg - Chair of LDI. Greg - Chair of Training for Convention.
We had two full tables of attendees at the 2016 BYMOY honoring our own David Freiman.
We raised over $1200.00 for the Abayudaya community and have built a healthy relationship with Aaron Kintu and Allan Zilaba.