Submission #11676 by Congregation Beth Shalom Men'S Club - Northbrook, IL (643)

Submission information
Submitted by BethShalomMensClub
Tue, 2017-05-09 17:34
Club Name
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Congregation Beth Shalom Men'S Club - Northbrook, IL (643)
Form completed by
Scott Rogoff
We did a four part series on Hearing Men's Voices which was a roundtable discussion of varies topics important to men.
We have had 3 members attend the regional retreat in Starved Rock, Illinois.
Programs may be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. Please briefly describe program.
We developed one years ago with Cantor Stoehr.
We had a joint Night of Improv dinner with an improv group with Sisterhood.
We provide Build-A-Pair to the Sunday School kids for our World Wide Wrap.
We deliver food to the ARK and Council for Jewish Elderly as part of our lox box program.
We are in charge of ushering for Kol Nidre. It's all Men's Club members.
We had a Saturday morning Men's Club Shabbat on April 8, 2017.
The leader of the Keruv program nationally, and at CBS, is Bob Spector, who is a member of our Mens' Club.
We had several Daddies and Kiddies events this past year such as attendance at a Chicago Wolves game, baking, etc.
We are in a Men's Club softball league with our Men's Clubs in the area.
We purchase yellow candles and build-a-pair each year.
Dan Sher
We send regular emails to our membershship about our activities as well as post in our monthly synagogue bulletin.
Harvey Redfern is the Midwest Region Treasurer and will be President in two years.
We have a Man of the Year participant every year.