Submission #11680 by Temple Torat Emet Men's Club - West Boynton Beach, FL (1344)

Submission information
Submitted by IraBrandell
Fri, 2017-05-12 16:59
Club Name
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Temple Torat Emet Men's Club - West Boynton Beach, FL (1344)
Form completed by
Ira Brandell
Wellness program (April 19 – May 17, 2017) We are participating in DietBet – weight loss program -
Regional Picnic at Jonathan Dickinson State Park - March 19. 5 from our club, 60 participants from the region
Programs may be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. Please briefly describe program.
Feb 16 -Artists and Artisans -evening presentation of arts by community members, including presentations of their art
Men’s Club raises the Synagogue Sukkah each year - last year on October 9, 2016.
Our members go to a local Jewish campus and help to prepare meals to be distributed within the county.
Men’s Club members are in charge of arranging for Synagogue ushers for Shabbat and Festival Services. Many MC members volunteer
Both days – over 65 Men’s Club members participated from the bimah, 120 people attended Friday night and came to dinner
Men’s Club promotes recycling in the Synagogue – specifically recycling of plastic cups used for Shabbat Kiddush.
– Miami Marlins Jewish Heritage Day (June 26, 2016), Also a hockey game outing
Ron Wolfson’s Art of Jewish Living Shabbat Seder - a copy of the book and four copies of the benchers to B'nei Mitvah
Ira Brandell
group emails, mail flyers at the beginning of month for special programs, and mention in the synagogue e-blast each week
Charlie Deutch –South Sub Regional VP Regional Board
45 people attend the South Florida Man of the Year /Youth of the Year dinner on November 20, 2016 - Gary Dalin was honoree
We contributed to the Mezzuzot for Cuba program. We are partnered with a small community in Kenya and they have participated in