Submission #11984 by Beth Israel Brotherhood - Owings Mills, MD (1111)

Submission information
Submitted by lawask
Tue, 2017-05-30 22:32
Club Name
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Beth Israel Brotherhood - Owings Mills, MD (1111)
Form completed by
Larry Waskow
We had an HMV program, titled, "G-d and Me" in April 2017
Ira Bormel, Larry Waskow, Barry Goldschmidt, Michael Freilich attended our regional retreat at Pearlstone Summer 2017
Programs may be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. Please briefly describe program.
Michael Freilich worked with our Cantor in setting up a Minyan of comfort training program
We had a joint speaker program with the Sisterhood, Speaker, Prof. Richard Vatz, University of Maryland
Our brotherhood constructed the Synagogue Sukkah again this year.
Our members were active in providing support to a family in need in our community, ie. food, clothing,furniture, gift cards
We are in charge of providing ushers for our Shabbat and holiday services, year round.
We had our Sheldon Schwartz Brotherhood Shabbat on Feb. 25,2017
Our club provides a scholarship for a child in our religious school, given each June at their awards ceremony
Andrew Stolutsky was selected as our new president last fall
Our president sent out regular emails to our members
Larry Waskow, Regional Vice President, Seaboard Region
Michael Frelich - Minyan of comfort program
Ira Bormel, Larry Waskow, Barry Goldschmidt, Howard Bernheim and others attended the Blue Yam. Man of Year Dinner May 21, 2017
We participated in selling Kipot to support the Abudayah Congregation in Africa