Submission #11985 by Or Tzion Men's Club - Scottsdale, AZ (1074)

Submission information
Submitted by kenmatlick
Tue, 2017-05-30 23:31
Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Or Tzion Men's Club - Scottsdale, AZ (1074)
Form completed by
Kenneth Matlick
Monthly Hilkes on Sunday mornings with Men's Club members and family
Attended the Western Region Retreat - 4 members
Programs may be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. Please briefly describe program.
Build A Pair Program combined with our WW Wrap program to educate our youth on tefillin
Helped the Rabbi pack up his office for move to our new location.
Held Men's Club Shabbat on a Saturday Morning
Have purchased books and pins for past and present presidents
Our next president is set and will be installed this summer
E-mail blasts, activities posted in weekly announcements in
Mitch Ross and Bob Weinstein - Regional VP's
Ken Matlick - Controller of Convention, Long Range Planing Committee, Bob Weinstein - Yom Hashoh Yellow Candles
Attendance at Western Region Man of the Year
Donated funds to FJMC International for the Tefillin Fund