Submission #12000 by Beth Tzedec Men'S Club - Toronto, ON (409)

Submission information
Submitted by Don.Smith
Sun, 2017-06-04 08:33
Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Beth Tzedec Men'S Club - Toronto, ON (409)
Form completed by
Don Smith
Hearing Men's Voices Program - new - Dr Perry Cooper
LOR 2016 REgional Retreat - Don Smith
Programs may be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. Please briefly describe program.
given fall 2016, scheduled again for fall 2017
multiple; Out of The Cold, Chai Tea, Prof Stephen Berk breakfast
Tefillin ritual and application training for youth
Sunnybrooke Hospital Shabbat Srvice for veterans with UCSY youth
update and replace A/V systems and mikes, $40,000 donation for renewal of event hall
Men's Club Shabbat annually
active participation in the Neighbourhood Interfaith program,
Man/Youth of The year Program with Adath Israel, Beth Emet, Beth DAvid, etc, bike ride for Chai with Adath Israel
purchase of one of all FJMC literature for the library as well as Minyan of Comfort sets
Don Smith
biweekly avg email to all members, FJMC AND Mens Club section in quarterly shul bulletin, regular news in shul wkly flye
Don Smith, Secretary Lake Ontario Region
Man/Youth Of The Year we have 30 attendees annually