Submission #12001 by Tifereth Israel Men'S Club - Columbus, OH (303)

Submission information
Submitted by jforeman
Sun, 2017-06-04 13:06
Club Name
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Tifereth Israel Men'S Club - Columbus, OH (303)
Form completed by
Jonathon Foreman
We have successfully encouraged members to participate in walking and bicycling events. And we have a Labor Day golf outing.
7 members attended regional retreat.KIO regional retreat in September. Doug Segerman and Karl Rubin at LDI.
Programs may be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. Please briefly describe program.
We have started a monthly interpretive/experiential Shabbat services.
We co-sponsored a program to bring in a former White House chef who walked us through several WH Seder recipes.
We build the Sukkah every year and hold many events in it. And Yad Shel Chai.
We are very active in aiding and comforting incarcerated Jewish men at a local prison.
Men's Club members are very active in the ushering program and are leading the drive to fund new Shabbat prayer books.
We have expanded MC Shabbat to include Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv services.
We are in charge of restoring a lovely,but neglected courtyard space to become a welcoming space for gatherings and prayer.
We have held family outings to professional sporting events. We have joint activities with USY - i.e. Hamantashen bake.
We have a joint program with Agudas Achim to plant flags and the tombstones of Jewish War Veterans.
We have purchased awards certificates this year, yellow candles and yads.
Lawrence Cohen
E-mail, synagogue bulletin and e-bulletin, facebook pages
Karl Rubin, Regional Exec. VP; Dale Levy - VP for Mens Health.
Doug Segerman - Chair of LDI.
Doug Segerman was honored as Maasim Tovim recipient at biennial regional luncheon hosted by TI men's club and attended by many