Submission #28239 by Temple Israel of Sharon Brotherhood - Sharon, MA (738)

Submission information
Submitted by gkeimach
Sat, 2023-04-15 07:12
Club Name
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Temple Israel of Sharon Brotherhood - Sharon, MA (738)
Form completed by
Gary Keimach
Sunday morning hiking series led by one of our members; HMV theme for this year: Inclusion & Diversity.
7 Members attended NERFJMC Retreat at Camp Ramah in Palmer, MA last June. Two of which led a program at the retreat.
(Programs can be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. More information about many of these programs may be found on under “Programs”). Please briefly describe program.
We deliver a shiva meal to any Brotherhood member and/or spouse who experiences a loss.
Burgers & Beer in the Sukkah was held in conjunction with our Sisterhood.
We build the sukkah for the congregation to enjoy each year.
Deliver food to home bound people on Thanksgiving and Christmas; 20+ members participate; through HESSCO.
We provide ushers for High Holiday services. We helped the new Rabbi move in and out of his apartment.
Brotherhood Shabbat; this year in two parts due to COVID. Includes: Scholar in Residence; Sat. evening concert; Shabbat Kiddush
Two of our members are Chair of the Temple's Inclusion Committee. Our HMV theme this year was focused on Inclusion.
Outing to a local Pinball Museum attracted young family participation.
A team rides in Tour d' Shuls. They raise money personally and we overlay with our own donation to Camp Ramah's Tikvah program.
Combined Charities Golf Tournament is now aligned with AJC, Amer. Friends Mogen David Adom, March of the Living.
Jewish Routes Series: Our Rabbi interprets certain beliefs, rituals and customs as described in the Bible.
Gary Keimach
Monthly board meetings: agenda sent at least 7 days in advance by email; open to all members.
Ken Turkewitz, Exec Vice President NERFJMC
Elliot Feldman, Club Services and Expansion
Keeper of the Flame; this year's honoree was Sonny Michelson
New England Friends of The March of the Living