Submission #28704 by East Brunswick Jewish Center Men's Club - E. Brunswick, NJ (953)

Submission information
Submitted by howard.jacobs20
Wed, 2023-05-31 09:48
Club Name
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East Brunswick Jewish Center Men's Club - E. Brunswick, NJ (953)
Form completed by
Howard Jacobs
We sponsor a basketball league, a very popular pickleball league, and have sponsored several synagogue wide hikes.
David Julis attended FJMC LDI in Pearlstone, February 3-5, 2023.
(Programs can be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. More information about many of these programs may be found on under “Programs”). Please briefly describe program.
We work with other arms of the congregation to ensure there are minyanim for people who need to say kaddish.
We work closely with our Sisterhood and co-sponsored several programs, including "Medical Mishegas - Myths & Misconceptions."
We run an ongoing Yad Shel Chai Program, encouraging people to learn to read Torah.
Donated money to JFS which was distributed to needy families to purchase food for Passover.
We provide ushers for services on the high holidays, and on shabbat.
Held a Saturday morning service in which members lead the various parts of the service.
Posted a set of "welcome" signs encouraging inclusion in front of our shul and discussed it in a d'var torah from the bema.
Sponsored a "Suukah Hop" that was well attended by children in our Hebrew School.
We raised money selling Entertainment Books, and then donated our profits to sponsor USY youth programs.
We invited all the other clubs of our region to our Top Golf event in 11/22, and it was attended by David Glass, president NNJR.
Ran a very well attended "Burgers and Brews in the Booth" during Sukkot.
Howard Jacobs / Marty Hoffman / Arthur Fliegelman / Neil Kosher
1) programs promoted in shul e-newsletter 2) part of our shul's website 3) send out emails to our members and to the whole shul
David Julis (executive VP of Northern New Jersey Region)
David Libowsky was our Man of the Year. He was honored at the regional dinner which was attended by about 30 of our members.
We approved funds to support members from Africa to attend convention.