Submission #28078 by South Jersey Men'S Club - Cherry Hill, NJ (503)

Submission information
Submitted by mikep2
Wed, 2023-03-15 17:29
I have read the 2023 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
South Jersey Men'S Club - Cherry Hill, NJ (503)
A Connection Between Israel and the United States
Club Representative
Person completing form
Dr. Jeff Shore
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Israel / Masorti

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Since the first Gulf War, the South Jersey Men’s Club (SJMC) has been collecting Hanukkah Cards for Jews in the U.S. military. However, in the last few years, we expanded the program, which we call “Operation Maccabee,” to include a segment of soldiers in the Israel Defense Force referred to as “Lone Soldiers” – soldiers with no family in Israel to support them. Done in collaboration with other organizations we invited to participate, the program has had a wide range of participants from across the United States.
Operation Maccabee is a program to send Hanukkah cards to U.S. and Israeli Jewish troops. U.S. soldiers have received purchased and/or hand-crafted cards every year since the first Gulf War. A few years ago, SJMC expanded the program to include “Lone Soldiers” in the IDF. Cards destined for Israel may contain English or Hebrew. Participating organizations with the SJMC include the Jewish War Veterans, Hadassah, synagogue schools, and others.


A “lone soldier” is a soldier in the IDF with no family in Israel to support him or her: a new immigrant, a volunteer from abroad, an orphan, or an individual from a broken home. Loneliness is a major problem for many lone soldiers. In the army, camaraderie is a very essential part of daily life. However, when most Israeli soldiers go home on weekends, they go to their homes in Israel and enjoy their time with their families and friends. Lone soldiers are not as lucky. They all too often go to an empty apartment. If friends from their units do not live close by, they are stuck alone without anyone to talk to or spend time with. Receiving Hanukkah cards from people in the United States is a powerful morale booster for these lone soldiers.

Potential Partners (* = Actual South Jersey Men’s Club Partners)

*Jewish War Veterans Friends of Israel
*Hebrew Schools FJMC Men’s Clubs
*Friends of the IDF Volunteers For Israel
*Chabad Local social groups of Israeli expatriates


Make or purchase Hanukkah cards (no envelope needed).
Suggest a table set up in a high-traffic area in your synagogue or Jewish Community Center. On the table should be blank Hanukkah cards for people to fill out, plus a receptacle for cards that are brought in from home.
Get a stamp and stamp pad to put your email on every card.
Provide an appropriate short message of appreciation (okay to send sample messages).
Provide separate bundles for Israeli and U.S. troops.
Cards for Israel Defense Force may be in Hebrew, English, or both.
No personal contact information is to be included if sent by children.
Deadline - At least 3 - 4 weeks before Hanukkah (Late submissions will be held for next year).
Include the address for participating organizations to send the cards to SJMC for review and sorting.
Organize a committee to screen the cards:
- Separate cards for those to be sent to Israel and those for U.S. troops.
- Check for appropriate text.
- Check that minors did not include their last name or contact information.
- Stamp each card with the Operation Maccabee email address (and have a person assigned to check for emails).
Contact Lone Soldier Centers in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Be’er Sheva about the anticipated delivery date.
Arrange for delivery of cards to Lone Soldier Centers, usually by a local person or persons traveling to Israel for business or pleasure.
NOTE – If your club wants to do a similar program, the SJMC would be willing to handle the delivery of the cards to the Lone Soldier Centers
Self Assessment
The program was a success for several reasons. Feedback via the email link provided was consistently positive. Our members expressed a closer connection to Israel. More than once, recipients of the cards mentioned that this was the first time they had heard of FJMC. The program has had a positive impact on the morale of the soldiers and enhanced people’s connection to Israel. Our partner organizations expressed a desire to participate in this program in the future. The program has had a positive impact on the morale of the soldiers and enhanced people’s connection to Israel, helping to fulfill part of the FJMC’s worldwide mission.
The SJMC’s innovative program, Operation Maccabee, helped develop a sense of community and connection between the Americans who participated and the Israeli Lone Soldiers who received the Hanukkah cards. The SJMC is proud of being in a position of leadership for this effort.

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