Submission #28079 by B'nai Israel Men's Club - Rockville, MD (1103)

Submission information
Submitted by jsalant
Wed, 2023-03-15 17:38
I have read the 2023 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
B'nai Israel Men's Club - Rockville, MD (1103)
Shamash Award
Club Representative
Person completing form
Dr. Jeff Shore
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Mens' Club Shabbat

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Every synagogue holds a Men's Club Shabbat. But we are unique in that we use the occasion to also bestow on our congregants the Shamash Award, which recognizes a congregant's service to synagogue or community. Just like the Shamash lights the candles of the menorah, we honor our congregants who uniquely give of themselves in the hope that this will light the way to others to volunteer to fulfill the mitzvah of Tikkun Olam.
During Men's Club Shabbat, the president of the club gets to address the congregation and discuss the group's activities, past and president. Then he steps aside and invites the chair of the Shamah Award committee to announce the winners, and to present them with engraved memorahs. Since you won't accept mp4 attachments, here's the video of the presentation:
Self Assessment
By bringing in representatives of the Sisterhood and others, we ensure that we will have synagogue-wide input in choosing the winner. By using such a high-profile event to hand out the award, we hope to inspire others to give of themselves to the synagogue and the outside community. And we hope that the committee members will be encouraged to expand their involvement in the Men's Club and join the leadership ranks.
The current president of the National Press Club got her start by volunteering on an awards committee, and we used the Shamash Award panel as a vehicle to get new people involved in our activities. The committee chair is a relatively new member of the Men's Club as are two of the four club members who sit on the committee. We hope that by participating in the awards selection, members will want to be more involved in the club and perhaps climb the leadership ladder. This program involves the entire synagogue community; is unique, making it innovative; and is a way to groom future leaders of the Men's Club.
This is a chance for the Men's Club to do something special for the congregation and say thank you to those congregants who go above and beyond. There was nothing like it until we developed the award.

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