Submission #28255 by Temple Israel of Sharon Brotherhood - Sharon, MA (738)

Submission information
Submitted by gkeimach
Mon, 2023-04-17 17:07
I have read the 2023 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
Temple Israel of Sharon Brotherhood - Sharon, MA (738)
The Combined Charities Golf Tournament
Club Representative
Person completing form
Dr. Jeff Shore
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now

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Objective to have fun while fundraising for our Temple Israel Brotherhood and other community charities that are too small to run a golf tournament on their own.
This was Combined Charity Golf tournaments 14th year.
7 charities signed on as TCCGT partners in 2022:

1. Home for our Troops
2. AJC New England
3. New England friends of the March of the Living
4.World Boston
5. Temple Israel Brotherhood
6. YMCA Old Colony Council
7. American Friends of Magen David Adom.

When you register online to play golf or become a sponsor, you will be asked to select any of the worthy causes above as your designated TCCGT beneficiary.

Here is how your Combined Charities tournament participation helps the charity you choose:

$50 of your $160 golfer fee will be donated to any of the Charity partners you choose.
$75 of your Tee sign price of $150 will go to any of the Charity partners you choose.
$100 of your Pin Flag Sign price of $200 will go to any of the Charity partners you choose.

The balance of the proceeds covers our cost of golf, golf carts, snacks, Breakfast, Lunch and production costs of our tee & pin flag signs, swag items, raffles and golfer awards.
Self Assessment
Largest fund raiser of the year for Temple Israel Brotherhood. Nets between $16k and $19k after expense. Helps in providing the income needed to support our synagogue, our Brotherhood programs, and many other charitable endeavors throughout the year.
We have consistently taken this tournament beyond the four walls of our synagogue to include participation and benefit of other Men's Clubs along with several Jewish and secular, local, national, and international causes and organizations.
128 golfers supported by 25 members of our Brotherhood who volunteer in advance and the day of the event to ensure all who participate have an enjoyable day.

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