Submission #28260 by Anshe Emet Men'S Club - Chicago, IL (608)

Submission information
Submitted by gpollack
Tue, 2023-04-18 16:40
I have read the 2023 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
Anshe Emet Men'S Club - Chicago, IL (608)
Violins of Hope
Club Representative
Person completing form
Dr. Jeff Shore
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle

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Co-sponsoring with JCCs of Chicago, Anshe Emet Men's Club brought the Violins of Hope to our shul for the Yom Hashoah Observance on April 17, 2023. Our Clergy led a short service and helped to organize the quartet to play the violins and also selected music for our volunteer choir. Program took place in the synagogue sanctuary (live) and was also livestreamed. 125-150 people attended in person.
The Violins of Hope travel the world from Israel where they have been lovingly restored and cared for. Violins of Hope hosted by JCC Chicago and other partner organizations is in Chicagoland and surrounding areas across Illinois from April through September 2023. The collection of 70 string instruments played by Jewish musicians before and during the Holocaust, many of which were discovered in the concentration camps after the war and whose owners did not survive. They have been painstakingly restored and are now coming to our area for cultural exhibitions, performances, and community education with a message of hope, resistance, resilience, and unity. We brought 4 of these instruments to Anshe Emet Synagogue for Yom Hashoah and assembled a quartet to play them. The musicians chose period pieces to perform, some of which we know were played at Terezinstadt.
Our program consisted of a brief memorial service with candle lighting by children of survivors, overview of the Yellow Candle Program and the Violins of Hope by Men's Club Past President and program organizer Barry Balik, additional background from a representative of the JCCs who read a passage from Elie Weisel's Night about a prisoner playing his violin, music performed by our string quartet (2 violins, 1 viola, 1 cello), and songs performed by our cantors and volunteer choir Shirenu. The musicians also told the stories behind each of the 4 instruments. Program ran just under 2 hours.
Self Assessment
Very powerful and meaningful program. Very successful based on attendance, reaction of attendees and feedback from our clergy. The physical instruments and the music produced from them by our quartet made for a very tangible connection with the holocaust and its victims. We all became witnesses at Terezinstatdt watching and listening to the quarter play these instruments. The melodies were very haunting at times - certainly appropriate for the occasion.
We initiated this program for the benefit of our synagogue community, together with distributing (and promoting) yellow candles. Barry Balik then organized the program and highlighted FJMC's role in Yom Hashoah observance at the actual event.
Innovative programming for Yom Hashoah will draw more congregants and help keep this observance front and center in our communities. There are many organizations in addition to Violins of Hope that can help to make a special connection with people so the observance is more meaningful and enduring.

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