On-Line Submission Application

Showing all results. 15 results total.
#sort ascendingSubmittedUserIP AddressDocuments readClub NameOrganization NameProgram NameExisting ContactFirst NameLast NameEmail RepFirst NameLast NameEmailFirst NameLast NameEmail Current PresidentCategoryProgram Overview SummaryDetailed ProgramDetail Program DocumentsProgram Advance PlanningMarketingPhotosImpactFJMCAdditional InputVideoProgram OrginIdentify SourceCertificationClub Name
92 (draft)2019-05-27 11:08StevenHermanOrlando71.47.133.114I have read the General Guidelines and "Nuts and Bolts" DocumentsWorld Wide Wrap 2019StevenHermanDrSteveH@aol.comStevenHermanDrSteveH@aol.comStevenHermanDrSteveH@aol.comWorld Wide Wrap
91 (draft)2019-05-05 16:29barry leiber68.80.205.74I have read the General Guidelines and "Nuts and Bolts" DocumentsShaare Shamayim Men's Club - Philadelphia, PA (575)Torch AwardsBarryLeiberleibers@comcast.netBarry (co-president)Leiberleibers@comcast.netBarry (co-presidentLeiberleibers@comcast.netYom HaShoah / Yellow CandleMay 2, 2019 the Yellow Candles were boxed up and flyers inserted. We had eleven people working on the whole procedure and then the candles were driven to the post office and mailed. The explanation on the candles was in our Friday flyer and in our scroll (which is mailed to the whole congregation).
13 (draft)2013-03-05 17:15davidpsinger199.46.198.232I have read the General Guidelines and "Nuts and Bolts" DocumentsTemple Israel of Natick Men's Club - Natick, MA (733)Photo BoothDavidSingerdavidpsinger@hotmail.comJohnSudenfieldjsudenfield@yahoo.comJohnSudenfieldjsudenfield@yahoo.comI’m not sure. Select for our clubA Men’s Club photo booth at the Purim Carnival provides an excellent opportunity to reach out the next generation of members. It consists of taking photos, projecting the photos in a slideshow (along with Men's Club "commercials") as they are taken and posting them on the Men’s Club Picasa photo site for people to download. The outreach opportunity allows you to expand your email list, send young guys to your website to obtain the photos, hand out flies for upcoming events, obtain a personalized family photo to include in a dues letter, increase attendance at upcoming events and provide families with multiple years worth of photos to use in a B’nai Mitzvah photo album/collage. The Purim Carnival is a Men’s Club outreach opportunity that is not to be missed. Having a Men’s Club booth of some type, for example a photo booth, provides many advantages: 1. Add the email addresses of younger guys on your email list 2. The link to the photos is stored on your club’s website, so you get them to visit your website. Once there, they may decide to return. 3. You can hand out a flier of the upcoming events and fathers will actually read it while they are waiting around for their kids. 4. When you send out dues letters in the fall, include one of the photos taken at the booth. This may push them to pay their dues. 5. Storing photos over multiple years of Purim Carnivals and the World Wide Wrap photos will provide photos for family’s Bar Mitzvah collages/albums. 6. There will be increased attendance at upcoming events due to the visibility and selling of the events at the carnival. The booth provides an opportunity to engage some of the younger guys. They may be too busy now to be involved in the Men’s Club, but it will pay off in the future. Projecting the photos on a big screen as they are taken generates excitement and allows you to put in commercials (slides of upcoming Men's Club events)
122013-03-05 01:46stsmensclub66.214.82.39I have read the General Guidelines and "Nuts and Bolts" DocumentsShomrei Torah Men'S Club - West Hills, CA (CLUB MERGED)7TH Grade Religious School Tefillin InitiativeGavinRosenberggavrose@pobox.comCharlyLevycharlyslevy@gmail.comRogerHymanhymanfamily@msn.comYouth ProgrammingIncorporate the Sunday Minyan into the Religious School curriculum for all 7th grade students, with the goal that they would be more comfortable and participate in the service. Every 7th Grader in our Hebrew School was presented with his or her own set of Tefillin at no cost to their family, thanks to funding provided by some generous donors. By the end of the school year all the students were comfortable laying tefillin, more proficient in the service and the “stigma” of wearing tefillin was no longer an issue. 1: This program was developed when one of our Men’s Club members, a regular at the Sunday minyan suggested that the 7th Grade students should participate. 2: With the financial help of donor families we were able to purchase tefillin sets for all the students. 3:The students participated and learned more about the minyan and the art of laying tefillin. 4: Our Men’s Club has a presence and this program has been well received. 5:The program is now in its second year and we anticipate that it will continue for years to come! The kids start the school year knowing very little about tefillin and the morning service. By the end of the school year, the students were familiar with the service and comfortable laying tefillin with their peers. If you are fortunate to have students that are willing to learn to lead services, this is an added bonus. Many of our students attend Jewish summer camps; now they will take their new knowledge and share with their fellow campers their comfort in laying tefillin. This is a Men’s Club sponsored event. As a perfect complement to an FJMC signature event, an unprecedented 125 attendees including 28 7th graders and their parents participated in World Wide Wrap 2012. The 2nd year of the program is in full swing with a smaller class this year and again we had a terrific turnout for World Wide Wrap 2013. Our membership continues to interact with the parents of these students and we are hopeful that they will see the “good” that the club brings to our community. Father and daughter 2012_0.jpg (79 KB)
Father and daughter (1st time) 2012_1.jpg (82 KB)
Rabbi and student 2012_0.jpg (70 KB)
Parents participate in this program. I can assure you that most parents will participate, especially when their child puts on their tefillin for the very first time. Most of these younger parents are not involved in either the Men’s Club or in Sisterhood. We now have the perfect opportunity to “schmooze” with them over breakfast in a very relaxed setting. Bear in mind this is not a one off, we see these parents every month. The result – some of the parents have participated in some of the club events and now they are no longer strangers to us. We do not encourage every club member to participate as we need men that are: 1: Comfortable teach the students and their parent put on tefillin. 2: Guys that can schmooze and explain the value that the club brings top our community. 3: Willing to prepare breakfast. Lastly we also encourage our regular minyonaires to get involved. The STS Men's Club with this wonderful program has the ability to educate members of our club alongside the 7th graders, their parents and the community at large. We set an example. We do not need followers, we only ask that you participate, get involved and keep our traditions alive.Possibly one of the most rewarding programs to come from within our club. Leadership, involvement, commitment to our shul, our club and Judasim! Original ProgramYes
11 (draft)2013-03-01 14:39David Greenfield108.7.217.227I have read the General Guidelines and "Nuts and Bolts" DocumentsTemple Emanuel Brotherhood - Newton, MA (719)Roots in IsraelDavidGreenfielddgreenfieldphoto@gmail.comMarcLowenthalmarc.lowenthal@gmail.comDavidBeckmanbeckman.david@comcast.netIsrael / MasortiThe Roots in Israel mission is designed to strengthen our community’s connection to Israel and complement our shul rabbis’ Go to Israel directive. It does so by telling Israel’s story focusing on 'tikkun olam' contributions in humanitarian aid and its development of innovative technologies for universal benefit. These actions are shared with nations independent of their political positions vis a vis Israel. Rather than view Israel only through a lens of conflict as is currently common, Roots aims to swing the 'perception pendulum' back to a time of widespread celebration and support for the land and its people.The mission will be accomplished using a multi-faceted approach: The Roots in Israel logo/icon has a prominent position in the shul's weekly eNewsletter Update sent to the entire temple membership. Clicking links directly to our web site (http://www.templeemanuel.com/BrotherhoodRoots) prominently featuring a fresh, informative, and inspirational message detailing one of Israel’s achievements and/or societal accomplishments. The web site is also a repository for the following: - Photo Gallery documenting our activities, - The Story Behind the Story of our logo/icon, - Inspiration: Israel – a page for members to post personal narratives of meaningful experiences while in Israel, - Boston Globe article profiling our program (http://www.templeemanuel.com/sites/default/files/images/Publications/20130224_BostonGlobe_RootsInIsrael.pdf). Roots in Israel messaging is complemented by: - Columns written for the Monthly Temple Bulletin, - Periodic/regular Roots related postings on the temple’s unofficial listserve, - Distribution of our Roots in Israel business cards. Supplies of these handy items displaying the web site and offering a QR code for direct web site linkage are prominently positioned in the shul’s Community Court at the entrance to the main sanctuary. They are handed out individually when Brotherhood members speak about Roots one on one with congregants. - Events: During all Brotherhood sponsored programs, Roots is promoted both in introductory remarks by President Beckman or the designated Program Chair, and by a visual display (see Photo Gallery ). Our greatest visibility occurred during the official Roots launch at the Annual Temple-wide Kickoff Barbecue in September. Brotherhood was then out in force handing out Roots/JNF Blue Boxes, speaking one on one with members about the program, and also manning the grills. - Tu B’Shevat Collection Week. Brotherhood members facilitated transfer of monies deposited in the Blue Boxes to JNF for counting and receipting. (http://www.templeemanuel.com/PhotoCorps_BrotherhoodRoots_2012). Our upcoming high visibility opportunities will be at Brotherhood Shabbat and Collection Week II which is timed to coincide with Yom HaAtzmaut. - Distribution Jewish National Fund Blue Tzedakah Boxes to all congregants. These serve in the home as a constant reminder of our connection to Israel. A custom decal was produced to apply to each JNF Blue Box prior to distribution. These 'pushkes' help each family teach their children and grandchildren the importance of regularly depositing coins and bills in support of the Land of Israel. Accumulated contents of the boxes will be collected and transferred to JNF at strategic times during the year, e.g. Tu B’Shevat, Yom HaAtzma-ut and Yom HaZikaron.
102013-02-21 20:37yoelweiss173.72.20.68I have read the General Guidelines and "Nuts and Bolts" DocumentsBeth El Men's Club - Voorhees, NJ (566)Torah On TapYoelWeissyoelweiss@aol.comYoelWeissyoelweiss@aol.comYoelWeissyoelweiss@aol.comHearing Men’s VoicesTorah On Tap is a monthly program where men get together with our rabbi at a local bar (typically, a separate room) to discuss the torah, holidays and Jewish life in a modern society. A few pages of text (torah, newspaper article, etc) is typically provided by the rabbi as a means to introduce the topic and stimulate the discussion and debate.The program serves many purposes. First, it serves as an educational tool for our adult community. Second, it provides access to one of our rabbis (with over 900 families in the synagogue, our clergy’s time is high in demand). Third, it allows our congregants to form friendships with each other that might not have otherwise formed. In terms of publicity and marketing, the program dates are communicated daily to Men’s Club members through regular email broadcasts. The program is also communicated through Facebook. The planning is minimal as the rabbi chooses the dates at one time for the entire year and seeks out ideas and source material while engaged in his other day-to-day duties. The bar is contacted monthly to reserve a room.It clearly has the potential to draw in congregants who might not otherwise participate in synagogue activities. There are people who come to Torah on Tap (ToT) that I do not see otherwise in the synagogue. With regards to our shul, we have had 40-50 different participants over the years (a typical meeting is 8-20) versus our club size, which is currently around 150 members versus our synagogue size which is over 900 families.As indicated above, this Men’s Club program provides another possibility for the men of the congregation to become involved with the synagogue and its clergy.The information is given above. It is a very simple program to establish and it has the potential to provide significant meaning to the participants. It requires a rabbi (or other judaically knowledgeable person) willing to educate and debate in this type of setting and congregants who are interested in learning torah.Original ProgramYes
92013-02-21 13:05bmwimaging75.24.121.127I have read the General Guidelines and "Nuts and Bolts" DocumentsBeth El Temple Men's Club - West Hartford (217)World Wide WrapDavidDiamonddaviddiamond2@comcast.netJacobKoveleaglewars@aol.comJacobKoveleaglewars@aol.comWorld Wide WrapWorld Wide Wrap that dovetails with New Temple Torah project. Rabbi Moshe Druin with Sofer On Site. Breakfast Program Rabbi Druin presented a talk on Tefillin with prop's. to all WWW attendees and our 6th and 7th grade students. Temple Rabbi's train all students and congregants on the practice and supervised properly putting on Tefillin.World Wide Wrap was co-sponsored with Men's Club and Chai Society.World Wide WrapThis World Wide Wrap was a joint venture with Men's club, Chai Society, Religious School and the New Torah Committee.Great Tefillin background and educationOriginal ProgramYes
82013-02-18 21:01edslinenow@aol.com98.242.149.140I have read the General Guidelines and "Nuts and Bolts" DocumentsBeth Torah Men'S Club - North Miami Beach, FL (DISAFFILIATED)Torah Walk and Kayak RidesEdMargolisedslinenow@aol.comMarkMoyalchefmark@dadeschools.netMarkMoyalchefmark@dadeschools.netYouth ProgrammingWe studied the environment in Oleta State Park, North Miami Beach FL. We ate. We walked. We kayaked. We had 56 people in attendance including Rabbi Mario Rojzman and twenty five young people. The goal was to stuy torah and get non-traditional people together in a Jewish experience. vvvvvvvvvvvthere was a buzz about how was the kayaking? when is the next program planned? Those who went on the nature walk and kayaking trip felt they learned something which everyone else wanted to know about. The torah and the environment discussion was enlightening. Everyone was surprised at the depth of thought which they brought to the group. A dozen new prospective members attended and enjoyed. We engaged new guys in setting up this project; ie positioning the kayaks, shopping for and carrying in the food, helping young and old people enter a kayak for the first time, paddling for younger children.We helped build new leaders of various portions of the innitiative. They will feel comfortable providing this service for new attendees. We build a nice little community among those who participated. Original ProgramYes
7 (draft)2013-02-18 21:01edslinenow@aol.com98.242.149.140I have read the General Guidelines and "Nuts and Bolts" DocumentsBeth Torah Men'S Club - North Miami Beach, FL (DISAFFILIATED)Torah Walk and Kayak RidesEdMargolisedslinenow@aol.comMarkMoyalchefmark@dadeschools.netMarkMoyalchefmark@dadeschools.netYouth ProgrammingWe studied the environment in Oleta State Park, North Miami Beach FL. We ate. We walked. We kayaked. We had 56 people in attendance including Rabbi Mario Rojzman and twenty five young people. The goal was to stuy torah and get non-traditional people together in a Jewish experience. vvvvvvvvvvvliving things.docx (36 KB)
registration list.docx (42 KB)
there was a buzz about how was the kayaking? when is the next program planned? Those who went on the nature walk and kayaking trip felt they learned something which everyone else wanted to know about. The torah and the environment discussion was enlightening. Everyone was surprised at the depth of thought which they brought to the group. A dozen new prospective members attended and enjoyed. We engaged new guys in setting up this project; ie positioning the kayaks, shopping for and carrying in the food, helping young and old people enter a kayak for the first time, paddling for younger children.We helped build new leaders of various portions of the innitiative. They will feel comfortable providing this service for new attendees. We build a nice little community among those who participated.
6 (draft)2013-02-18 20:57edslinenow@aol.com98.242.149.140I have read the General Guidelines and "Nuts and Bolts" DocumentsBeth Torah Men'S Club - North Miami Beach, FL (DISAFFILIATED)Torah Walk and Kayak RidesEdMargolisedslinenow@aol.comMarkMoyalchefmark@dadeschools.netMarkMoyalchefmark@dadeschools.netYouth ProgrammingWe studied the environment in Oleta State Park, North Miami Beach FL. We ate. We walked. We kayaked. We had 56 people in attendance including Rabbi Mario Rojzman and twenty five young people. The goal was to stuy torah and get non-traditional people together in a Jewish experience. vvvvvvvvvvvthere was a buzz about how was the kayaking? when is the next program planned? Those who went on the nature walk and kayaking trip felt they learned something which everyone else wanted to know about. The torah and the environment discussion was enlightening. Everyone was surprised at the depth of thought which they brought to the group. A dozen new prospective members attended and enjoyed. We engaged new guys in setting up this project; ie positioning the kayaks, shopping for and carrying in the food, helping young and old people enter a kayak for the first time, paddling for younger children.We helped build new leaders of various portions of the innitiative. They will feel comfortable providing this service for new attendees. We build a nice little community among those who participated.
5 (draft)2013-02-18 20:39edslinenow@aol.com98.242.149.140I have read the General Guidelines and "Nuts and Bolts" DocumentsBeth Torah Men'S Club - North Miami Beach, FL (DISAFFILIATED)Torah Walk and Kayak RidesEdMargolisedslinenow@aol.comMarkMoyalchefmark@dadeschools.netMarkMoyalchefmark@dadeschools.netYouth Programming
4 (draft)2013-02-18 06:23allankahanfjmc@... have read the General Guidelines and "Nuts and Bolts" DocumentsOhr Kodesh Men's Club - Chevy Chase, MD (1148)Acting Like King DavidAllanKahanarkahan@yahoo.comAllanKahanAllanKahanLaw@yahoo.comAllanKahanallankahanfjmc@gmail.comI’m not sure. Select for our clubBlah, blah, blahblah, blah, and more blahSelf assessment. That's what i pay my shrink to do.Lots of impact. All the AK's in the congregation wanted to be like King DavidGive me a week or two, and I might be able to tell you.Other SourceTorah portion readingYes
32013-02-15 13:56bmwimaging75.24.121.127I have read the General Guidelines and "Nuts and Bolts" DocumentsBeth El Temple Men's Club - West Hartford (217)Yellow candle Distribution and MarketingDavidDiamonddaviddiamond2@comcast.netJacobKoveleaglewars@aol.comJacobKoveljacob@eaglewars.comYom HaShoah / Yellow CandleTook declining, money loosing yellow Candle program and turned it around using a combination of ideas from other Torch Award winners. Created three requests for donations, created multiple distribution channels (eliminating most of our postage expense). In an attempt to connect with families with children we incorporated prayers for children who perished in the Holocaust with Child's name, age, date of passing, location.Yellow Candle Distribution and Marketing Beth El Temple Men's Club - West Hartford, CTYellow Candle Program Advanced Planning.xls (37 KB)Children names English500 1a.xls (100 KB)
Children names English500 2b.xls (92 KB)
Our Yellow candle Program had a fund raising component to be able to Create scholarship funds for students to be able to attend Camp Ramah. Creating a Jewish connection in our students helps replace the generation lost in the Holocaust. Our Yellow Candle Program was at break even and the last year lost money, so no funds were being created for scholarships. A lot of work and effort from most of our men's club members without desired results. Our board was discouraged and there was talk of discontinuing the program. The Yellow Candle Program has been re-energized and for the first time in four years made a donation to the Ramah scholarship fund. We are a Temple of 900 families with 120 Men's club Members. 40 members plus wives participated in the Yellow candle distribution and marketing.Every aspect of the Yellow candle program is involving Jewish Men in Jewish Life. Leadership- creates many committee chairs with responsibilities and deadlines Innovation - researched Torch Awards and consulted with Yellow Candle leadership to re-invent our dying program. Community - involved participation from Men's club, program attendees, wife's and USY that help boxing, religious school that helped with distribution, volunteers that helped with delivery routes. Temple office that helped with distribution. Students that benefited from Camp Ramah scholarships.Rabbi's letter generated more donations before the first candle was delivered than total revenue in previous years.Other SourceTA07-190 Temple Israel, Ridgewood, NJYes
22013-02-15 10:56allankahanfjmc@... have read the General Guidelines and "Nuts and Bolts" DocumentsOhr Kodesh Men's Club - Chevy Chase, MD (1148)Being Like King DavidAllanKahanallankahanfjmc@gmail.comAllanKahanallankahanfjmc@gmail.comAllan Kahanallankahanfjmc@gmail.comI’m not sure. Select for our clubblah, blah, blahblah, blah, blahblah blahblah blahblah blahOriginal Programmy sick little mindYes
1 (draft)2013-02-15 09:39bruce68.199.193.155I have read the General Guidelines and "Nuts and Bolts" DocumentsNew City Jewish Center Men'S Club - New City, NY (1850)TestBruceSichermanbsich@optonline.netXyz@fjmc.orgabx@fjmc.orgBest Overall Programminggreat programlotszzzOriginal ProgramYes