Temple Israel Child Remembrance Program

In Charlotte, NC, Temple Israel Men's Club has run a Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle™ program for many years. This club personalized the program by linking each candle with a specific name of a Shoah victim.

The club accessed the Yad Vashem database to download the names and personal information of a list of children victims' names and personal information. These names were mail merged into the meditation prayer page distributed with each candle. The prayer page provided information on the child's name, parent, age, place of birth, location of death, and year of death.

Each congregant received a candle, together with the name of a single child victim, on the meditation prayer page, which personalized the lighting of a Yellow Candle. Congregants reported a more meaningful experience. Commemorating the death of a child transforms the act of lighting and remembrance into a deeply emotional individual act.

Click here to view two sample Personal Meditation forms.