Pandemic and Distributing Yellow Candles by Mail

NOTE: For Covid-19, this distribution procedure was developed by Dan Zwelling, Club President, and Michael Herzberg, Publicity Secretary of the Temple Israel of Natick Men's Club of the New England Region. Suggested dates are adapted for 2022. 


Hello Friends,

Due to the effective closing of the Temple to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we are changing our plans for Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle™ packing. We have devised a plan to pack and distribute the candles while maintaining social distance, and we need your help.  

The plan is to divide the candle materials among ten or twelve volunteers, pack the candles in their homes, and return the completed candle boxes to the Temple. Here are the steps:

1.  On Sunday, 2/28/2022, kits of candle materials (candle, flyers, bubble mailer envelopes, and labels) will be ready for pickup at the Temple between 12 noon and 2 pm. If we get ten volunteers, then each will need to assemble 30 candles. The kits will be in the lobby labeled with individual names.

2.  We ask the volunteers to pack the candles in the envelopes and return the bag of completed enveloped candles the following Sunday.  Return the assembled candle envelopes in the provided plastic bag and leave them by the Temple's front door because the building is closed. 

3.  On Sunday, 3/06/2022, return the completed candle boxes to the Temple. We will set them aside for another week to ensure there is no possible remaining virus.

4.  On Monday, 3/14/2022, we will deliver the candle envelopes to the Post Office for mailing. We are no longer asking for anyone to do neighborhood delivery.

If you can volunteer to help us with this project, you will provide our congregants with a meaningful Yom HaShoah activity while doing our part as a community to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Thanks, and be safe and well,

Generic Mailing Instructions: 

This method allows the organization to increase member participation.  Order candles and bubble mailer envelopes. Include the following items in each box with a candle:
1. Letter from the organization
2. Meditation
3. Poem
4. Self-Addressed Return Envelope (to receive donations)

Steps for Preparing the Boxes for Mailing
1. Set a date and time for packing the candles.
2. Work out the mailing details with the synagogue or organization.  See USPS Bulk Mail Information here
3. Set up the packing team.
4. Prepare for packing.
5. Deliver to post office with enough advance time before Yom HaShoah.