Submission #4001 by Highland Park Conservative Temple Men's Club - Highland Park, NJ (910)

Submission information
Submitted by Friedberg (not verified)
Mon, 2015-03-16 10:57
Highland Park Conservative Temple Men's Club - Highland Park, NJ (910)
Al Davis
Sat, 2015-03-14
Lots of pre-work with Rabbi, Cantor and members. Some of our participants needed tutoring that we arranged for. We had one member visit the various junior congregations a few weeks prior to the event to teach them the niggun we'd use for Adon Olam and then we invited the youngsters to sing with our "choir."
Lead P'sukei D'zimra, all leyning and haphtara chanted by Men's Club Members, D'var Torah deleived by Men's Club along with elevator speech. Because there is an auf ruf this Shabbos, that family is sponsoring Kiddush but our Men's Club is donating the scotch and several hundred dollars to add hot dishes to Kiddush. The Men's Club choir will back up the Chazzan on several pieces.
The congregation loved it and we're still receiving accolades. The celebrant family (auf ruf) was thrilled with the extras Men's Club Shabbat provided for the service on their special morning. The cantor now wants to meet with our choir on a more regular basis and have us back him up on various Shabbatot -- especially when we bentsch Rosh Chodesh.
More partiicpation and expand to Friday night .