Submission #4002 by Etz Chaim Men's Club - Marietta, GA (1711)

Submission information
Submitted by Friedberg (not verified)
Mon, 2015-03-16 16:53
Etz Chaim Men's Club - Marietta, GA (1711)
Steve Krodman
Sat, 2015-03-28
On Men's Club Shabbat, members of our Men's Club conduct all aspects of the Shabbat morning service - davening, reading Torah, and all other peripheral activities. Afterwards, our Club hosts the Oneg Shabbat.

In past years, we would typically hold our MCS on the intermediate Shabbat of Pesach. This restricted what we could serve at our Oneg, so this year we moved it to Shabbat HaGadol, the Shabbat immediately preceding Pesach. Another (relatively) new aspect of our program is selling table sponsorships to help offset the cost of the Oneg. This has become very successful.