Quality Club Award Application

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#sort ascendingSubmittedUserIP AddressExisting ContactNameEmail addressClub Participation Description (for item 5.)Regional event attended (for item 6.)Minyan of ComfortJoint Program with Sisterhood/Women's LeagueJewish Observance Community Service Synagogue ServiceMen’s Club Shabbat KeruvAttracting Younger Members to Your Club Father-Child or Youth SupportJoint Men's Club ProgramSteak and Scotch in the Sukkah/Beer and BibleNext PresidentCommunication methodBudgetPublished CalendarMembership DriveClub MemberName & CommitteeRegional EventInternational Activity DescriptionDocument For Attaching to Application
452023-07-04 10:18JMarkowitz47.187.199.230Beth Torah Men's Club - Richardson, TX (1713)Jeff Markowitzjeff.markowitz@verizon.netHeld Hearings Men's Voice programs on Sept 14th 2022 & Jan 18th 2023. Theme was "What is a Good Man"? Bill Miller and Jeff Markowitz at LDI on August 19 thru 21st Held joint Breakfast programs with the Sisterhood on Nov 20th, 2022 & Feb 5th, 2023. For Yom Hashoah, Reading of the Names Havdalah Service; yellow candle lighting followed by 24 hours of reading namesHeld Murder Mystery Fundraising Program on Jan 21, 2023. Recipient was Jewish Family Services. Gold Torch Award winner. Provided High Holiday usher support for all services and built the award winning Sukkah in the Round. Organized and hosted Friday night and Saturday morning Men's Club Shabbat and prepared food for Oneg and Kiddush. Day at the Ballpark on April 23, 2023. Included Parking Lot Tailgate and baseball game. Participated with 4 synagogues in the Feb 12, 2023 World-Wide-Wrap program. Blended Havdalah with two Cigars and Spirits events in the Fall and Spring. Bill MillerFour methods - Weekly eNews, Weekly Shabbat Bulletin, Men's Club Website & Weekly Men's Club NewsletterYesYesYesDavid Duchin - Anshei Darom Regional Vice PresidentDavid Duchin - Regional Liaison on the FJMC Board of Directors
442023-06-11 16:43hibu444100.2.199.97East Meadow Jewish Center Men's Club - East Meadow, NY (833)Jay Steinmetzjaysteinmetz56@gmail.comWeekly bike ride with the rabbi. Men gather at shul after shacharit service and ride bicycles to and from our local park. Jay Steinmetz Attended: LDI, Shabbaton and Regional Retreat. Club visit from NYM Pres.Name that Tune, Latke & Vodka, Synagogue concerts co-sponsored by Men's Club & Sisterhood.Hebrew Literacy, Conversational Hebrew, Torah study w/ Rabbi, Bible study w/ Rabbi.Deliver food and clothing items to homeless shelter and local community center. Deliver toys to children wing of local hospitalUsher High Holidays, build shul sukkah, secured new bookcases and organized siddurim + chumashim in our daily chapel libraryOrganized and ran Men's Club Shabbat Sat, Feb. 10, 2023.Run annual Mini-golf at local park. We reach out to young families w/ kids in Hebrew School to join us.Invite younger member and their families to Mets, Yankees, Rangers, and Islander games.Join local Men's Clubs with their golf outings & scotch tastings.Annual event: Scotch & Steak in sukkah. Rabbi discusses reference to beer/ alcohol in the torah.Neil ZuckermanSend emails and electronic flyers advertising upcoming events and programs. Advertise MC in weekly newsletter.YesYesNoJay Steinmetz. International Convention Programming ChairmanWarren Berkowitz, Regional Man of the Year Program
432023-06-01 23:11Alan Blitz98.114.238.245Temple Sinai Men's Club - Dresher, PA (551)Alan Blitzasblitz@gmail.comWellness: disc golf and softball. Men's voices: deconstruct Saturday morning serviceBruce Fagan has attended these events.Men's club and Sisterhood held joint Purim event at a bowling alleyWorld Wide Wrap, Yom Hashoah candle distribution, Shabbat service deconstruction with Rabbi Wohlberg.Members of the men's club participated in a few of the food drives led by JRA.Men's Club and local boy scout troop led Saturday morning shabbat.Yes we organized a Saturday morning shabbat service with the boyscout troopEvery thanksgiving we participate in an interfaith service with the Baptist and Catholic churches in the areaWe held a daddy daughter dance. In mid-June we are going to the Phillies/Braves game with congregation familiesThe men's club has paid for a mother and son to attend the Phillies game. The price of the seat exceeded her monthly budget...We held a havdallah service & bonfire. The bonfire was lit and then we held the service. Afterwards, we had a guitarist play.Alan Blitz for next 2 yearsemailNoNoNoBruce Fagan and Alan BudmanBruce Fagan and Alan Budman serve2 dozen attended the MOTY event. Alan Blitz was a liaison for this years event.
422023-05-31 09:48howard.jacobs2024.0.255.98East Brunswick Jewish Center Men's Club - E. Brunswick, NJ (953)Howard Jacobshoward_jacobs20@yahoo.comWe sponsor a basketball league, a very popular pickleball league, and have sponsored several synagogue wide hikes.David Julis attended FJMC LDI in Pearlstone, February 3-5, 2023.We work with other arms of the congregation to ensure there are minyanim for people who need to say kaddish.We work closely with our Sisterhood and co-sponsored several programs, including "Medical Mishegas - Myths & Misconceptions."We run an ongoing Yad Shel Chai Program, encouraging people to learn to read Torah.Donated money to JFS which was distributed to needy families to purchase food for Passover.We provide ushers for services on the high holidays, and on shabbat.Held a Saturday morning service in which members lead the various parts of the service.Posted a set of "welcome" signs encouraging inclusion in front of our shul and discussed it in a d'var torah from the bema.Sponsored a "Suukah Hop" that was well attended by children in our Hebrew School.We raised money selling Entertainment Books, and then donated our profits to sponsor USY youth programs.We invited all the other clubs of our region to our Top Golf event in 11/22, and it was attended by David Glass, president NNJR.Ran a very well attended "Burgers and Brews in the Booth" during Sukkot.Howard Jacobs / Marty Hoffman / Arthur Fliegelman / Neil Kosher1) programs promoted in shul e-newsletter 2) part of our shul's website 3) send out emails to our members and to the whole shulYesYesYesDavid Julis (executive VP of Northern New Jersey Region)David Libowsky was our Man of the Year. He was honored at the regional dinner which was attended by about 30 of our members.We approved funds to support members from Africa to attend convention.
412023-05-30 22:14Joel Herman173.91.42.103B'nai Jeshurun Men's Club - Pepper Pike, OH (325)Joel Hermanzmanjoel51@gmail.comhappy hour programs covering varied topics, health, finance, travel, comedyKIO regional retreat, five members attended"Pop Tarts" musical dance event with Sisterhood, over 140 congregants and guests atteedTorah study with Rabbi regularly attended by members.Men's Club sponsored blood drivesProvide ushers, provide kitchen aids, provide Purimspiel participationSaturday Men's Club Shabbat, with over eighteen members participating, followed by a MC sponsored cholent luncheonMonsters AHL hockey event, good response, several younger families attended and retained interest in the congregation."Sukkah Hop" family competition, families participate in showing their Sukkah, from building to enjoying time in the Sukkahs.Joel Herman, second termRegular monthly emails to our full membership, monthly tidings event listings, weekly announcements in Shul email blastsYesYesYesDale Levy, KIO regional president, Harvey Wasserman, KIO regional treasurer, Jerry Brodsky, Kio regional secretaryJerry Brodsky, inclusion committee chairmanDavid Cohen, M-o-t-Y, KIO FJMC biennial luncheon, eight additional members attended as well.participated in World Wide Wrap with two South American congregations via ZOOM
392023-05-29 15:36parkmcpresident209.221.12.219Park Synagogue Men's Club - Cleveland, OH (335)Richard Priceparkmcpresident@gmail.comMen in the Mikvah (10/2/2022). Immersion in the Mikvah before Yom Kippur. Discuss the experience of immersion in the mikvahKIO Regional Retreat (10/21/2022). Danny SilversteinPark’s Trivia/Game Night 3/11/2023, Held a joint program with other groups in the synagogue, including sisterhood.Sponsor Synagogue Selichot Speaker (9/17/2022). Men's Club members lead daily minyan services to enable congregants to say Kaddish.Provide Kiddush Cups for all Bar Mitzvah boys in the congregation.3/25/2023. Men's Club lead the Shabbat Morning Service, read torah and chanted the haftorah.Take Me Out To The Ball Game. 7/6/2023. Sponsor father-child groups to attend Lake County Captain's Baseball game.Participated Event Heart Health with speaker Dr. Dale Levy. 3/19/2023. Collaborated with Temple Emanuel Brotherhood.Rum & The Rabbi. 12/14/2022. The event included studying bible verses with Rabbi Skoff. We send out emails and call new Men's Club members regarding upcoming events. We publish announcement in synagogue bulletin.YesYesYesTom Sudow7th Biennial KIO Meeting. 5/21/2023. Attended by Tom Sudow.Participated in joint World Wide Wrap event (2/12/2023) with Jewish communities in several Latin American countries.
382023-05-29 13:38TBHBE71.224.195.110Beth Hillel-Beth El Men'S Club - Wynnewood, PA (522)Samuel Brintvibrint@aol.comsynagogue softball leagueFJMC regional retreat was attended by Lester Shapiro and Lawrence Nathansonprovide shiva dinners and contributions in honor ofMen's Club and Sisterhood Shabbat servicesWorld Wide Wrap, building the Sukkah Village, decorating the Sukkah, Hanukah menorah lightingCook for a Friend, food collection for area food pantries, Tzedakah Gamesgrill / cook serve food outdoors at various community events, High Holiday usheringheld jointly with Sisterhoodworking with local church's as to joint programmingTzedakah GamesTzedakah Games, Phillies Game, Cub ScoutsScotch N. Steak, Drinks, Dinner & Discussion with Rabbi WitkovskyJosh Schachter and Benji Goldstein, Co-Presidentsdirect emails to core group (monthly), targeted Men's Club email blasts, inserts in weekly congregational emails, flyersNoNoNoLester Shapiro, regional PresidentLawrence Nathanson, regional VP, on inclusion initiative committeeMOTY - Howard Elgart, Scott Feuer, Alan Horowitz, Jeremy Heller, Jay Perlmansome members will be attending the international convention in Phila
372023-05-28 22:59jepstein68.133.19.214Brotherhood of Temple Beth Tzedek - Buffalo, NY (1226)Jonathan Epsteinjepstein@buffnews.comWe went on a hike on the Eternal Flame Trail in Chestnut Ridge State Park in Orchard Park, NY on Oct. 2, led by member Gil WolfeThree of us attended regional retreat in October. I attended LDI.We have actively co-hosted holiday programs with TBT Kesher Committee, for outreach to members in needWe hosted Men's Club Shabbat on April 1, 2023We are routinely working to identify younger men to bring into the club and encourage them to be active.We held a family BBQ and attendance at the Buffalo Bisons baseball game last summer (and will do so again this summer)We have routinely collaborated on programs with the Congregation Shir Shalom Men's Group (Reform) in a bid to recruit them.We held Steak and Scotch in the Sukkah on Oct. 13, 2022Jonathan D. EpsteinWe regularly send out emails of our programs to our members and the broader shul, and also use the TBT newsletterNoNoNoJonathan D. EpsteinJonathan D. Epstein, Clubs Committee; David Schiller, Israel committeeJonathan Epstein will attend Man-of-the-Year next month. Three attended a regional social gathering in Erie, Pa.Raised $2,500 for the Abayudaya and brought in Buffalo Jewish Federation for another $5,000. Raised awareness.
362023-05-28 18:35jaysalinger134.238.179.206Temple Israel of Natick Men's Club - Natick, MA (733)Jay Salingersalinger29@yahoo.comWe had an HMV on the topic of Mental Health on May 10, 2023David Singer attended regional retreat and international conventionBuilt sukkah, Led Build-a-pair, WWW.Held Blood drive. Delivered food to the needy. FInd raiser for Ukranian refugeesWe have promoted, attended, and catered breakfast at Sunday Minyan when the synagogue was having trouble getting a minyan,Men's club shabbat March 4, 2023Led nature hikes after religious schoolDiscussed our programs with "sub-regional" leaders. Send some HMV outlines to Newton, Worcester, and Framingham Clubs.Scotch in the sukkahDavid Landmanregular group emails, temple newsletter, plus we post to the temple facebook page to entice non members to join the funNoNoNoDavid Singer, international secretary10 members attended Keep of the Flame
352023-05-28 12:32jonlschwartz12.233.98.11Beth El Men's Club - South Orange, NJ (945)Jon Schwartzjonlschwartz1@gmail.comMen's Club currently maintains both a softball and basketball team. We also sponsor CPR training that is open to all membersWe invite regional reps to our annual Burgers & Beer event. We also have members on the Regional board (Scott Horowitz),n/aWe run the annual Mishloach Manot program with sisterhood. Regular events called "Bible and Booze" in which we study with our rabbis (with adult beverages)regular "blizzard brigade," shoveling out members and local families in need. `Annual Men's Club Shabbat; Ushers for services; building and dismantling sukkahMen's Club Shabbat — annual event, including Friday night, Saturday morning and havdalah servicesn/aMaintain a "How to lead a service" program. n/an/aAnnual Steak and Scotch during Sukkot is a major fundraiser. Also regular bible study. Current president (Josh Mandell) is staying in his position for at least another year. Jon Schwartz has agreed to be next presidMonthly email to all members of listserv. Also maintain a robust Facebook presence. YesYesNoScott Horowitz, recording secretaryJon Schwartz — Man of Year event. We had more than 10 members attend, as well. Created a multi-pronged World Wide Wrap program. Led sessions with our Hebrew school students, explaining tfillin and showing them how to put them on. Then held a tzedakah drive during the minyan on the World Wide Wrap day. beth-el-mens-club.xls (66 KB)
342023-05-27 11:26jstark9174.44.33.240Huntington Jewish Center, Huntington, NYJeff Starkjstark9@optonline.netCollaborated with HJC inclusion committee to build ramp in sanctuary and purchase of hearing assistance devicesScott Herskovitz attended LDI training Aug 2022. Visit from Metro president Dec 2022 and May 2023Participated in programs with sisterhood: Taste of Passover, Purim carnival, Hanukkah happening.Annual building of HJC's Sukkah, sponsored RS Build-a-Pair program. Joint program with Religious school at NY Holocaust MuseumAssist HJC's active JNN program to make lunches and deliver to Helping Hands Missons throughout the year.Inspected and cleaned HJC tallisimParticipated with sisterhood in HJC's Men club/Sisterhood shabbatYounger men's club member organized "Beer and Bible" social event at Six Harbors Brewery Annual family day at NY Mets game. Father-child ice skating eventConducted steak and scotch sukkah event at which the HJC rabbi led a lighthearted discussion on how to cut bamboo. Scott HerskovitzEmails sent to all club members informing them of meetings and events. Information is also provided in HJC BulletinNoYesNoAttended Man of the year event: June 2022 Jeff Stark, Ofer Rind, Larry Feibel, Dan Schoeffler
33 (draft)2023-05-25 19:50beztkin68.195.35.141North Shore Jewish Center Men's Club - Port Jefferson Sta., NY (894)Benjamin Etkinbetkin@optonline.netNoNoNo
322023-05-25 17:07newman911108.24.78.18Temple Beth Sholom Men's Club - Cherry Hill, NJ (561)Nuri Boardmanganuri@gmail.comWe have 3 teams in the Softball League that runs from April to JulyMultiple members will be attending Convention including Joe Swerdlow, Marc Cohen, and Nuri BoardmanWe had a joint event with Sisterhood on Bowling Event 12/5/2022Mitzvah Day on Martin Luther King Day - 1/15/2023 - We made chemo bags for local hospitalUshered for Rosh Hashanah And Yom KippurMens Club Shabbat weekend on jan 20th and jan 21stSteak and Scotch in the Sukkah on thursday oct 13th 2022Nuri BoardmanWe have weekly blasts that we send out via constant contactYesYesYesMarc CohenJoe Swerdlow
312023-05-25 13:30MarkRosenson75.187.80.10Tifereth Israel Men'S Club - Columbus, OH (303)Mark Rosensonmrosen3216@aol.comSeveral members go on bike rides of various lengths at various locations in Central Ohio from April to early Novembera. FJMC regional retreat autumn 2022Annual Men's Club Sisterhood ShabbatYad Shel Chai program Hold monthly Shabbat service at an assisted living home. A few of our members now reside there. Provide ushers for services, do a clean up and organizing projectSaturday morning Men's Club Shabbat (See #2) Attended a Columbus Clippers and a Columbus Blue Jackets game with families includedOur Men's Club and Temple Israel (Reform) planted flags at the Veteran's graves for Memorial Day Steak, Salmon & Scotch in the SukkahOpen E-mail our members on upcoming activities. We work with our program director to also include our info in shul publications YesNoYesMark Rosenson Man of the Year Annual Event May 21, 2023Participated in an international WWW with KIO and several South American synagogues.
302023-05-24 17:20behemmer71.255.224.174Olam Tikvah Men's Club - Fairfax, VA (1147)Barry Hemmerdingerbehemmer@gmail.comHearing Men's voices - Inerfaith families5+ at RetreatFundraiser - Casino NightSold Sukkah Kits. Built Sukkahs. Built Sukkah at group homeHigh Holiday ushers. Weeding cleaning upFriday Night Men's club shabbat with family shabbat dinnerinterfaith focused hearing men's voicesKahoot Trivia night. Kickball gameNationals Baseball GameNatonals Baseball - invite extended to regional men's clubs. At least 3 other men's were represented Sukkot / Jewished themed Kahoot triva wit hbeer and snacks in the SukkahBarry Hemmerdinger - 2nd termemail newsletter. Event reminders. Facebook page. Annual Event Postcard.NoYesYesBob Watts International ExecutiveBarry Hemmerdinger - Seaboard Blue Yarmulke
292023-05-24 15:53DanHirsch69.114.252.146Neve Shalom Men's Club - Metuchen, NJ (962)Daniel Hirschdanhirsch518@gmail.comWe conducted a HMV program on 11/10/2022 led by Jeff Schulman on the need for men to talk to each other. Basic support systems.Two of our members (Hirsch, Schulman) went to retreat, and will also attend Convention.We taught the Hebrew school about Tefillin on We organized a bike ride with the Central Jersey Bike Club in June, 2023The Men's club assists with set up and breakdown for the high holy days, the sukkah, engages in clean up effortsWe organized and hosted a men's club shabbat on March 18. We participated and helped organize a softball game in the commnity. The Men's Club held a "welcome back BBQ" and assisted the USY in a an annual carwashWe held steak and scotch in the sukkah on October 13. Keith Boxer We routinely communicate to our regulars via text and to our entire community via email.YesYesNoJeff SchulmanJeff Schulman, Stu Mantel
282023-05-24 14:22bealbert165.225.38.251Beth El Men's Club - East Windsor, NJ (980)Brian Albertbealbert@yahoo.comHearing Men's VoicesBob Held attended training with the regionLead a World Wide Wrap tutorial for the club and Religious School togetherAt Synagogue-wide Mitzvah Day the Men's Club leads the Cemetery Clean-up activitiesUshering on High Holidays, Cook/Grill for synagogue functionsWe ran Men's Club Shabbat on Parsha YitroSippin' in the SukkahBrian AlbertWrite an article in the monthly synagogue builletin. Publish events to a Men's Club email distribution ListNoYesNoBob Held Regional Officer, Rob Blitzer Regional OfficerWe attend Man of the Year
272023-05-24 14:20donbocce144.160.228.100Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael Men'S Club - Springfield, NJ (921)Glenn Wohldonbocce@gmail.comImplemented inclusion signage on property for 2022 High Holidays. Rabbi's Day 1 RH sermon spoke to inclusion.David Glass, Paul Peyser, and Glenn Wohl attended Quad-Region retreat in June 2022.Conducted World Wide Wrap program in conjunction with Women's League.Put up and took down Sukkah for Sukkot.Men's Club Shabbat to be held on June 10, 2023. Earlier dates not available due to large number of B'nai Mitzvah.Steak and Scotch in Sukkah on October 2, 2022.Glenn WohlMonthly emails to membership. Inclusion of events in weekly Temple e-newsletter. Calendar published on website on club page.YesYesNoDavid Glass, President NNJR regionDavid Glass and Paul Peyser attended Man-of-the-Year event.
262023-05-22 13:36agouraguy75.223.227.159Temple Etz Chaim, Thousand Oaks CAIrwin Barneyirwinbarney1@gmail.comHMV program was conducted on Jun 14 on mentoring -- "who were your mentors, advisors, guides"Mark Goldstein, club Vice President, attended LDI. Several other senior club members attended as well.Led Friday evening and Saturday morning Shabbat services jointly with our Sisterhood on Chol HaMoed Pesach.Conducted Build A Pair program prior to, and during, the World Wide Wrap.During the Temple's Mitzvah Day, our club participated in providing sandwiches for Harbor House, which services the homelessOur club provides ushers for every Shabbat service, as well as the ushers for all High Holiday servicesLed Friday evening and Saturday morning services on Shabbat ShuvahCreated and promoted new scholarship program to support camp attendance and other youth leadership activitiesConducted annual Steak, Scotch and Bible BBQ in our Temple's Sukkah on October 12.Mark Goldstein, our Vice President, has agreed to serve as our next President.Multiple: Temple email blasts; regular mail; regular club email blastsYesYesNoBenny Sommerfeld and Gary Katz are elected EC vice presidents
252023-05-16 06:22miltonlipitz2474.101.175.217Beth El Men's Club - Cedarhurst, NY (831)Milton Lipitzmlipitz121@gmail.comNorthwell Health Exercise Program started 7/24/22 "How to Stay Young Forever"; Biking-M/C President bikes with membersOngoing discussions with Pres NY Metro Division on programs; Attend FJMC Conv. 6/29-7/2"How to Run a Minyan"-Advanced and Beginners classes-Tuesday/Thursday Evenings-Run by M/C Member-Attendees M/C and SisterhoodOrganized several programs together-Guest Speaker 10/30/22; Veteran's Shabbat 11/12/22; and Jewish Trivia 2/26/23Bible Study with Rabbi/Wed. mornings; Organized Veteran's Shabbat; Kristallnacht; Chanukah Candle Lighting Prog; visit to OHELVolunteered to usher during holidays; Clean up campaign prior to holidays; and provide Moriah films to Congregants; 4/22/23-30 Participants -Speaker-"US Supreme Court Considers Issues of Sabbath Observance"; Honored "Man of the Year"2/12/23-WWW Program where students from Hewlett East Rockaway Jewish Center joined our youth to learn how to lay Tefillin Attended NY Mets Games 8/9/22 and 5/31/23; Fathers/Grandfathers and Children/Grandchildren; approx.30 attendees for both gamesNorhtwell Collaborative Program-7/24/22 and 3/19/23-Temple Israel; Sons of Israel; HERJC; Shaaray Shalom; JCC; Beth El; & HillelMilton Lipitz-Updated Chaverot on 8/26/22 & 5/16/23"News and Notes"; Letters; Flyers; and E-mails to Congregants; M/C Website; Quarterly Newsletter (The Messenger); NoYesYesMilton Lipitz-Pres. of Temple Beth El's Men's Club-Appointed to Board of Directors International FJMC 22-23; and from 23-25 Milton Lipitz-Men' Club Shabbat-Subcommittee of Board of Directors International Committee"Man of the Year" events held on 6/12/22 and 6/11//23-Virtual Events; Attend FJMC Biennial Int'l Convention 6/29/23-7/2/23messenger-jan._feb._mar_0.docx (13 KB)
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242023-05-12 09:20hfreed96.241.147.52Har Shalom Men's ClubHarold Freedhiphal2@verizon.net45 member Golf Group plays twice a week and has breakfast every Thursday. 2 to 4 groups play. Hal Freed, and others, attended the June 2022 Seaboard Region RetreatMen's Club held Joint monthly Sunday Speaker Brunches with the SisterhoodWe held our annual Sukkah Kit sale to members of the congregation. Three kits were sold. Men's club provides usher and greeters to assist in Shabbat servicesOur annual Men's Club Shabbat was held on Apriil 15, 2023We have poker group and encourage involvement by younger members. They not only play poker; but also go out with their wives. Steve SchusterWe email a monthly newsletter to our membership and provide input for the monthly Congregation newsletter YesYesYesRichard Sternberg is the Seaboard Region TreasurerHal Freed is the Programming Co-Chairman for the 2023 FJMC ConventionVic Cohen and Rob Singman, attended and were honored at the Seaboard BYPOY Brunch held on Apri 23, 2023.We have contributed to the Abayudaya Jewish Community in Uganda and Hal Freed attend meetings with the Rabbi from Abayudaya
232023-05-10 20:15irakizner173.70.142.10Highland Park Conservative Temple Men's Club - Highland Park, NJ (910)Ira Kiznerikizner347@gmail.comBowling with IDF Soldiers 11/07/22 a.Quad Regional Retreat Larry K and Al D b.LDI Larry KLearning with the Rabbi. Torah on Tap 02/26/23Delivered Food to Feed Homeless Men in New Brunswick. 02/12/23Ushers Provided for all services during High Holidays.Mens Club Shabbat Saturday morning services. 03/25/23Scholarships provided, as a result of proceeds from Yellow Candle distribution, to help send our youth to summer camp.Wraps and Whiskey in the Succah.Monthly Club flyers sent in the temple mailing to all congregants on upcoming programsYesYesYesNNJR Regional Vice President Larry Klioze, FJMC Board of Directors Al DavisInternational Convention Committee Larry Klioze, Hearing Mens Voices Committee Al DavisMany attendees at the Man of The Year Dinner.
222023-05-10 19:38Committ98769.160.252.197Barry Goldschmidtbarrygoldschmidt@aol.comWe had a Hearing Men's Voices discussion session on 1/8/23 where we discussed how we dealt with the COVID pandemic.the seaboard FJMC retreat at Pearlstone Center on 6/24-6/26we sponsored a joint Shabbat dinner with the Beth Israel sisterhood on 11/11/22.we held a paper shredding event for the community on 5/7/23we provided ushers for the high holiday services, we helped distribute Yellow Candles, built the succah, and prepare event mealswe had our Brotherhood Shabbat service on 3/18/23. The guest speaker was the director of the Baltimore Jewish Councilwe had our steak or salmon, and scotch dinner in the sukkah 10/13, where the rabbi discussed the meaning of sukkotTBDclub's program are on shul divrei at least once a month, and on shabbat service programs, emails have been sent to membershipNoYesNoJerry Benesch was 2023 Blue Yarmulke honoree on 4/23/23brotherhoodroster_2022-2023.xlsx (88 KB)
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212023-05-08 01:34bflenett35.140.120.189Beth Shalom Men'S Club - Clearwater, FL (1328)Blake Lenettblake.lenett@verizon.netHeld Hearing Men's Voices program on 3/19/23 to discuss the origins of Chassidism. Attended Regional LDI and Club Training on 4/30/23.Held Veteran's Shabbat service for Veteran's Day on 11/12/22.Co-sponsored Chanukah Celebration and Purim Gala with Sisterhood.Sunday morning Men's Torah Study Group to discuss a variety of theological subjects which are addressed from the Bima.Participated in Reverse Tashlich beach cleanup before Rosh Hashanah.Installed new mulch on shul playground; put up and took down Sukkah; provided security for Shabbat and Holidays.Held Brotherhood Shabbat on Saturday, 2/4/23.Held Wine Tasting Event on 12/3/22 for interfaith families. Participated in International Interfaith Day of Peace event.Hosted the Annual Lag B'Omer Family BBQ on 5/9/23 with water slide and games for the kids.Jewish Heritage Night with Tampa Bay Lightning on 12/15/22. Donated proceeds from Yellow Candles to Religious School.Hosted Italian Nite (dinner and entertainment) with nearby Men's Clubs on 11/13/22.Pets and Suds in the Sukkah event held on 10/13/22.David SadowskyGroup E-mails; Robo-calls; Synagogue Website; Facebook; Shabbat handouts; Event flyers.YesYesYesBlake Lenett - President Florida RegionBlake Lenett - Regional Presidents CouncilFlorida Region Jewish Heritage Night with Tampa Bay Lightning on 12/15/22Participated in International Day of Peace at Weaver Park on 9/21/22. The theme was "End Racism, Build Peace" and there was speakers from different faiths, live music, a Taoist Tai Chi demonstration, and a candlelight vigil.
202023-05-07 15:57zmost7198.116.113.220Plainview Jewish Center Men's Club - Plainview, NY (854)Joel Moskowitzjmosk1016@aol.comWalk for a Cause, held once a year. Nov 6, 2022 is a two mile walk in order to raise funds for the Island Harvest food Pantry.6b. Shea Lerner attended an LDI training course from 2-23 to 2-5-23 at Reistertown Md.PJC does work with our clergy in order to hold and attend Shiva services for our members.PJC Joint Program was held on March 11,2023N/A Several times during each month we make food kits for the poor and deliver them to Island Harvest in Suffolk County.Our Men's club serves as Ushers for High Holiday Services.N/AN/A Please note at PJC,the Rabbi does not encourage our Men's club to welcome and hold interfaith discussions, that is his role.We organize Dinner events in order to attract younger men to join and to lead programs within our club.N/ATexas Holdem tournament held with Midway Jewish Center in order to raise funds for both temples, held Jan 17th, 2023Steak and Scotch with ritual for the holiday of Sukkot, held in our Sukkah on October 13, 2022. Stuart HaimesRegular communications conducted via email, synagogue newsletter, electronic print, The Orbit and Hakol and website.YesYesYes18b. Stuart Haimes and Shea LernerN/AMan-of-the Year event Bruce Elowsky, Jeff ReissN/A
192023-05-06 14:47jayseliber155.201.44.251Marlboro Jewish Center Men'S Club- Marlboro, NJ (976)Jay Seliberjseliber001@yahoo.comHearing Men's Voices program run on April 30, 2023 - Baseball as a Road to God. We also ran a biking event in October 2022Len Whitman and Lance Adelson attended regional retreat at Camp Zeke in Poconos, PA in June 2022We jointly participated with Sisterhood in running our temple blood drive event on February 8, 2023We conducted the Build-a-Pair program with our 6th grade HS students, as well as the Build-a-Grager program with our 4th gradersThrough our Haimisha Helper program, we helped an elderly community member clean out his houseFrequently assist temple - building sukkahs, BBQ'ing for Back-to-Shul night, cook latkes for Hanukkah event, sell Passover wineWe ran a Men's Club shabbat service on March 24, 2023We participated in a joint Men's Club program on a LEGO program about the Holy Temple - Temple Beth Ahm and 3 other templesWe held our Sports Bar in the Sukkah event on October 13, 2022, as well as a Steak & scotch dinner on October 20, 2022We regularly send e-mails to our extended membership list about upcoming events and newsletters, and share flyers w/ NNJR regionNoYesNoLen Whitman, VP Rosh South for NNJR regionNumerous members attended the Man of the Year event on December 11, 2022We contributed funds to help allow members from the Abayudaya community to participate the FJMC conventionblood_drive_2023.jpg (486 KB)
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182023-05-02 12:14Briesenberg98.62.66.75Etz Chaim Men's Club - Marietta, GA (1711)Barry Riesenbergbriesenberg@gmail.comEtz Chaim fields — not one, but TWO — softball teams in the Atlanta Jewish LeagueEtz Chaim had the highest number of participants at the Anshei Darom Regional Retreat Trivia Night held off-site at a local restaurant with more than 40 attendeesMen's Club initiated a new Monday with the Rabbi Torah Study after morning MinyanEtz Chaim Men's Club member led synagogue members in citywide Fun RunMen's Club provides ushering and members lead services on High Holidays and throughout the yearConducted services for Men's Club Shabbat on March 12, 2023Men's Club sponsored sports outings: Atlanta Braves, Thrashers hockey and Shoot-the-Hootch rafting to attract younger membersSteak-and-Scotch (and Tequila and Bourbon) in the Sukkah; Torah-on-Tour with the Rabbi at a local BreweryMathew NathanCorresponding Secretary posts Men's Club programs in monthly Etz Cham Newsletter (Voice of Chaim) and in weekly e-blastsYesYesNoAlan Lightstone is Anshei Darom Regional President
172023-04-30 17:40jonzimmer12.208.23.226Kol Ami Brotherhood - Tampa, FL (1357)Jonathan Zimmerjonzimmer3@gmail.comA. Camping outing over Labor Day weekend w/ hiking. B. HMV session about men's health issues---ED and general health. FJMC Florida Regional training in Boca Raton on 4/20/23, attended by Jon ZimmerWe held a Brotherhood/Sisterhood Shabbat weekend where members led services, read Torah, etc"Torah on Tap" Torah study on that weeks parsha w/ Rabbi Marc Blatt at a local restaurant/bar. Our "Chai Guys" meets monthly to do clean-ups for the shul. Pulling weeds and beautifying the garden, pressure washing the shulWe did, but as above listed, co-ran it w/ Sisterhood.Aforementioned camping. Attracted a few newer families w/ young kids that attended. Group attendance at a MLB (TB Rays) and a NHL (TB Lightning) game, open to families, organized by BrotherhoodSteaks and Scotch in the Sukkah during Sukkot, Rabbi Marc Blatt led a drash/discussionWe have an active club FB page, send out e-mails, update our page on the shul website, are in the synagogue's "Weekly Watch" YesYesYesJon Zimmer---Yellow Candle chairman, Florida FJMC
162023-04-30 13:25jsaltsberg71.190.46.143Midway Jewish Center Men's Club - Syosset, NY (890)Jason Saltsbergjsaltsberg@olshanlaw.comWe hold a monthly Hearing Men's Voices session on the first Tuesday of each month led by members of our club.Jonathan Brody and Michael Korgood attended the regional retreat.Co-hosted two guest speaker programs with our Sisterhood. Participated in an axe throwing fundraiser to benefit the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation.Coordinate and provide greeters for High Holiday services.Organizing and hosting Shabbat on May 13, 2023 to coincide with recognition of our Man of the Year and Youths of the YearFamily bike riding event to be held on June 4.Family event to New York Islanders game.Poker night with Men;s Club from Temple Beth TorahScotch, steak and seder event prior to Passover where our rabbi leads a discussion on how to make your seder more meaningfulMichael KorgoodWeekly e-mail send to our club's e-mail distribution list.YesYesYesJonathan Brody - Regional Vice PresidentJonathan Brody - Yellow Candle and Torch AwardAnnual New York Metro Region Awards event
152023-04-30 10:47jbrajer50.198.50.253North Suburban Beth El Men's Club - Highland Park, IL (614)Jori Brajerjbrajer@gmail.comBefore Shabbat backyard session following Highland Park July 4th Parade Shooting, providing a place to support/bond/decompressClub attendance at the Midwest Region RetreatCo-sponsored virtual Game and Trivia Night programsSponsored inclusive classes to teach Hagbah lifting technique to those who were interested to doing Hagbah during Torah service.active leadership role in Moat Chitim food packing and delivery and worked with the clergy to do food donations pickupServes as door monitors for Synagogue services and usher coordinatorsShabbat dinner, Saturday morning services, Saturday night program and Sunday learning session.Local Men’s Club softball league, Commissioner is a Club memberAt recurring Kiddush Club, inject learning and Ruach, through singing, learning and discussion.Jori BrajerWeekly club and Synagogue emails and articles in the Synagogue bulletinYesYesYesMarc Richards, Midwest Region Financial SecretaryBarry Kravitz honoree for Man of the Year, multiple club members attended eventcontribute funds to the Abayudaya community, several synagogue projects including a club board member son's Mitzvah project
142023-04-28 10:30DiamondMC32.213.190.202Beth El Temple Men's Club - West Hartford (217)Dave Diamonddaviddiamond2@comcast.netThe Beth El Men's Club runs a twice weekly "Walk Around the Reservoir", weather permitting,New England Region annual Retreat at Camp Ramah held in June 2022.Support of local Connecticut Immigrant and Refugee Coalition (CIRC), making a significant donation this past year.Led Saturday morning services on December 3, 2022, and sponsored the luncheon.Several programs were organized by younger board members: Fantasy Football League, Indoor Golf Outing, Sports personalities.Fantasy Football League draft and season long activity attracted many parents their children.10/23/22 Joint Breakfast Program with Emanuel Synagogue Brotherhood (W. Hartford) at a church which previously was a synagogue. Ribeye and Red Wine in the Sukkah on 10/13/22.Arthur FreedmanSynagogue bi-monthly newsletter, weekly e-blasts of activities, Facebook announcements, Men's Club e-mails to its members.YesYesYesMarty Melnick: Co-chair of recruiting reform and orthodox synagogues. Chair recruiting international clubs.Sunday, November 6, 2022 - FJMC-CTV Keeper of the Flame Brunch. Attended by multiple members, including Dave Diamond
132023-04-24 15:19hondoman1824.253.154.53Temple Israel Men'S Club - Norfolk, VA (1121)Norman Sorokonsoroko@cox.netAttended the Norfolk Tides Baseball Game and went on a walk through Seashore State park in Va. Beach, Va.Our President and Vice President attended the Seaboard Region Retreat last July in Pearlstone Our club leads the Shiva Minyans in person or zoom pending on the families comfortability and Provide Psalm Readings at deathMen's Club Shabbat was done Jointly with the Sisterhood on May 13th coming up.We do a Tuesday morning Torah Study on zoom with our Rabbi and Torah at the Beach one Monday night a month.We so twice a year a huge food drive and school supplies drive for Jewish Family Service and Granby Elementary School in NorfolkWe do weekly Shabbat Ushering and ushering at the High HolidaysBesides a Shabbat jointly with Sisterhood, we do our own in the winter months. LAst one was December , 2022We invite all new young members to a free membership to partake in Minyan and Shabbat Services.We also give money to send kids to Camp Ramah or JCC Camp in our area. Let the families choose.We do a summer event with Beth El Norfolk each AugustWe do Hot Dogs and Hamburgers in the Sukkah every year and invite new families to join us.James GordonWeeekly emails go out to the congregation and monthly in our bulletins advising of all of our programs.YesYesYesRichard Yanku is a Regional VP of Seaboard.Blue Yarmulke Person of the Year at Rodef Shalom on May 7th.
122023-04-23 12:19jepstein68.133.19.214Brotherhood of Temple Beth Tzedek - Buffalo, NY (1226)Jonathan Epsteinjepstein@buffnews.comOur club held a hike on the Eternal Flame trail in Chestnut Ridge Park in Orchard Park, NY, on Oct. 2, 2022Both a regional retreat in October 2022 with KIO, and LDI in February 2023. Both in person.Working on planning for activity for upcoming year. Had plan for one this past year, but it fell through.We participated in World Wide Wrap by helping to teach the children in the Community Religious School about tefillin.Co-host & support TBT's Kesher Committee Outstretched Arms Chanukah, Purim and Pesach holiday programs for Jews w/special needsWe organized and hosted a Men's Club Shabbat on April 1, 2023 (Saturday morning), with kiddush afterwardsTBT Brotherhood hosted a trip to the Buffalo Bisons baseball game last summer, open to families.Worked with nearby Reform congregation men's club to co-sponsor and co-promote events.We hosted a Steak and Scotch in the Sukkah on Oct. 13, 2022Jonathan D. EpsteinRegular and frequent group emails, local club page on regional website, synagogue website, synagogue newsletterNoNoYesJonathan Epstein, regional presidentJonathan Epstein, FJMC Clubs CommitteeJonathan Epstein, Scott Herman and Dwight Thomas at regional retreat, Jonathan Epstein at Man-of-the-YearPromote and contribute significant funds toward the Abayudaya. Member David Schiller participates in FJMC Israel committee
112023-04-21 17:48elovitzclan75.164.52.236Neveh Shalom Men'S Club - Portland, OR (1097)Mitch Elovitzelovitzclan@comcast.netBike Ride August 7th 2022Mitch Elovitz attended LDI in August 2022 and Western Region FJMC Shabbaton in March 2022Dinner in the Sukkah October 11 2022Beer and Torah November 2022Toilet Paper Drive benefitting Neighborhood House a Social Service Agency 12/2022Built Synagogue Sukkah October 9th 2022Occurring May 19th 2023All families or Men of Neveh Shalom get a one year complementary membership to Men's club and are included in all of our events.Monthly get togethers at bars/restaurants in the area, one of which was axe throwing attracting younger men.Night of baseball to the Hops a A league team is scheduled for July 9th 2023Joint poker game with Shaare Torah another Conservative synagogue in PortlandPotluck dinner in the Sukkah, Beer and Torah monthly.Jake SheffEmail, text, Instagram, Facebook, Newsletter of synagogue, Email from synagogue.YesYesYesMitch Elovitz Regional Administrative Vice PresidentMitch Elovitz Yellow Candle Committee and Quality ClubRegional Retreat in March of 2022
102023-04-21 16:00ScotF155.70.104.121B'Nai Amoona Men'S Club - St. Louis, MO (631)Scot Fowlerscot.a.fowler@gmail.comHearing Men's Voices - Male Health with Dr. Ronan LevMidwest Region FJMC Retreat (May 13-15th, 2022), LDI - Baltimore (August 19-21st, 2022)Men's Club/Sisterhood sponsored the Staff Chanukah Recognition Luncheon (December 21, 2022)2023 World Wide Wrap (February 12, 2023), Build-A-Pair Program (February 5, 2023), 2023 Men's Club Shabbat (March 4, 2023)Men's Club and Sisterhood share responsibilities every week performing Floor/Bimah Gabbais duties2023 Men's Club Shabbat (March 4, 2023)B'nai Amoona Men's Club provides necessary funding for all Jewish boys and girls who want to attend Jewish Summer Camps2023 Bnai Amoona/Kol Rinah Man & Youth of the Year Luncheon, (March 12, 2023)Axe Throwing with the Mohel (January 26th, 2023)Scot FowlerMonthly Group Emails, Monthly Boys Night Out Marketing via Google Forms, Shul Website, Emails, Shul NewslettersNoYesYesCreighton Cohn - Midwest Region President, Jay Englander - Midwest Region Vice President, Mark Givarz - 2023 Convention Co-ChairCreighton Cohn - Chicago and St. Louis Man & Youth of the Year events (March 26, and March 12, 2023)
92023-04-19 13:32savictor73.75.242.124Congregation Beth JudeaSanford Victorsandy_victor@hotmail.comMonthly shul wide exercise program. Hearling Men's Voices Jan 15 bouncing back from pandemic.3 members attended the 2/3-5, 2023 LDI.Run a Minyan of Comfort program for the shul in support of shivas.Ran a joint program with our Sisterhood for Hanukah called "Taters and Tequila". It invovled latke and Tequilla tastings. Built sukkah for use by the shul and a second drive thru sukkah. The drive through sukkah was manned by Men's Club members.Collected and provided food to the Ark that supports needy persons at the High holidays.Sponsor shul website.Held a Men's Club Shabbat service on April 8.Sunday morning breakfast when dropping of kids at school. Sisterhood runs a program for women at the same time.Current President's term is from July 2022 till June 2024.Our Men's Club has a Facebook page and sends out emails to the memebership identfying Club activities.YesYesYesEric Yegelwel is a Midwest Regional Vice President and Ron Friedman is the Corresponding Secretary.Orin Rotman and Sandy Victor are co-chairs of the FJMC Minyan of Comfort committee.Man/Youth of the Year program is hosted at our shul on March 26.
82023-04-15 07:12gkeimach76.152.194.54Temple Israel of Sharon Brotherhood - Sharon, MA (738)Gary Keimachgkeimach@comcast.netSunday morning hiking series led by one of our members; HMV theme for this year: Inclusion & Diversity. 7 Members attended NERFJMC Retreat at Camp Ramah in Palmer, MA last June. Two of which led a program at the retreat.We deliver a shiva meal to any Brotherhood member and/or spouse who experiences a loss.Burgers & Beer in the Sukkah was held in conjunction with our Sisterhood.We build the sukkah for the congregation to enjoy each year.Deliver food to home bound people on Thanksgiving and Christmas; 20+ members participate; through HESSCO.We provide ushers for High Holiday services. We helped the new Rabbi move in and out of his apartment.Brotherhood Shabbat; this year in two parts due to COVID. Includes: Scholar in Residence; Sat. evening concert; Shabbat Kiddush Two of our members are Chair of the Temple's Inclusion Committee. Our HMV theme this year was focused on Inclusion.Outing to a local Pinball Museum attracted young family participation.A team rides in Tour d' Shuls. They raise money personally and we overlay with our own donation to Camp Ramah's Tikvah program.Combined Charities Golf Tournament is now aligned with AJC, Amer. Friends Mogen David Adom, March of the Living.Jewish Routes Series: Our Rabbi interprets certain beliefs, rituals and customs as described in the Bible.Gary KeimachMonthly board meetings: agenda sent at least 7 days in advance by email; open to all members.YesYesYesKen Turkewitz, Exec Vice President NERFJMCElliot Feldman, Club Services and ExpansionKeeper of the Flame; this year's honoree was Sonny MichelsonNew England Friends of The March of the Livingbrotherhood_calendar_of_events_2022-2023_1.pdf (198 KB)
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72023-03-29 12:29arthurlashin68.80.220.115Beth Sholom Men'S Club - Elkins Park, PA (532)Arthur Lashinalashin@comcast.netHearing Men's Voices - Adjusting to Retirement LifeQuad Regional Retreat, Hersh Muchnick MAR LDI, FJMC LDIMen's Club Shabbat (April 1), World Wide Wrap, Sukkah Building, Leading Morning and Evening Daily MinyansHerb Soble Memorial Passover Food DriveShabbat GreetersApril 1 2023Trivia Night, Axe ThrowingMen's Club web page, Constant Contact, and phoneYesYesYesSteve Pilchik - Executive VP of the Middle Atlantic RegionArt Lashin - Yellow Candle Committee ChairSteve Pilchik and Art Lashin - Man/Youth of the Year Event Len Abrams - International Chair of World Wide Wrap, beth-sholom-men-s-club-elkins-park-pa-532-_combined.xlsx (73 KB)
62023-03-19 14:23bnai shalom66.234.199.216Congregation B'nai Shalom, Walnut Creek, CAJon Medwinpuckmansr@aol.comSponsored a HMV Program entitled "My Jewish Journey", detailing how our fathers influenced our identity as Jewish adults.Participated in August 2022 LDI Training at Pearlstone in MarylandThe CBS Men's Club held a joint program with Women of B'nai Shalom Scotch & Games in the Sukkah during Chol HaMoed Sukkot, 2022Provided CBS Men's Club members to serve as High Holiday Ushers in 2022.Conducted Men's Club Shabbat in June 2022 as well again on May 6, 2023.Outreach to younger men to help build Sukkah. Did the same for Yom HaShoah Candle Packing too. September 2022 & February 2023.Program with Temple Isaiah Brotherhood to celebrate Oakland A's Jewish Heritage Day 8/2023 & Super Bowl Watch Party. 2/2023.Conducted Salmon in the Sukkah as well as Games and Pizza in the Sukkah on seperate evenings during Sukkot in 2022.Jon MedwinWe use e-mail blasts to promote news and events at our club and we supplement these blasts with personal phone calls, as well.YesYesYesb. Jon Medwin, Western Region President 2021-2023Executive Committee 2021-2023Western Region Office of the President (planning) Meetings - Weekly July 2021-June 2023
52023-03-14 20:14aromano76.79.76.218Alex Romanoaromano@mac.comMovember Hike: Men's Health program, local hike with tie-in to Movember.org fund/awareness drive for men's health researchFJMC Retreat, Los Angeles, April 2022Wine Tasting in the SukkahBuild-A-Pair, Yad Shel ChaiOrganize High Holiday Ushers, Organize Purim CarnivalMarch 18, 2023Men's Club Pickle-BallMen's Club Pickle-BallWine Tasting in the SukkahJoel GoldmanMonthly or more frequently emails to Club membershipYesYesYesAlex Romano, Western Region Communications V.P.Alex Romano, FJMC Convention committee, Program Fair co-chair
4 (draft)2023-03-11 12:51mikep273.197.57.108Michael Perloffmikep2@comcast.netNoNoNo
2 (draft)2023-01-30 14:56bruce67.83.69.79Bruce Sichermanbruce@sibro.bizNoNoNo